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Intercultural communication and mass media

Автор:   •  Апрель 24, 2023  •  Статья  •  1,780 Слов (8 Страниц)  •  140 Просмотры

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Балтабай Н. Н.

1-курс студенті, М. Сапарбаев институтының «Парасат» колледжі

Шымкент қ.

Аңдатпа. БАҚ–ның мәдениетаралық коммуникация процесіне қатысуын қарастыру  және талдау  мақаланың мақсаты болып саналады. Мәдениетаралық коммуникацияның қажетті компоненттері ретінде білім мен дағдылар тиімді болып табылады, олар өз ойлауы мен интерпретациясының ашықтығы мен икемділігімен, сондай-ақ тиімді коммуникацияны жүзеге асыруға және қарым-қатынасты сәтті құруға ынталандырумен үйлесуі керек. Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары мәдениетаралық коммуникация проблемаларын шешуде және мәдениетаралық диалогта жетекші рөл атқарады. БАҚ мәдениетаралық диалогты дамытуға ықпал етуі тиіс, олардың бұл мәселедегі рөлі артып келеді. БАҚ ақпарат алуға мүмкіндік береді, оны әртүрлі мәдениеттер мен халықтар үшін қол жетімді етеді, жастарды тәрбиелеуде, атап айтқанда, жылдам дамып келе жатқан интернет ағымына ілесуде  үлкен рөл атқарады.

Аннотация. Цель статьи – рассмотреть и проанализировать участие СМИ в процессе межкультурной коммуникации. Знания и навыки являются необходимыми компонентами эффективной межкультурной коммуникации, они должны сочетаться с открытостью и гибкостью собственного мышления и интерпретаций, а также с мотивацией осуществлять эффективную коммуникацию и успешно выстраивать отношения. Ведущую роль в решении проблем межкультурной коммуникации и в межкультурном диалоге играют средства массовой информации. СМИ должны способствовать развитию межкультурного диалога, их роль в этом вопросе растет. СМИ дают возможность получать информацию, делают ее доступной для разных культур и народов, играют огромную роль в образовании молодежи, в частности, благодаря быстро развивающемуся интернету.

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to consider and analyze the participation of the media in the process of intercultural communication. Knowledge and skills are necessary components of effective intercultural communication, they must be combined with openness and flexibility of one's own thinking and interpretations, as well as with motivation to carry out effective communication and successfully build relationships. The leading role in solving the problems of intercultural communication and intercultural dialogue is played by the mass media. The media should contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue, their role in this issue is growing. Mass media provide an opportunity to receive information, make it accessible to different cultures and peoples, play a huge role in the education of young people, in particular, thanks to the rapidly developing Internet. The Internet makes it possible for people to get in touch with a variety of peoples.

In the context of constantly accelerating global globalization, intercultural communication seems to be very important. It determines what the relations of representatives of different peoples and cultures will be in the world space, can significantly affect the degree of these relations. On a global scale, intercultural communication is an extremely important, but rather complex process. It takes place against the background of different cultures, different traditions and beliefs, entailing inevitable misunderstandings and conflicts of the countries of the world and requires careful and responsible attitude on the part of the subjects entering into it.

The concept of "intercultural communication" is quite multifaceted. This determines the appeal to the problem of intercultural communication of numerous scientific disciplines – philosophy, sociology, psychology, political science, cultural studies, linguistics and many other disciplines of socio-humanitarian, natural science and scientific and technical cycles. Each of these sciences studies communication from its own angle. [1, p.15]

The history of the emergence and development of intercultural communication goes back to the distant past of mankind. It is inseparable from the issues of human origin and language. The most striking manifestations of the process of intercultural communication in the context of the development of human civilization are familiar to almost every more or less educated person: Babel, the emergence and collapse of ancient empires, the emergence of major world religions, the discovery of America, the formation and collapse of colonies, and much more. In the modern world, the process of globalization of all spheres of human activity makes the process of intercultural communication comprehensive and all-pervasive.

The impact of new media on different aspects of intercultural interaction is apparent and has attracted more and more studies from intercultural communication scholars. This part discusses the influence of new media on three common aspects of intercultural interaction in the global context: intercultural relationship, intercultural adaptation, and intercultural conflict. [2, p.89]

New media, especially social media such as Facebook, blogs, Tik tok, YouTube, Twitter, and the Instagram, have enabled people from every corner of the world to represent themselves in a particular way and stay connected in cyberspace. It is obvious that the flexibility of information presented and shared in the new media will directly affect, either positively or negatively, the development of intercultural relationships in the virtual community through the creation of a network of personal connection.


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