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My future profession

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования



Кафедра «Иностранные языки»

Контрольная работа №3

по английскому языку

Эссе на тему:                «My future profession»

Выполнил: студент группы

РК-200 Башаев И.Р.

Проверила: К.П.Н.

доцент кафедры Тихаева В.В.

Краткая рецензия: …………………………………………………………………………



Оценка работы _________________ баллов

Волгоград  2018

My name is Ildar. I am a student of  Volgograd State Technical University. My faculty “Automation of transport systems and weapons” and direction – “Automatic installation”.

 My educational direction prepares young highly qualified specialists for work on industrial production. Therefore, in order to achieve great success in my field, I need to study technical Sciences such as mathematical analysis, machine parts, material resistance, mechanics, etc. In future, I see myself as an engineer working in the military industry. In Volgograd such industrial enterprise is the Central design Bureau "Titan-Barricades" - one of the largest diversified enterprises of a domestic defense complex of Russia.

There I will be able to design automatic installations, which will be used everywhere in the future. I like my future profession, because it involves a great responsibility not only to their colleagues in production, but also to the whole of our country. Working in a large-scale production will allow me to show my full potential, that is, the knowledge that I will gain in the learning process. Also, I will be able to expand my circle of acquaintances, to communicate with new people who have already achieved considerable success in their practice.

I went to a technical University because I like technical disciplines that allow us to study our surrounding world, the laws by which he lives and apply them in practice. In addition to technical disciplines, Humanities such as philosophy, history and sociology broaden my horizons. These subjects will help in the future to establish relations with colleagues in the workplace, also teach me the manners necessary for normal communication. And English will allow me to communicate with English-speaking people, for example, during trips on excursions to foreign enterprises.

I have completely decided on my future profession. This is my goal, which I will definitely achieve. I think that not everyone is able to easily determine their future profession. This is a serious and responsible process.

Even in school, a person is born those principles that will determine his choice. For example, some people like Humanities, such as history or social science. And someone loves biology and anatomy and most likely this person will become a doctor in the future. Technical Sciences, physics and mathematics, like someone who wants to understand how our world works. I like these disciplines when I was in school. The results of the state exam allowed me to enter the technical University. Here I can get my future profession, which will be to my liking.

You need to competently “weigh” all your principles, determine for yourself what kind of work would you like and enjoy in the future. You need to understand what kind of work you can do to benefit other people around you. Having determined for itself it, it is necessary to aspire to the purpose. A person in school should begin to pay attention to those subjects that will be useful to him in the future to successfully pass exams and go to University. At the University, he must also make every effort to learn the basics of his specialty and be prepared for the upcoming work. Having done all this, you can confidently consider yourself ready for your future profession!


Меня зовут Ильдар. Я являюсь студентом Волгоградского Государственного Технического Университета. Мой факультет “Автоматизация систем транспорта и вооружений” и направление – “Автоматические установки”.

Мое учебное направление готовит молодых высококвалифицированных специалистов для работы на промышленном производстве. Поэтому, чтобы добиться больших успехов в своей области, мне необходимо изучать технические науки, такие как математический анализ, детали машин, сопротивление материалов, механика и т.д.


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