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Дистанционное обучение: плюсы и минусы

Автор:   •  Ноябрь 27, 2021  •  Эссе  •  1,411 Слов (6 Страниц)  •  414 Просмотры

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Аманова Мадина.

In 2019 – 2020, the world was struck by another epidemic of coronavirus infection, which led to various transformations in all spheres of life. The consequences of these changes naturally affected education as well. The introduction of quarantine measures led to an urgent transition of the entire educational process to distance learning. In this situation, teachers had to develop both professionally and personally to take on new responsibilities, to perform new roles to meet the needs for learning and development of their students and society as a whole, as the teacher is the initiator and conductor of development and transformation in society.  

In essence, distance education is learning that takes place in a situation where the teacher and the student are separated by distance or time or both. To implement distance education today, a variety of technologies are used: video recordings, broadcast television, interactive videos, audio recordings and audio conferencing, web courses (online). The development and proliferation of the Internet and computer technology have revolutionized the concepts of education and training. Already today, «virtual high schools» in which the entire school has access to online courses are becoming a reality. But despite its popularity, online education is not without its problems. Distance education is not the same as learning in a face-to-face environment. Administering distance education programs requires different experiences, and for students, learning in a face-to-face environment is very different from learning online. Because of the growing demand for distance education and the unique experiences it creates, especially in a pandemic environment, it is important for secondary schools to know the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of such online learning [8].

In a traditional learning format, the teacher develops lessons and communicates their content to students who are learning in a face-to-face environment [7]. Because over a period of time, students are often offered activities that require them to be active rather than passively listening or observing [5]; this instructional approach fosters productive interaction among all class members. However, the face-to-face approach has a number of drawbacks, namely:  

1) it requires students and teacher to be in the same classroom;  

2) the information can be inconsistent;  

3) lack of flexibility; and, of course, the main problem is the varying levels of student learning in the classroom.  

Since each student comes to the classroom with different goals, expectations, experiences, and abilities within a particular topic, the usual one-size-fits-all course does not produce effective results in this situation. It is the shortcomings of this approach that have opened the door to alternative ways of learning in the form of web-based courses or online education [6].

Distance education is a set of distance technologies used in the recognized forms of education (full-time, part-time, distance learning). The purpose of distance education is to reduce the educational load on the teacher, to improve the quality of education. Distance learning system has become an extremely popular form of education due to its convenience and flexibility. It eliminates the main obstacle – it eliminates the need to attend classes according to a set schedule, preventing contacts of people in difficult epidemiological situations [2].

The process of distance learning is built mainly on the independent cognitive activity of students [1], but this does not cancel the importance of personal communication between children and the teacher. It is necessary to use such forms of learning that will motivate students to learn and at the same time compensate for the lack or even absence of direct communication of the teacher with the student.

To date, the following forms of distance learning are implemented for secondary schools:

Chat classes, which involve communication between students and the teacher through online conversations. They can be represented by text or audio messages, as a rule, for this purpose messengers What App, Te egram are used due to their ease of use, low cost and prevalence, or video chats, for which S ype or Z m platforms are used.

Web studies, which are also implemented via the Internet, but already in the form of webinars, distance lectures and even ready-made online lessons. The most popular and well-organized platforms are Russian Electronic School and Yandex.Textbook, which include the entire school course of lessons and represent an information and

Educational environment that unites the student, the teacher, and the parent. A huge plus of this form of education is that students receive both concrete material to study and the opportunity to check their knowledge after they have completed it. At the same time, parents and teachers can directly monitor the progress of learning.


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