Effects of the Semipalatinsk Test Site in an Independent Kazakhstan
Автор: ssunnshine_99 • Октябрь 24, 2019 • Доклад • 2,038 Слов (9 Страниц) • 610 Просмотры
Effects of the Semipalatinsk Test Site in an Independent Kazakhstan
Nuclear weapons testing has been put into practice by the United States, Soviet Union,
United Kingdom, France, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea. Although
these countries all have different intentions in why they are testing these nuclear weapons, such
testing has had grave affects to the region and the people that inhabit it. For example, the envi
ronment is destroyed and made uninhabitable. Radiation that is produced by the nuclear weapons
causes illness and/or death within days after the weapon has been detonated . Dur
ing the Cold War, the Soviet Union conducted multiple nuclear tests within the Soviet republics,
including present-day Kazakhstan. The Semipalatinsk Test Site changed the outlook of the sig
nificance of nuclear weapons within the region. The aftermath of nuclear testing in Semipalatin
sk, Kazakh SSR, left a toll on the humans in the region, for instance, such as long-term health
problems, as well as on the environment, which prompted a specific agenda of becoming nuclear
weapons-free in newly independent Kazakhstan through the formation of allies, creation of
treaties, and new domestic policies.
Nuclear Tests Held in Kazakh SSR
The nuclear testing in the region determined the future for Kazakhstan. Between 1949
and 1989, the Soviet Union held up to 459 nuclear tests in Semipalatinsk . 87
of those were atmospheric, 26 were ground, and 346 were held underground. All of these meth
ods ultimately had drastic affects on both the land and its people. The first nuclear test for the
USSR was held at the Semipalatinsk Test Site on August 29, 1949. Two hours after this test, a
large radioactive contamination occurred and inhabitants were exposed to the radiation. The second nuclear test at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, also known as the “Polygon”,
was held on August 12, 1953. Residents were evacuated for three days after the ex
plosion due to a radioactive cloud that passed at a wind speed higher than expected. The 191 res
idents who did not evacuate in time were exposed to radiation . The third nu
clear test was held on January 15, 1965. It was exploded underground under the pretense that the
USSR was constructing a dam for peaceful use. The explosive power was 30 times that of Hi
roshima. The result is a lake known to the inhabitants as “Atomic Lake”.
Three of the first nuclear tests already had severe consequences on the region and it only contin
ued. In the late 1980’s, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, American scientists arrived in
Semipalatinsk to monitor the underground testing of nuclear weapons. The aim of this was to
show that even very small explosions can be detected by sensitive instruments and created a con
fidence that a ban on nuclear explosions could be policed. Following the collapse
of the Soviet Union and the birth of new nations, the Semipalatinsk Test Site in newfound Kaza
khstan was repeatedly ransacked with only specialized electronic equipment being stolen. Semi
palatinsk is a dangerous area. It stores 3.5 tons of spent fuel, which it is unable to send back to
Russia. This fuel includes a significant proportion of potential weapons-grade plutonium. This is dangerous for the country as the thieves could use this nuclear fuel to their
advantage. The United States sees this as a risk not only domestically, but internationally due to
Semipalatinsk’s location 200 miles from Iran’s border. Paired with the Unit
ed States, Kazakhstan pursued its nuclear-weapons free agenda.
Effects on Humans and the Environment
The testing of nuclear weapons preformed by the Soviet Union had a negative toll on the
people of Semipalatinsk that the domestic politics after independence would be solely focused on
nuclear weapons testing. Since the first nuclear test to present-day, they are dealing with the con
sequences of all of the nuclear testing radiation that has been embedded into their DNA and
passed on into future generations. Natalya Zhdanova, who lived in the region from 1968 to 2000,
recounted that announcements would be made about the tests, along with movie show times and
weather forecasts. It is evident that the nuclear tests were a casual occurrence
and no precautions were taken. Suakysh Iskakova expressed, “When I was blinded from the
blast, my uncle took me to see the doctor and the doctor said it was my own fault that I looked at
the bright light from the explosion” (Taipei Times 2011). These issues resulting from testing nu
clear weapons were not addressed and treated correctly, as they continued on into later genera
tions. A 2008 study by Kazakh and Japanese doctors concluded that the population in Semi
palatinsk and surrounding areas received more than 500 millisieverts of radiation in one expo
sure. In comparison to the USA, where the average American is exposed to about 3 millisieverts
of background radiation each year. With the advancement of technology there
are signs of radiation, however, the amount of radiation emitted from the nuclear testing super
sedes that of a laptop or other electronic device. Radiation has had a profound effect on the peo
ple of the region in that it has altered the way they live. A majority of the 220,000 affected people
were exposed to an estimated dose between 7 millisieverts and 350 millisieverts. The Kazakh and Japanese doctors noted that the rate of cancer of those living in the re
gion remains 25-30 percent higher than elsewhere in the country. In fact, can
cer rates in the area of Semipalatinsk are twice as high as the national average, and it is estimated
that birth defects are up to ten times higher. There is a higher chance of mental defi
ciencies in children born to parents who were exposed to radioactive fallout from the testing.
This includes nightmares, depression, frustration, agitation, and more while the physical toll in
cludes hemorrhaging of respiratory tracts, mouths, genitals, and changes in mucous and skin.
These tests also impacted the environment negatively by altering the land. Crops could no