My future profession
Автор: Роман Чигвинцев • Ноябрь 25, 2020 • Эссе • 808 Слов (4 Страниц) • 409 Просмотры
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
Кафедра «иностранные языки»
Эссе за III семестр
по английскому языку
Тема: «My future profession»
Выполнил: студент группы
Краткая рецензия: ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………
Оценка работы _________________ баллов
Волгоград, 2020г.
Doctor, actor, lawyer - everyone in his childhood had his own dream. But in the end, someone after graduation went in the footsteps of their parents, and someone submitted documents according to the example of classmates. According to the museum, every third university student is studying for an economist, almost a quarter - studying the humanities. In the department they talk about the overabundance of such specialists and rank them as "unnecessary workers".
Until the end of the 11th grade, I did not know what I wanted to become, so when choosing a university, I used the "exclusion" method. Builder - no, politics, economics - boring, lawyer-to defend a guilty client-it is not for me. I always wanted to create , discover something new. I decided to become rocker enginer.
A rocketeer is a professional military man whose duty is to maintain and use special missile systems to carry out combat missions.
The profession of a missile is usually associated with the maintenance of complex and very dangerous military installations. And this means that the demands on soldiers who carry such a service are quite high.
I study at the Volgograd State Technical University in the Faculty of Automated Systems Transport and Weapon on the direction of the in the direction «design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes».
The second year I study in my group, here I study the following subject’s computer graphics, theoretical mechanics, materials science, physics, higher mathematics, English, strength of material, and other subjects.
In the future, I will study the subjects of machine parts, automation of technical processes, and others. All this knowledge will be needed for my successful work.
The objects of professional activity of a specialist are:
ballistic, cruise and underwater missiles, launch vehicles;
reusable transport systems;
Orbital stations, air and space aircraft, descent vehicles;
anti-aircraft, anti-missile and anti-space defense systems; systems of aviation-missile and tactical weapons;
equipment and systems of launching and technical complexes of missiles, launch vehicles, space vehicles;
technology and production control of missile and rocket-space equipment and technological equipment;
operation of missile and rocket-space equipment.
The graduate has the following competencies, knowledge and skills:
ability to determine the external appearance of products, as well as composition, structure);
the ability to carry out technical design;
the ability to develop a technological process for manufacturing products of rocket and space technology;
the ability to develop a technological control system;
ability and readiness to evaluate and predict the technical condition;
ability and readiness to perform mathematical modeling.
Врач, актер, юрист - у каждого в детстве была своя мечта. Но в итоге кто-то после окончания школы пошёл по стопам родителей, а кто-то подал документы по примеру одноклассников. По данным , каждый третий студент вуза учится на экономиста, почти четверть - изучают гуманитарные науки. В ведомстве говорят о переизбытке таких специалистов и причисляют их к «ненужным работникам».
До конца 11-го класса я не знал, кем хочу стать, поэтому при выборе университета действовал методом «исключения». Строитель — нет, политика, экономика — скучно, юрист- защищать виновного клиента?- это не для меня . Мне всегда хотел творить, открывать что-то новое. Я решил стать ракетчиком.