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My biografi

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Кафедра иностранных языков                       

ОП по направлению 21.03.02 – Землеустройство и кадастры


по   дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

на тему: «My biography»

Выполнил: студент 104 группы

землеустроительного факультета

Яковлева А. О.

Проверила: Худинша Е.А.

Омск – 2018

Мy biography.


        Let me introduce myself. My name is Alina. My surname is Yakovleva. And my patronymic is Olegovna. I am 18 years old. I was born on December, 22nd, in 1999, in Gurovo, (in) Omsk region. I am not the only child in the family. I  have got a sister. My sister is a pupil. Her name is Zlata. She is in the 4th grade.

So my family is not very large. It consists of 4 members: my father, my mother, my sister and me. I don`t live with my parents now.

My father`s name is Oleg Georgievich. He has fair hair and blue eyes. He is a stoker. We consider him to be a very good specialist.

My mother`s name is Elena Valentinovna. She is 41 years old. My mother is very good-looking woman. She has brown hair and grey eyes. She works at school.

I am not the only child in the family. I have got a sister. My sister is a pupil. Her name is Zlata. She is in the 4th grade. She is a very kind and pretty girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She is going to become a teacher. I love her very much.

We live in a big house. We have all of the basic modern conveniences in our house. Such as: gas, cold, and hot running water, electricity, Internet, telephone and digital TV.

I help my parents to keep the house clean. I like to help my parent with housekeeping. I can cook some dishes and my little sister usually washes the dishes. I try to clean our rooms without my parents` help.

Now I have my own favourite room. It`s not a large one, but it is the lightest room in the house. There is a large window in my room. The curtains and the wall-paper of my room are nice. In the left-hand corner you may find a writing-desk with a lamp and a computer situated there. When I do my homework I often use the lamp. Above the table there is a shelf with my books on it. My bed is in front of the window. To the right of the bed you can see a wardrobe. On the floor in the middle of the room there is a carpet. I have got two beautiful pictures. They hang on the walls. My room is nice. I have got many flowers in the room. The air in my room is always fresh. I love my room. It`s very comfortable to do homework, relax and sleep in it.


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