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Zabaikalsky Krai. Chita – the Capital of Zabaikalsky Krai

Автор:   •  Декабрь 11, 2020  •  Творческая работа  •  2,200 Слов (9 Страниц)  •  708 Просмотры

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Чита - 2020


Zabaikalsky Krai. Chita – the Capital of Zabaikalsky Krai

Task 1: Find the translation of the following words in the dictionary.  – Найдите в словаре  перевод следующих слов.                                                                                                                                                    

Unexplored, immemorial, to discover, boundary, autonomous, to locate, to occupy, total, latitude, to border by, to adjoin, link.    

Unexplored – неизведанный, неисследованные

Immemorial – незапамятный

to discover – открывать

boundary – граница

autonomous – автономный

to locate – располагаться

to occupy – занимать

total – общий

latitude – широтный

to border by – граничить

to adjoin – примыкать

link - связывать

Task 2: Read and give translation of the text. – Прочитайте и устно сделайте перевод текста.                                                                                                                                                

Zabaikalsky Krai

             The civilized world learned of our region only in the 17th century. Naturally, there were no such names as the “Zabaikalsky Krai” at that time. With superstitious fear, those living in European Russia referred to the territory beyond the Urals as “Eastern Tataria”.

             In fact, for a long time Europe showed little interest in the unexplored territories.

             But in the region beyond Lake Baikal people had been living from time immemorial.

             The whole of the Transbaikal region was discovered over the course of centuries. Through the 19th century the region continued to develop, pushing further its extensive boundaries.

             In 1851, the Transbaikal Region was created as a new administrative territory. Time passed. The latest changes have been made in 2008, on March 1. Now it is named Zabaikalsky Krai and it includes the Chita Region and the Aginsk Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

             Zabaikalsky Krai is located in southeastern Siberia’s Zabaikalye Region, the territory beyond Lake Baikal, and occupies an area of 431.500 sq. km , or 2,5% of the total area of Russia.

             The area of the region is twice more than England and almost the same as Italy and Greece together. It is located between 49◦N and 59◦North Latitude, i.e. the latitudes of Poland, Great Britain and Canadian Columbia. Stretching 1,000 km north-south and 800 km east-west, Zabaikalsky Krai is bordered by the Buryat Republic and Irkutsk Region to the west and north-west, the Yakutia-Sakha Republic to the northeast, and the Amur Region to the east. The southern border of Zabaikalsky Krai adjoins Mongolia and China for 1.500 km. Zabaikalsky Krai is the link between Siberia and the Russian Far East.

             Chita is located 6,704 km from Moscow.                                                                                                                                           


Task 3: Find the following word combinations in the text. – Найдите следующие словосочетания в тексте.

             Территория за Уралом, неисследованные территории, с незапамятных времен, обширные границы, административная территория, общая площадь России.  


Task 4: Read and translate the text. – Прочитайте и письменно сделайте перевод текста.


             Chita was founded by Peter Beketov 400 years ago and at present is a big modern city surrounded by the pine-covered mountains. We can enjoy the most beautiful view of the city from the Titov Hill. Chita is a pleasure to walk around. The heart of the city is Lenin Square, former Cathedral Square. The Square is the place where different meetings, festivals and demonstrations take place. It is the favourite place of rest for the citizens of Chita. The square looks really beautiful in spring and summer when acacias are in full bloom. On the left of the square there is the Regional Administration Building, constructed in 1972-73. On the opposite side of the square there is the Staff Headquarters of the Siberia Military District. On the right of the square we can see Administrative Building of Zabaikalye Railway and Hotel Zabaikalye. The church is situated opposite the Center of Culture and Rest “Rodina”. The next building on the right houses the City Administration. Next to it there is a two-storied wooden building, the general post-office. It is one of the most prominent architectural monuments in Chita. Built in 1893 it is the only building in Chita which still fulfills its functions.


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