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Translation Peculiarities of Attributive Clusters

Автор:   •  Апрель 24, 2023  •  Курсовая работа  •  12,408 Слов (50 Страниц)  •  207 Просмотры

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Course Paper



Karaganda 2022


INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………...


CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of attribute clusters……………………..


  1. The concept of attribute clusters…………………………………………


  1. Attributive construction as a phrase………………………………………


  1. Features of the translation of attribute combinations……………………..


CHAPTER II. Strategies for translating Attributive Constructions in the Russian-language version of Theodor Dreiser's novel «The Financier»……….


2.1. Fundamental concepts of translation theory………………………………..


2.2. Translation strategies for translating attribute constructions into Russian….


2.3. The study of attributive constructions in the works of Theodore Dreiser…..


CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………...


BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………...



Language, the most important and surprisingly perfect means of human communication, a means of exchanging thoughts, can perform these diverse and complex functions because it is a very flexible and at the same time perfectly organized system.

Translation is one of the types of speech activity. Its purpose is to transform the structure of a speech work, as a result of which, while maintaining the plan of content unchanged, the plan of expression changes - one language is replaced by another. From this it can be concluded that the main task of any translation is to accurately convey the content of the original by means of the native language in compliance with the structure of the latter and, if possible, preserving the style of the original.

To achieve the correct translation of attributive phrases, the translator must know their structural and semantic features and imagine what means he has in the Russian language to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Therefore, when considering the translation of such phrases, it is advisable to first focus on their structural and semantic features, and then note the main techniques of their translation.

The relevance of the course work. Structural features of language are one of the important objects of linguistic research. Considering a language as a system, a researcher can identify the features inherent in a particular language, thus, differences and similarities of different languages are revealed. One of the features that distinguish Russian from English is the problem of word compatibility. Quite often, you can encounter a situation where a stable phrase in one language cannot be reproduced using dictionary correspondences.

The described situation is common in translation activities and poses to the translator the question of using translation transformations to achieve adequate translation. Firstly, it is at the level of the phrase that the main translation difficulties arise, mainly grammatical, related to the need to implement structural and syntactic transformations when translating into a different type of language. The phrase, regardless of whether it is phraseological or free, has a certain semantic independence, and often many translation problems are solved precisely within the framework of the phrase. Secondly, the relevance of the problem is determined by the fact of constantly increasing and changing ways of forming phrases in the English language, as well as its insufficient knowledge.

The purpose of the course work is to study the features of the translation of attribute clusters.

Objectives of the course work:

1. To study the theoretical foundations of attribute clusters;

2. To study the features of the translation of attribute combinations;

3. Consider the strategies for translating attributive constructions in the Russian version of Theodor Dreiser's novel "The Financier".

The object of the course work is attribute constructions.

The subject of the course work is a comprehensive analysis of attributive constructions in a literary text.

The theoretical basis of the research consists of: works on the theory and practice of translation – I.S. Alekseeva, L.S. Barkhudarov, M.Ya. Bloch, Z.I. Guryev, V.N. Komissarov, L.K. Latyshev, Ya.I. Retsker, A.I. Smirnitsky; on the peculiarities of translation of technical texts – E.N. Bazalina, I.A. Guryanova, G.K. Zhustrin, Yu.I. Lashkevich; on the study of attributive constructions – V.D. Arakin, A.A. Zavarin, V.N. Komissarova, Z.G. Proshina.

Methods used in the course work:

- analysis of scientific literature in the field of linguistics;

- generalization and comparison;

- method of description.

The practical significance of the results of the course work is the possibility of applying it in practice or in training, since a detailed analysis and analysis of the translation of attributive combinations is carried out in the work.

The structure of the course work: content, introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion and references.

CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of attribute clusters

1.1.        The concept of attribute clusters

The concept of "attribute" is used both in philosophical and linguistic literature, but "attribute" as an ontological category and as a linguistic category is not the same, although a certain similarity, of course, is observed. In philosophy, the term "attribute" has been known since ancient times and "means an inherent property of an object." In linguistics, an attribute is "each approximate definition attached to another word." Due to the fact that the defined words are mainly nouns or pronouns, most of the attributes are "nominal". In a philosophical sense, the term "attribute" is directly related to the term "object". The same is true in language: the main linguistic expression of "objectivity", substantiality – a noun – is the basic word in relation to its determinant – attribute. Both logic and language trace the "auxiliary" function of attributes [1; 352].


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