The effect of education motivation on the formation of gifted pupils
Автор: Dilnoza2804 • Сентябрь 8, 2023 • Реферат • 3,678 Слов (15 Страниц) • 170 Просмотры
Xodjayeva Dilnavoz Djumoyevna Doctoral student of the Department of Psychology of the National University of Uzbekistan.
Annotation: The problem of talent is becoming more and more relevant nowadays. This is primarily due to society's need for an extraordinary creative person. The uncertainty of the modern environment requires not only the high activity of a person, but also his skills, the ability to behave non-standard.
Keywords: Gifted student, motivation, additional education, programming, psychological characteristics, teacher, team
Early identification, training and upbringing of gifted and talented children is one of the main tasks of improving the education system. However, the insufficient level of psychological preparation of teachers to work with children with non-standard behavior and thinking leads to insufficient assessment of their personal qualities and all their activities. Often, the creative thinking of a gifted child is viewed as deviation from the norm or negativism. Experiences in many countries of the world have reliably shown how difficult it is to restructure the education system, change the teacher's attitude towards a gifted child, and remove the obstacles blocking his talent.
There is an opinion that gifted children do not need the help of adults, special attention and guidance. However, due to personal characteristics, such children are most sensitive to evaluation of their activities, behavior and thinking, they receive emotional stimuli and better understand relationships and connections. A gifted child tends to be critical not only of himself, but also of the environment. Therefore, teachers who work with gifted children should be tolerant enough of criticism in general, and of themselves in particular. Gifted children often perceive non-verbal signals as a manifestation of self-acceptance by others. As a result, such a child can leave the impression of being distracted, disturbed, always reacting to everything. There are no standard requirements for them (everything is like everyone else), it is difficult for them to be a conformist, especially if the existing norms and rules are against their interests and seem meaningless. For a gifted child, this acceptance statement is not an argument. It is important for him to know and understand by whom, when and why this rule was adopted.[1]
Gifted children must acquire knowledge in all subject areas that make up general secondary education. At the same time, the psychological characteristics of gifted children, as well as social expectations in relation to this group of students, make it possible to single out a specific component in relation to the traditional goal of education associated with the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge within the framework of school subjects. This specific component is a high (or advanced) level and breadth of general education - training, which determines the development of a holistic worldview and a high level of competence in various fields of knowledge in accordance with the individual needs and abilities of students. Despite higher abilities in certain subject areas of general education or in other areas not included in the content of general secondary education, for many gifted children the assimilation of such a variety of knowledge can be difficult.
For all children, the main goal of education and upbringing is to provide conditions for the disclosure and development of all abilities and talents with a view to their subsequent implementation in professional activities. But in relation to gifted children, this goal is especially significant. It should be emphasized that it is these children that society primarily pins its hopes on solving the urgent problems of modern civilization. Thus, to support and develop the individuality of the child, not to lose, not to slow down the growth of his abilities - this is a particularly important task of teaching gifted children.
Understanding giftedness as a systemic quality involves considering personal development as the fundamental goal of teaching and educating gifted children. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that the system-forming component of giftedness is a special, internal motivation, the creation of conditions for the maintenance and development of which should be considered as the central task of personal development.
The specific goals of teaching gifted students are determined taking into account the qualitative specifics of a certain type of giftedness, as well as the psychological patterns of its development. So, the following can be singled out as priority goals for teaching children with general giftedness:[2]
- the development of the spiritual and moral foundations of the personality of a gifted child, the highest spiritual values (it is important not the talent itself, but what application it will have);
- creation of conditions for the development of a creative personality;
- development of the individuality of a gifted child (identification and disclosure of originality and individual originality of his abilities);
- providing broad general education of a high level, which determines the development of a holistic worldview and a high level of competence in various fields of knowledge in accordance with the individual needs and inclinations of students.
Motivation is a complex, multi-level regulator of human behavior and activity. When working with gifted children, the main focus should be on internal motivation, because it is focused on the content of the educational process and has a high motivational power. It is necessary to rely on the different motivations of students at each age. At the young stage, these are educational motives (interest in new knowledge, facts, educational skills), at the middle stage - positional motives (to take one's own position in relations with others, to gain their approval, to gain prestige), at the upper stage, social motives (position in society, profession, family). There are various techniques that contribute to the formation of motivation. They are aimed at creating a comfortable psychological environment that supports the cognitive activity of students, including:
- inclusion in forms of collective activity;
- to involve students in evaluation activities and form a proper self-evaluation;
- student and teacher cooperation;
- Stimulating students' knowledge activity, creating a creative environment;
- interesting presentation of educational material (unusual form of presentation of the material, emotionality of the teacher's speech, cognitive games, interesting examples and experience).
A skillful combination of various methods, tools and organizational forms used by teachers in teaching helps to develop the motivational and cognitive sphere of gifted students. Information methods of teaching include demonstration, examination, communication, video presentation, briefing, analysis of various information carriers, excursions, interviews. Operational methods - textbooks, reference books, working with technological cards, trainings, educational programming, experiments, independent works - activate students in classes on various subjects. Various creative forms of teaching, design and research are used.