Use of Information Technologies in the Digital Transformation of the Public Administration System, in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy
Автор: sof1s • Июнь 18, 2024 • Доклад • 2,846 Слов (12 Страниц) • 134 Просмотры
Use of Information Technologies in the Digital Transformation of the Public Administration System, in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy
Ismoil Rakhimberdiyev
Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abstract. This article describes the current state of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of digitalization and the main promising directions for the development of the digital economy. The need for a number of measures to accelerate the digital transformation of the Republic of Uzbekistan is emphasized, in particular, financial support for the innovative sector of the economy, changes in the legal sphere in order to significantly reduce bureaucratic structures, solve personnel problems and educate a new digital generation
Key words: digital economy, digital transformation, digitalization, digital technologies, information and communication technologies.
1 Introduction
The digital economy is defined as an economic activity based on digital (information) technologies. The introduction of information and communication technologies and the development of elements of a digital society is considered in most countries of the modern world as one of the priority strategic tasks and national priorities.
Digital technologies are necessary for the growth of industrial efficiency, and in some industries they become the basis of product and production strategies. Their transformative power replaces classical business models, production chains and causes the emergence of new products and innovations.
Digital technologies, as well as social and human activities related to them, form the digital sphere of modern society, on which, in the current conditions, its economic and innovative potential, social progress, the effectiveness of governance, the implementation of democratic procedures, education, the level of human development, national security and much more depend in a decisive way.
The country's lag in the growth rates of goods and services produced and provided using Information and Communication Technologies (the so-called digital divide) automatically causes its lag in other industries. Conversely, the dynamic, sustainable development of the digital sphere through digitalization and digital transformation is the fundamental basis for improving the country's competitiveness in the international arena and the quality of life of its citizens, achieved largely due to the growth of diversity and the volume of both traditional and new services provided to them using modern digital technologies. Thus, a new reality has emerged in the world, which encourages governments of all countries to pursue a policy of a systemic digital economy through digital transformation, which is an important condition for the transition to improving the relevant branches of national legislation, developing and implementing large-scale government strategies, projects and programs.
2 Methodology
Of course, the two main priorities are almost always ensuring the country's international competitive advantages associated with the development of the digital economy and optimizing internal development. However, even a cursory comparison of the various models of digital society development that currently exist in the world allows us to state significant variability in conceptual approaches, priorities, mechanisms and ways of their implementation. At the same time, the effectiveness of their application strongly depends on the cultural and civilizational environment, region or even country in which a particular strategy is being implemented. In other words, there are no universal models of state governance through digital transformation mechanisms, a lot depends on the institutional environment. Even within the framework of a fairly institutionally homogeneous European Union, several very successful, but different models of digital economy development can be distinguished: Scandinavian, central (Federal Republic of Germany), Western European (Switzerland, Netherlands), insular (United Kingdom), etc.
Thus, although the Republic of Uzbekistan at this stage of the development of the digital economy has clearly defined its foreign policy course for the digitalization of all sectors of society, including the public administration system, it will have to look for its own way of digital transformation, while focusing on the standards and goals of the global scale of the digital economy. A creative approach to creating our own direction for the development of the digital economy, taking into account the relevant experience of foreign countries, is an important task for our state on this path.
It is worth noting that the digital economy is dynamically gaining new momentum, its volume is, according to the latest data, about 3 trillion US dollars on an international scale. This indicator accounts for more than a third of the total capitalization of the largest enterprises around the world, and also exceeds the amount of GDP, for example, in the UK, and in general is an impressive amount of capital that reflects the achievements of the digital economy in just a quarter of a century.
The digitalization of the economy has acquired a broader impact due to the spread of the use of the Internet, which penetrates into all social processes. However, it is worth noting that the digital economy is not only relations that are mediated by the Internet, cellular communications, and ICT.
The use of the full range of digital technology functions has the following effect on the country's economy:
• economic interactions are simplified;
• long chains of intermediaries are destroyed;
• accelerates the course of various transactions (credit, lease, purchase and sale, payment of taxes, settlements, etc.);
• the barriers to market access are canceled, thereby eliminating spatial restrictions and creating alternative commercial sites;
• competitive advantages are provided to companies regardless of their size;
• it becomes possible to create a large-scale level for the implementation of positive returns while reducing costs.
Thus, digital technologies and their use in all spheres of society's life make it possible to create new business practices, which are reflected in the emergence of gig economy, freelancing, crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, crowdsourcing, crowdcasting, crowdlending and other new types of services. The manifestation of the development of the latest technologies is an avalanche-like increase in the number of interactive interactions, which are essentially of a service nature.