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Конспект лекций по "Теоретической грамматике"

Автор:   •  Апрель 5, 2020  •  Курс лекций  •  6,903 Слов (28 Страниц)  •  721 Просмотры

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Тема 1.

Предмет теоретической грамматики. Взаимоотношения нормативной и теоретической грамматики. Основные грамматические единицы и понятия. Способы образования грамматических форм в английском языке формируют понятийный аппарат теоретической и прикладной лингвистики.        

Practical grammar gives a set of rules which should be followed by every speaker and writer if he wants to be understood by the native speakers of the language. The aim of theoretical grammar is:

- to present a theoretical description of the grammatical system of the language that is to analyse and define its grammatical categories,

-  to study the mechanisms of the grammatical formation of utterances,

- to analyse different views put forward by grammarians on different problems,

-to weight them out and find the most convincing way of serving them.

Two main planes (сферы)of the language. The plane of content (содержания) – comprises semantic elements of the language. The plane of expression (выражения) – comprises the material units of the language.

All the levels of the language are divided into 2 main parts: segmental (сегментарный) and suprasegmental (сверхсегментарный)

The segmental units form a hierarchy of levels: phonemic,  morphemic,  lexemic, phrasemic,  proposemic,  supra proposemic levels.

The suprasegmental units do not exist by themselves. They are realized together with the segmental units. Here we refer:  intonation, poses, stresses, patterns of word-order.

The main relations between the units of the language

There are two types of these relations:

Sentegmatic linear immediate relations between two words or word-groups one of which is modified by the other.  

Paradigmatic relations exist between the elements outside the stream where they occur.

Means of word forms derivation

Syntectical forms are represented by one element in structure and in content. There are three principle ways of syntactical word forms derivation:

* affixation (prefixation, infixation, suffixation) – the first two are non-productive means of word-form building. Suffixation is widely used in english for building grammatical forms.

* sound-alternation is changing a sound inside the root. It includes vowel gradation and consonant interchange.

 * suppletivity – the means of syntactical forms when the forms of the words are derived from different roots.

Analitical forms consist in using a word which is devoid in any lexical meaning of its own to express some grammatical category of another word.

Тема 2.

Умение и владение основными грамматическими, словообразовательными явлениями  и закономерностями функционирования изучаемого иностранного языка, его функциональных разновидностей развивается в связи с критериями, применяемыми при классификации слов по частям речи. Дескриптивный подход к установлению частей речи. Структуральный подход к проблеме классификации частей речи Ч. Фриза.  


Principle means of word-stock division

School and traditional grammar recognize 8 parts of speech. This classification is based on the latin grammar and on the works of greek grammarians. In one sense this description of the language is true because the word-classes which are mentioned in this classification really exist in the language. But the drawback of this classification is that the principles on which it is based are not convincing.

Hanry Sweet combined all these principles: meaning, form and function that is the semantic, the morphological  the syntactical principles.

Classical approach – the meaning determines certain structural patterns. American structural linguists take the opposite view – the general meaning common to nouns and other word classes is created by a similarity of occurrence in similar patterns.

Charls fries’s classification of the word-stock

He classifies words on the bases of the distributional criterion (on the ability of words to combine with words of different types). He classifies the word-stock on the bases of the structural meaning of words which is reveled with the help of structural signals such as: word-order, forms of words, functional words.

Ch. Fries had 50 hours of recorded speech. Besides 4 main classes Ch. Fries distinguished 154 functional words and grouped them into 15 groups according to their function.

Тема 3.

Знать, владеть современными подходами к вопросам темы «Существительное, его обобщенное грамматическое значение; морфологические признаки, синтаксические функции. Категория числа. Категория падежа» , теорией обучения современным подходам в обучении иностранным языкам, обеспечивающими развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций обучающихся, готовность к участию в диалоге культур, дальнейшее самообразование посредством изучаемых языков.


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