The system of control at English lessons at primary school
Автор: Джейк Джейковна • Апрель 9, 2024 • Курсовая работа • 6,792 Слов (28 Страниц) • 113 Просмотры
Course project
Discipline: “Foreign language teaching”
Theme: The system of control at English lessons at primary school.
Жасаған: 3 курс, 303 топ студенті Кадырханова Жанайым
Тексерген: Otemyssova
Almaty 2024
Table of contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3
Chapter 1. Organization of independent work of students on
English lessons…………………………………………………………………. 5
1.1.Features of organizing students’ independent work
in English lessons ……………………………………………………………… 5
1.2.Types and forms of independent work of students………………………. …8
1.3.Objects of control in the classroom.……………………………………….. 11
Conclusion on the Chapter 1. ……………………………………………… ..15
Chapter 2. Methods and techniques of computer programs that predict vocabulary learning in an English lesson language……………………………..16
2.1 Focus on English……………………………………………………………
2.2 Internet polyglot……………………………………………………………
2.3 Winnie the Pooh……………………………………………………………
Chapter 2 Conclusions…………………………………………………………
List of used……………………………………………………………………..
Currently, the study of a foreign language is becoming one of the priorities for the development of education as an element of the political, economic and cultural sphere of life of the country. Primary school develops in students the primary skills of independent search for knowledge.
Modern curricula in school subjects, including in a foreign language, contain a requirement to cultivate educational independence and develop the ability to learn. A child without these qualities cannot cope with the growing demands for independence, the volume of educational material, and the increasing workload.
Forming the skills of independent activity of students is one of the urgent tasks of modern education, and instilling in schoolchildren the skills of independent work on educational material is one of the prerequisites for successful learning. Independent activity of students is a necessary condition for the development of their cognitive abilities.
Independent work of students helps to increase the effectiveness of learning both in terms of mastering a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, and in terms of developing abilities. It is a means of fighting for deep and lasting knowledge of students, developing their mental abilities, and a means of developing their activity and independence as personality traits.
Independent work plays a leading role in the lesson and the degree of independence of schoolchildren when performing certain types of independent work is associated with the nature of their activity, which begins with imitative actions, then becomes more complex and has its highest manifestations.
I.T. Ogorodnikov recommended the following types of combination of teacher activities and student activities:
− the teacher himself does not present the material, but only organizes the independent work of students to study it;
− learning new material begins with student messages;
− the teacher dwells only on the main issues, and students study secondary material independently;
− the teacher gives only an introduction to the topic, and students, under his guidance, independently study all the material.
He pointed out that the main role of the teacher is to encourage students to think independently, teach them to analyze, identify cognitive tasks and problems of the lesson, and apply the acquired knowledge and skills, including practical ones.
The relevance of the work is due to the fact that independence is necessary in order to differentiate information, highlight the most significant, so as not to experience difficulties in generalizing and systematizing knowledge and skills and turning to one’s own experience.
The object of the work is the independent work of students in English lessons.
The problem of our research is the forms and methods of organizing independent work of students in English lessons.
The purpose of our course work is to identify the main features of the organization of independent work of schoolchildren and the prerequisites for its development.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. Reveal the essence of independent work of students in modern pedagogical science.
3. Consider the types and forms of independent work of students in English lessons.
4. Identify the features of organizing students’ independent work in English lessons.
When writing this course work, the following scientific research methods were used:
1) theoretical analysis of the works of teachers and psychologists devoted to this problem;
2) studying the experience of teachers who use various types and forms of students’ independent work in their practice.
The works of M. Ya. Vilensky, B. M. Kedrov, A. M. Korshunov, Yu. N. Kulyutkin, L. N. Landa, G. S. Sukhobskaya, O. K. Tikhomirov, V. F. Shapovalov are devoted to the study of the independent process in teaching foreign languages , V.S. Shubinsky and other scientists.
In my work, I would like to show the importance of independent work for schoolchildren and how it can be used in English lessons. In addition to the fact that independent work causes student activity, it has one important advantage - it is individualized. Each student uses a source of information depending on his own needs and capabilities. This property of independent work gives it a flexible, adaptive nature, which significantly increases the responsibility of each individual student and, as a result, the effectiveness of the educational process.