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SWOT-analysis Unicorn LLC

Автор:   •  Апрель 16, 2024  •  Курсовая работа  •  12,185 Слов (49 Страниц)  •  128 Просмотры

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Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution for Higher Education


Graduate School of Business[a]

Course project


Unicorn LLC. Product: Virtual control room

38.03.02 «Management» and 38.03.01 «Economics»

«International Bachelor's in Business and Economics» 

The project was implemented by:

Smirnova Ekaterina

Linnik Daria

Kupreeva Viktoria

Shilova Anna

Upadysheva Valeria

Group BMB 2214-C

Course Project supervisor:

Zakharova Alexandra Alekseevna,


research assistant, visiting lecturer

Saint-Petersburg 2023

of the originality of the course project text

We,       Smirnova Ekaterina, Group BMB 2214-C

             Linnik Daria, Group BMB 2214-C

             Kupreeva Viktoria, Group BMB 2214-C

             Shilova Anna, Group BMB 2214-C

             Upadysheva Valeria, Group BMB 2214-C

students 2022/2023 year of Bachelor educational Programme «International Bachelor's in Business and Economics» HSE Graduate School of Business confirm, that Course project SWOT-analysis: Unicorn LLC. Product: Virtual control room[c]

made by ourselves and:
1. does not reproduce our own previous work without acknowledging it as a source;
2. does not reproduce the work done by other authors, without indicating a link to the source of educational or scientific literature, articles, websites, completed assignments or notes of other students;
3. has not previously been granted for a higher level of education;
4. contains correctly used quotations and references;
5. includes a complete bibliographic list of references and sources that have been used in writing the text of the report on the course project.

We are aware that violation of the citation and linking rules is considered as deception or an attempt to mislead, and also qualifies as a violation of the HSE Internal Regulations.





Valeria/Upadysheva [d]

of the equivalence of the contribution to the course project

We,       Smirnova Ekaterina, Group BMB 2214-C

             Linnik Daria, Group BMB 2214-C

             Kupreeva Viktoria, Group BMB 2214-C

             Shilova Anna, Group BMB 2214-C

             Upadysheva Valeria, Group BMB 2214-C

students 2022/2023 year of Bachelor educational Programme «International Bachelor's in Business and Economics» HSE Graduate School of Business[e] confirm, that our contribution to the course project is equivalent SWOT-analysis: Unicorn LLC. Product: Virtual control room






Valeria/Upadysheva [f]


Introduction        5

Description of an analyzed company and its macroenvironment        7

General analytics of the “smart” home market in the Russian Federation        8

PESTEL-analysis        9

M. Porter’s five competitive forces analysis        16

Key success factors analysis        24

Primarily SWOT-analysis        26

Extended SWOT-analysis        29

Conclusion        33

References list        34



The course project is a detailed SWOT-analysis of the virtual control room product on the Ujin platform of UNICORN LLC.

UNICORN LLC is the most relevant company for SWOT analysis [i]due to the growing prevalence and influence of IT technologies in the modern market. In addition, due to the departure of foreign manufacturers of equipment for providing smart home systems with equipment, UNICORN LLC has become one of the leaders in the field of information technology in real estate in the Russian Federation, which makes the company particularly attractive for conducting SWOT analysis in a fast-growing new market.

SWOT analysis is relevant for UNICORN LLC due to the high level of uncertainty in the fast-growing and developing real estate information technology market in the Russian Federation. Due to the unknown degree of influence of macro and microenvironment factors on the enterprises of the present market, it is necessary to conduct a detailed study of the external and internal business environment to determine the competitiveness of the company's products and services in the Russian market of information technologies in the real estate sector in Russia. In addition, due to the innovative component of the company's virtual control room product taken for analysis, it is necessary to determine the level of demand for the product among consumers and the factors influencing consumer demand in order to build an up-to-date business strategy of this company.[j]


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