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Intercultural communication in the North Caucasus

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 28, 2023  •  Статья  •  3,081 Слов (13 Страниц)  •  68 Просмотры

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Table of contents



Methodology and subheading……………………..……………………………4

Results …………..…………………………………………………………..5-10




The theory of intercultural communication is a discipline that describes the process of intercultural communication, the conditions of its implementation, possible difficulties and causes of communicative failure.

In this article we will examine the concept of intercultural communication in the North Caucasus, more particularly in North Ossetia-Alania and The Republic of Dagestan, where there is a visible sharp contrast between cultural traditions, proving the relevance of the chosen reseach topic.

The North Caucasus is home to a mixture of different people, cultures and languages that have developed and interacted with each other over thousands of years. This is the place where a unique and inimitable culture has developed over thousands of years.

This is why this topic was chosen, to raise the question on whether the harmonious coexistence of religious and ethnic groups with different cultural traditions is possible, particularly between of such republics as North Ossetia-Alania and Dagestan. It is common knowledge that in certain periods of times both republics were under the significant influence of such religions as Christianity and Islam; however, this common influence did not manage to create identical groups. On the contrary, they have many differences. This study identifies these differences and concludes that, despite them, both republics are gradually approaching a stage where they will be comfortable with the coexistence of several religions and other beliefs.


The relevance of this article is that the importance of intercultural communication is increasing in the modern world because the mixing of nations and the movement of people have reached an unprecedented scale reached.

Intercultural communication has become limitless. Thus, the problem of coexistence in a multicultural space, dialogue of cultures, education of tolerance to foreign cultures, awakening of interest and respect for them has never been more acute.

Methodology and subheading

During the analysis, the works of following  researchers and scholars were used: 

Ikonnikova K. (Иконникова Н.К.), Taratuhina J. (Таратухина Ю.В.), Tsiganvo L. (Цыганова Л.А.), Tkalenko D. (Ткаленко Д.Э.), Tabaksoeva I. (Табаксоева И.Р.), Flier A (Флиер А.Я.) , Guzikova M (Гузикова М.О.), Fofanova P. (Фофанова П. Ю.), Magomedov D. (Магомедов Д.М.), Everett M. Rogers, William B. Hart, Yoshitaka Miike, Dzeranov T (Дзеранов Т.Е.), Kachmazova D. (Качмазова Д.М.), Leontovich F. (Леонтович Ф.И.), Kodzaev A. (Кодзаев А. Н.), Galyapina V. N., Lepshokova Z., Molodikova I. N, Bogatyreva O (Богатырева О.В.), Trager G., Hall E. 

Since these people are devoted and related to the topic of Intercultural Communication, some of them even contributed to the emergence and development of such a concept as Intercultural Communication, and some of them are directly related to the study of communications and interactions between the peoples of the North Caucasus. 


Definition of intercultural communication

The concept of "intercultural communication" has was first formulated in 1954 in the work of George L. Trager and Edward T. Hall, "Culture and Communication. A Model of Analysis". Intercultural communication has a number of features that make it more complex, demanding and difficult than intracultural or interpersonal communication.

Intercultural communication is the interaction between carriers of various different cultures.(1, P 6-7). But not only humans are carriers of culture; biologists and psychologists argue that some animals (particularly great apes) are capable of developing and transmitting culture.

Intercultural communication theory, of course, is not concerned with the analysis of animal communication. It is important, however, to understand that Intercultural Communication is a very ancient phenomenon, it appeared simultaneously with the formation of what we call different cultures. Man observed people who were different from him and recorded his observations. Attempts to analyze "dissimilarities"

We can find attempts to analyze "otherness" in ancient authors, medieval chronicles, hagiographies of saints, fiction, etc.

However, the theory of intercultural communication as an independent scientific discipline emerged quite recently, in the middle of the 20th century.

Interest in the study of intercultural communication processes and their theoretical understanding arose primarily under the influence of globalization. Transnational corporations are being created, the sphere of tourism is developing, migration processes are intensifying, more and more people are getting into interethnic marriages, also adoption children from other countries is becoming more popular.

Let us now try to define intercultural communication. To begin with we need to understand the components of this term.

There are many definitions of culture. It is studied in different humanitarian sciences: anthropology, culturology, sociology, psychology etc., as well as in many related disciplines, including the theory of intercultural communication. None of these sciences have a well-established understanding of culture. In a broad sense, culture is defined as all that is created and created as a result of human activity. It is not only material, physical objects (tools, household items, objects of art), but also something intangible - values, habits, customs, traditions, norms of behavior, etc. But culture is not just the sum of individual objects and phenomena. culture is a system of beliefs, values, norms (primarily behavioral), beliefs, customs, traditions and knowledge inherent in a certain society. And this society is not necessarily an ethnic group, it can be a larger group of people, and then we are talking about inter-ethnic values and norms; to some extent, they include, for example, different religious cultures, which are carried by representatives of several ethnic groups.


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