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Английская музыка

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"Липецкий техникум сервиса и дизайна"

Индивидуальный проект

по английскому языку на тему:

«English music»


студентка группы Р2-17

Илькив Анастасия


преподаватель английского языка

Пешкова Е. А.


2018 г.

Тема исследования: «Английская музыка»

Цель исследования: Исследовать историю развития британской музыки,

зарождение музыкальных направлений, популярных в Англии.


  • изучить литературу о музыкальных стилях популярных в Англии,

Методы исследования:

  • наблюдение,
  • анализ статистики,
  • изучение СМИ, литературы и документальных фильмов.

Объект исследования: музыкальные направления, популярные в Англии.

Текст выступления (английский вариант )


The relevance of the development of the world music culture under the influence of British music is obvious, since Great Britain has always been for the rest of the world an exporter of original and exceptional musical ideas. It seems important to trace the development of the musical culture of Britain for several centuries. Naturally, this topic claims a detailed fundamental study.

However, the purpose of this study is to determine the origin and development of British music, as well as the study of the main trends in the history of world music.


Each nation has its own music, and I think that inside the music are all the features of the nation, it contains the key to understanding the soul of people.

Some fashion trends in popular music of the 20th and early 21st century, we owe UK. The fact is that the English were very receptive to American and African-American music: rock'n'roll, rhythm-n-blues and blues. The consequence was the "British invasion" of the early 1960s, when English groups inspired by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and other Americans literally captured the American and world pop market.

In my opinion, a serious study of American music at this time is very important. Music has become the leading American leading industry. American standards of performance are probably higher now than anywhere else in the world, and Americans are moving fast in music education.


At the heart of all popular music are folk songs and dances. Since ancient times in the UK, musical creativity has gradually been divided into different types: common folk music and music for the nobility, church music, sacral music, festive dances and military marches, wedding, agricultural, funeral songs, etc.

Popular music was formed on the basis, above all, of entertaining genres. Those songs that vagrant musicians performed in the Middle Ages to amuse the public at fairs, festivities, all kinds of love couplets and dance tunes can be considered the earliest forms of popular music. More serious genres, such as sacred music or all sorts of ceremonial works, became the basis of what is now called classical music.

In Western Europe, the form of the song developed, called a ballad. Most often it was a consistent story: the story of a person's life, a war, a description of the battle or tragic love. Often these ballads were combined with theatrical performances, were part of a performance.

In the UK in the 16th and 17th centuries, ballad-leaflets became widespread, that is, poems printed on paper with notes at the top of the sheet. These were already the first steps of show business, mass distribution of music. Folk music spreads like "herself": someone hears a song, remembers it and sings, then someone else hears a singing and remembers, etc. This is an uncontrolled process. But the replication of notes is an attempt at conscious, controlled distribution of music.

Modern British pop music belongs to an entire industry - a multitude of production structures through which a musical idea passes in order to eventually become a specific product and be sold to millions of people. And "ballad-leaflets" were the beginning of the folding of this complex system.


• Rock and roll in England

Although until the advent of bit music, England in the field of rock music could not make America any competition, the first rock record began to appear here in the 50's. The English rock'n'roll was most influenced by the skiffle. The first performer of rock and roll was Cliff Richards. The first English rock and roll hit is "Move It" by Cliff Richard.

• The birth of folk rock in England

Although in the times of the peak of the "British invasion", local music in America was ousted from the hit parades, the own rock scene continued to develop here. Based on the sound of vocal folk bands and folk artists of the 30-50s of the 20th century, folk performers of the early 1960s created their music, the most influential of them being Bob Dylan.

• British Blues

The origin of British blues took place in London in the middle of the 20th century, when this musical genre was considered a priority for black musicians. At that time, there was a keen interest in American culture in the United Kingdom, and in particular American blues and rock n 'roll. The organizers of the first British blues band "Blues Incorporated" were Alexis Corner and Cyril Davis, who initiated the formation of a new stylistic musical trend, called rhythm and blues. Among them are such stars as Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker.


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