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Изобразительное искусство США

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Изобразительное искусство США

Специальность: Фармация

Дисциплина: Английский язык


Болдырева М.В., студент гр. 3-Б


Тимошенко Е.Р., преподаватель ИФК



2020-2021 уч. Год

History of the visual arts of the United States in the 20th century — this is the story of a continuous, fierce struggle between two directions of American art culture — progressive, realistic and openly reactionary, which has reached the extreme limits of degeneration.

In the first two decades of the 20th century in the history of the United States, the strengthening of the rule of capitalist monopolies unusually intensified and contradictions of artistic life. In the sphere of consistently bourgeois art, the same heterogeneous but far-from-life trends emerged and replaced each other as in the simultaneous art of Europe.

The old salon art gave way to art Nouveau, and then all sorts of purely formalistic experiences replaced this fleeting style. A strong impetus to the development of formalism in the United States was given by the huge "Arsenal exhibition" ("Armory Show"), organized in 1913 in New York (and then in Chicago and Boston) and demonstrated all the latest works of various formalist sculptors and painters of European countries.

However, the tradition of a large realistic style in 20th-century American art was not interrupted, and it resisted the expanded and strengthened artistic and ideological reaction. Despite the complexity and exceptional difficulties of the struggle to establish an interest in life in art and for the true truth of life, American realism has not lost its leading role to any new Hobbies. On the contrary, it was in the first decades of the 20th century. It has acquired a special critical sharpness.

The exponents of this advanced, fully imbued with the ideas of their time realistic trend were painters and graphic artists, United at the 1908 exhibition in New York in the group of "Eight". The work of its main representatives-Robert Henry, John Sloane, George lacks, William Glackens, as well as George Bellows, who later joined them-was one of the most remarkable phenomena in the history of American art. The group of eight performed in public life on the side of the progressive forces of the United States, which raised in the early 20th century. a protest against the reaction in political life, in literature and art. It is no accident that bourgeois critics have maliciously dubbed these artists "the school of the dustbin" or even "the revolutionary black gang".


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