The influence of music on English skills
Автор: AknurShukirzhan • Май 6, 2019 • Доклад • 2,057 Слов (9 Страниц) • 610 Просмотры
UDC 374.1:78.073
Shukirzhan Aknur
Студент бакалавриата 1-курса Факультета Архитектуры и строительства ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева, Астана, Казахстан
Научный руководитель - Ч.З. Утемисовна
Annotation: Of course, it would be difficult to imagine how the world would appear if all the melodies in the world were turned off and you could not listen to your favorite song at any time. However now technologies upturned to the new level and songs can be a tool for learning English language. The article reveals the role of songs in the development of carefully listening skills and learn new words and phrases. Learning a language with the help of songs not only facilitates the work, but also creates a favorable atmosphere in the audience. In the work were analyzed several experiments as a background research and was conducted a mini experiment to show how English songs can improve English skills of students.
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols
Music is one of the powerful things in our live, it can motivate us, music can push us to new ideas and altitudes and sometimes music unites us. Any type of music can influence on any organism and can be a cause of some changes.
In 21st century there are huge amount of music in any language. The percentage of music in English more than 50 percent and these English songs can play a big role on learning a language. Almost all teenagers attempt to learn English by watching films, TV shows in English, listening podcasts or learning by heart. Because English is a global language today and knowing it gives endless possibilities. One of the most effective ways of learning English is listening English songs until understanding the meaning of each word. Because songs can influence on teenagers brain beneficially and play a role of a material to learn a language. Music can develop students' skills in understanding and analyzing stylistic features of foreign languages.
There is little room for doubt that music play big role in teenagers’ life. Nowadays almost all teenagers love listening English songs even they do not understand the meaning. I often listen to English songs while making something for instance: while making homework and it really helps me to make tasks better, while walking and ect. When I made my work with support of English music I have better results than those that I do without music. Thus, I asked myself one question, which became the fundament of my data “How listening to English music influence on improving English skills?” The main purpose of this study is to identify answers to these questions and to find out how and in which way English music influence on listening skills and on expanding vocabulary (new expressions and phrases).
Like a few other activities, music involves using the whole brain. Some types of music improves memory, attention, physical coordination and mental development of people. Moreover, certain types of music can improve bad mood to good, develop intelligence, motivate people and improve concentration. According to the research of (Zabierowski, 2015, Poland) Wojciech Zabierowski (Lodz University of Technology ) English songs (pop) can brain develops at a greater extent and following benefits:
- Improved sensory and visual skills.
- A fit brain that is capable of taking cognitive challenges of various extent.
- Improved response to speech, language development and communication.
- They show more interest towards learning and playful activities.
- Excel in subjects and careers related to computer science, language, mathematics, engineering and more.
Moreover, there are huge amount of research works and experiments about impact of English songs on students’ English skills that were conducted in Indonesia, Tanzania and ect. The objectives of all research are to know whether English song can improve the students’ vocabulary and listening skills.
Firstly, Eva Faliyanti did the research work in Muhammadiyah University of Metro (Indonesia) which called “THE INFLUENCE OF ENGLISH SONG TOWARD STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY AND STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION (Faliyanti, July, 2017) at the second semester of Academic Year 2015/2016”. In this research, the researcher exploits English music as the alternative media because listening song can give students some time to relax in learning process. Songs also does not make them bored while doing some tasks. If the students do not feel bored in class and if they motivated and fresh minded, it can make them easier to accept the learning material and show satisfactory results.
Studies in psycholinguistics show that different songs in different languages can activate the language of the brain and its study in the two hemispheres of the human brain (Burden, 2000)(Carroll, 2000; Larsen-freeman & Long, 2000, Williams & Burden, 1997). The human brain consists of two hemispheres. The personal hemisphere is responsible for expressing thoughts orally or in writing. In this hemisphere, neurons work to store all concepts and then these concepts are translated into words. The right hemisphere, on the other hand, specializes in abilities such as, experiencing feelings and responding to emotions and special artistic and musical abilities. Half is completely different from our speech and, thus, can stimulate language learning in the hemispheres. In this regard, Gardner (1985), citing his research, asserts that all people have musical intelligence and the use of music in the study of any language is very effective, because it can open up opportunities for students who have a strong orientation in the right brain. Gulgelmino (1986) states that "songs that combine functions (cerebral hemispheres)" (p. 20). Anton (1990) found that “when learning activities unite the left and right hemispheres while simultaneously participating in certain learning activities that create the ideal learning situation and the most productive learning occurs” (p. 1170).
Moreover, alpha region in brain that responsible for receiving information can be activated with some rhythms of English songs (pop music) (Umzdas, 2015, p. 4). Therefore, songs can be a reason of good knowledge of English. Related to these expressions, experts conducted an experience between students to find out some results about effects of songs on teenagers. There were 5 groups of students, students that listen to famous American singers. First section movement while answering 25 questions and analysis of results showed that these students have better results (Pelayo, 2010). Other researchers compared different styles of music (classic, rock and other songs in other languages) and their influence on score. Third group showed 30% higher result in listening exam after listening English music than without any music (Alberto Zani, October, 2015)(Kesan, Ozkalkan, Iric, & Kaya, 2012). The conclusion of this research was that music exactly with English words can be a reason of better satisfactory results on doing listening tasks. Because if students listen English songs before doing some listening tasks in English class they can easily concentrate on listening. Moreover, their brain via listening English words in the song bar can subconsciously prepare an ear for some kind of listening exercises.