Лекция по "Иностранному языку"
Автор: Катерина Зіньковська • Ноябрь 27, 2021 • Лекция • 13,538 Слов (55 Страниц) • 411 Просмотры
The concept of "norm" is multidimensional. The multidimensional nature of the notion of "norm" is due to the multifariousness of the word itself. The "HOP M A" homogeneity of the notion of "norm" is due to the multidimensionality of the word itself. "C. I. Ozhegov's Dictionary of Russian Language. I. Ozhegov gives two definitions of this word: 1. The lawful establishment, the ordered order, the structure of something. Œpuuduueca n. H. behavior. Norms of zumepamypnoso language. 2. A set measure, the average of something. H. discharges. H. precipitation. The presence of two ѕnations of a noun is well shown in the ѕnations of its
The presence of two meanings of the noun is clearly seen in the meanings of its derivatives: the word "norm" in the first meaning gives the inflections nopmuuvnyŭ, nopmamuunno, and in the second meaning nopmazbnyŭ, nopmazbunno. In English, the word norm corresponds mostly to the second meaning, and the word standard to both the first and second meanings. The English normative language is generally defined as standard English, as opposed to ordinary English, although this distinction is not always made. The notion of "norm" as applied to a language is used primarily in the first sense. Let us define the notion of "norm" on the basis of the notion of the notion of "style". Since style is a property of the activity and product of a given activity, the norm in its most general form can be defined as such a style of activity and product of this activity, which in a given epoch in a given society is considered to be somehow "correct" and "prestigious" and which ought to be followed. Naturally, the notions of "correctness" and "normativity" are not a6colute, but relative concepts of "correctness", "normativity" of a certain style of activity and product of this activity are determined not by their structural or cy6c tonal characteristics, but in relation to pragmatic tasks and to those spheres of speech activity where this or that speech style is used - what is normative for one sphere of speech activity can be non-normative for another (see examples on p. 228). And ѕ the above can make several conclusions. First, the existence of the norm is based on the possibility of you 6 o p a both models (stereotypes) of speech behavior and speech units and a number of equivalent or homofunctional. Secondly, the notion of "norm" can be defined as a style that has a o6saa tive character in a number of styles. Thirdly, the notion of "can be applied to texts of varying degrees of complexity. The notion of a "literary norm" of a common language should be broadly applied. It can be defined as the totality of language habits and rules for the use of the language, established in a given society and in a given era. The correlation between the linguistic system, speech, and norms is shown in the diagram] H Let us define the elements that make up each of these linguistic spheres: a linguistic system element is a 6cctual real or potentially possible construct that has an invariant character and enters into a network of actual or potential relations with other linguistic elements; a speech unit is a uusually or occassionally realized linguistic system element that has a variant character; a norm unit is a uusually realized speech unit. The language system allows speakers not only to actualize the ready elements of the language, but also to create speech units that are not yet in the language, but that are potentially possible. J1. A. Bulakhovsky wrote: "At no time in any epoch have speakers ever fully exploited all the formal possibilities provided by language [27, 130]. 1 This consistency of language is extremely important for stylistics: the appearance of an occassional speech element (neologism) of any degree of complexity is the inclusion of a potentially powerful element of language into the actual relations of the units of speech, like Pushkin's Ogoncharov. On the other hand, actual language units have not only actual relations, but also potential relations that can be actualised in speech - such as M. Sholokhov's "black disk of the sun". Sholokhov, and "atomic 6om6a" by A. Belyi. Let us consider the norm-speech relation in this scheme (the arrows indicate the limits of change and its possible directions). Firstly, the scheme reflects historically 6o lese origins of the norm in relation to speech and the system of language. A norm is not only historically changeable, but its emergence is historically determined by a number of extra-linguistic factors that emerge only at a certain stage of human development and in the presence of an already established stylistic differentiation of speech 137, 65; 121, 149]. Second, the scheme reflects the norm's selectivity in relation to speech and the possibility of varying the norm within the limits of actualized speech realizations. In other words: "The norm corresponds not to what can be said, but to what has already been said and what is traditionally said in the thing in question. The system covers the ideal forms of realization of a certain language, i.e. the technique and standards for the corresponding linguistic activity; the norm includes the models historically already realized with the help of this technique and according to these standards" [61, 175]. Thus, the existence of a norm is based on the possibility of selecting a certain set of units and a certain finite set of actualized speech units. It should be noted, however, that the principles of choosing these units are historically andѕchangeable. Thus, in the English philological tradition one can distinguish four doctrines in interpreting the notions of "correctness" or "normativity. The first doctrine, which can be conventionally called the "doctrine of rules," was put forward by B. Lili (1468-1522), whose grammar was declared "ap authorized grammar" by decree of King Henry VIII [135, 14]. B. Lily and his followers, Y. Bullocar, P. Grieves, A. Hume and others understood normativity as 6esycoloeval adherence to the rules, though often these rules were only 6olee or less successful in copying the canons of Latin grammars and Aristotle's logic. The second doctrine, the "doctrine of o6eyeutpe6itnocity," appeared in the eighteenth century in the writings of J. Camp6eill, J. Priestley, but was not fully formed until the nineteenth century (Y. Y. Yitney, F. Hall, Bain). This doctrine originally focused on the linguistic practice of the "cultural stratum of the population" - writers, poets, public figures, i.e. the linguistic activity of particular individuals or a particular social group was taken as the standard of normative practice. In the writings of Ch. Frees, the elitist standard was reinterpreted into a standard that, in essence, undermined the very notion of normativity. And this step was taken in J. Krapp's "doctrine of relevance," which in fact rejected the possibility of the existence of a normative standard, holding that the normative is peculiar only to a particular 27 particular social group. The drafters of the new dictionary Be6ctep III were also guided by the same understanding of the norm. If in 1789 H. Be6ctep himself wrote: "Here are the two points which I consider basic: inceo6ing yoυtpe6itnocity and the principle of analogy (i.e. following logic.- A. M.)". [123,1811, then the chief editor of the Dictionary of Be6ctep III, prof. Gove stressed repeatedly that the dictionary should be descriptive rather than prescriptive [134, "35], which is nothing else than a fundamental rejection of codification activity. The fourth doctrine is the "doctrine of linguistic appropriateness", paspa6o tioned by A. Richards, by normativity we mean the totality of the most effective ways of expressing a thought. Thus, literary norms, as they have been defined above, can be based on different criteria, but what is essential to them is that they are not connected with a specific sphere of speech activity, or, rather, they are applicable to all spheres of speech activity. The concept of "norm" can also be applied to separate spheres of speech activity - "a set of speech habits and rules of language use" in the human activity spheres can be defined as a set of functional and speech styles. This issue will be dealt with in Chapter VIII. The notion of "norm" applies to works of fiction as well, but only to a certain extent. This is due to the fact that style as a phenomenon of language and style as a phenomenon of art are "two essentially different, dissimilar categories, and the term style acts here as a creative homonym" [96, 23-24]. In fiction, style is embodied and exists not only in the matter of the artistic word as such, but also in other components of artistic form: rhythm, composition, plot, system of characters, o6pasnocty, that is, style is not simply a system of artistic means and techniques, but a wholly substantial form. Moreover, the style of artistic production is not reducible to a certain number of components, but represents a co6o nition of components. Naturally, linguistic stylistics alone cannot reveal and describe the style of a work of fiction, but linguistic stylistics is the only basis on which literary analysis can be conducted. In this respect, linguistic stylistics, which is primarily concerned with The norm and styles of litt e r t y p a n d s , makes it possible to establish the norm and styles of litt e r t y p a n d s . Firstly, it is possible to establish the norms of certain literary movements of the past - classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism - which have developed their own co6creative canons for the construction of fiction (just remember the theory of the three unities of French classicism, which was clearly normative) and their co6creative manner of using the literary language, i.e. e. The style of literature had its own style, which was mainly normative and prescriptive in character. In other words, one of the possible styles had the character of a literary norm. The revolutionary character of realism, especially socialist realism, manifested itself above all in the fact that it abandoned any canons and normativity. Realism, as a creative method, was realized in a multitude of styles, none of which could claim to be normative, i.e. prescriptive. In other words, in this case, the multitude of styles can be regarded as normative. Secondly, it is possible to distinguish genre literary norms. Each literary genre, oco6eantly in the o6lac�ty of poetry, has rather strict laws of construction, which have a normative character. The norms of literary movements are historically andѕchangeable. A new literary movement emerges by breaking existing norms on the one hand, and by creating new norms that are usually based on an already established tradition on the other. In other words, the emergence of a new norm in fiction is always due to the presence of an established tradition. Genre literary norms are 6oley stable. The established forms of verse - Sonnet, quatrain, tercet, octave, etc., have existed in European literature for centuries without change. But in prose, especially modern literature, the boundaries between genres (novel, novella, short story) have become very s6xual, so genre norms have become less rigid, leading to a stigmatization of their style. We should mention one more interpretation of the notion of "norm". The "internal norm" of artistic production, put forward by prof. B. A. Larin and developed by a number of researchers [133, 92, 78]. This treats norm as a neutral stylistic background, a "point of reference", with respect to which the stylistic coloring of a phenomenon is evaluated, rather than as the actuality of a given realization As such "background" stylistic phenomenon can be the norm of literary language, the norm of a certain literary movement and, to some extent, the norm of the genre. Any deviations from these standards are considered stylistically significant. Some researchers (M. Riffater, P. A. Kiseleva, M. E. O6nopkova) think it's possible to distinguish the norms that characterize the style of the author, or his idiolect, the norm of the cycle of works of the author and, finally, the norm of individual works of the author. It is quite obvious that in this case the notion of "norm" does not mean in the first sense, i.e. as an o6saa tive realization, but in the second, i.e. as a set of parameters that characterize a particular work. In other words, in this case we are not talking about the norm, but about another basic concept of stylistics, the "context. The basics of contextualism were laid down by Professor J_J J_J m o c o w [122]. In the most 6common sense. the concept of "context" can be defined as the context of a speech unit, in which certain properties of this unit are realized or manifest. Based on the earlier definition of function as a) the relationship of a speech unit - a statement or text - to o6jective reality, and 6) the relationship of a speech unit to another unit within a speech unit of a higher level, i.e. in "verbal reality", two types of context should be distinguished: extra-linguistic, or situational, and linguistic, or speech-based. The attention of linguists is primarily devoted to the study of linguistic context, but the problems of extra-linguistic or situational context remain largely unresolved. Situational context is usually understood as the extra-linguistic conditions in which the act of communication takes place. In different situational contexts the same utterance can have different, and sometimes opposite, meaning. At the same time, it is possible to establish a certain typology of situational contexts. It is possible to distinguish three types: Single situational context. Some utterance makes sense only in the given context and not in any other. So, for example, in A. Milne on Winnie the Pooh tells the story of an expedition of the book's characters in search of the North Pole, although no one on the expedition knows what it is. Winnie the Pooh finds a pole, albeit in slightly different conditions, which the heroes take to be the North Pole: "Pooh's found the North Pole," said Christopher Robin. "Isn't that lovely?" [...] They stuck the pole in the ground and Christopher Robin tied a message on to it: "North Pole Discovered by Pooh. Pooh Found it." Understanding a pole as the North Pole is possible only in this situational context, this story world. Typical situational context. Some utterance, sometimes violating the norms of literary language, is perceived as meaningful in this situational context. For example, the utterance: "One compartment to Voroshilovgrad on the twentieth to the eleventh, the bottom seat" is possible only in the typical situation of "passenger - cashier". Socio-historical context. With respect to fictional texts, it is possible to distinguish the socio-historical context, which can be interpreted as a channel of communication. Change The social and historical context, as a rule, leads to a different interpretation of the meaning of a given piece of fiction. Let us now consider the concept of speech context. There are two types of speech context: linguistic context and stylistic context. The linguistic context is defined as a set of formally fixed conditions that uniformly distinguish the content of a linguistic unit. The context can be lexical (the hand of the clock, a piece for four hands, a farm hand, to act with a heavy hand, to lend a hand, a fine hand at cooking), syntaxical (I shall see your house and I shall see you to your house), lexico-syntaxical, mopoelo-syntaxical and shifted. As for the context, three kinds of context are distinguished: micro-context (in the context of one utterance), macro-context (in the context of an a6saac or dialogical unity), and thematic-context (or mega-context) (in the context of a chapter, chapters, or an entire work) [58, 35-59]. However, further studies of this theme have shown that the context, along with the removal of homonymy and polysemy, can also eliminate other semantic phenomena, in particular desemantization and hypersemantization. Desemantization is the "weathering" of the semantic content of a word. Thus, if we consider the extremely paso6pasanic meanings of words like to take in take offense, take charge, take medicine, take notice, take effect, etc., it is easy to come to the conclusion that we are not facing a monstrously increased polysemy, but rather a semantic "almost emptiness". In contexts such as these, the verb to take practically acts as a cloze like the -ize suffix and other subordinate affixes. Hypersemantization, a phenomenon of o6paontaneous desemantization, is a co6o rationing of the meaning of a speech unit, most often a phraseological unit that has not only a direct, but also a figurative meaning, such as finger-hut "finger hat". The word "thimble", rub noses with "rubbing noses" - to be on friendly terms" [29, 211-213]. The inconsistency of the interaction between the meaning of a speech unit and its context has led researchers to the idea of the necessity of distinguishing a stylistic context, i.e. a context that does not narrow the meaning of a particular speech element, but, on the contrary, expands it. The concept of stylistic context has been explicitly formulated by M. Riffater [92]. According to M. Riffater says that the stylistic context is a part of the text, interrupted by the appearance of an element that is unpredictable in relation to this context, which gives rise to a stylistic device (the so-called "expectation effect"). Thus, in this interpretation, the stylistic device is not a deviation from the literary norm, but a deviation from the norm of the context. Convergence, i.e. the accumulation of stylistic devices with a common stylistic function, plays an important role in creating stylistic context. M. Riffater illustrates with the following phrase in H. Melville's novel Mo6y Dick: "And heaved and heaved, still unrestingly heaved the black sea, as if its wide tides were a conscience. This is a concentration of stylistic devices: 1) the new word order, "verbal predicate - subject"; 2) repetition of the verb; 3) the rhythm, formed by triple repetition (plus the combination of this phonetic device with the word choice: "the sea is in turmoil. The rhythm is "and so6paеd"); 4) repetition of the conjunctive conjunctive and... and, reinforcing the rhythm; 5) the occassional word unrestingly, which is unexpected in any 6o context; 6) metaphor, reinforced by the neo6ty relation of concrete tides and a6captive conscience instead of o6typical correlation [92, <59]. In the stylistic concepts of P. Yako6coin, M. Riffater pay quite a lot of attention to the "effect of o6manent expectation". The essence of this phenomenon is the following: the linearity of speech means that the appearance of each subsequent element is prepared by the preceding element, the appearance of the element itself prepares the subsequent ones. However, if, against this background, an element appears that has a low probability of occurrence (or low predictability), it has a stylistic effect. As M. Riffater writes, "the most important elements must be unpredictable" [92, 89]. It seems to us that such an interpretation of the "effect of o6manent expectation" is a clear exaggeration of its role. In order to determine the pragmatic orientation of a utterance or text, including a fiction text, it is necessary to combine accidental (not present in the recipient's thesaurus) and deterministic elements and their relations in the system. We define random (non-predictable) elements by the symbol H, and deterministic elements by the symbol D. Their relation can be defined as the stochasticity (probability) coefficient, which is represented by the symbol G, thus G = n *= -j [93, 35]. In the written type of speech, ands every 5 6itas of information, coming to one 6y text block, four 6its are imaginary, i.e. contain previously known information, which acquisition is determined by the system, and one 6it is unpredictable, i.e. the stochasticity coefficient here Q ~ This is the result of a long evolution of the language, which on the one hand provides sufficient informativeness, and on the other hand sufficient structural integrity. If the number of deterministic elements tended to h to zero (D -> 0), then G = p )0 = oo, i.e. the language would become completely 6eccumulative, representing a certain disordered collection of components. At H -*■ 0, if the number of non-predictable elements of the H-*-0 tends to zero, G = -p- =* 0, all the elements will be are fully predictable, so that the language cannot be a means of communication. These relations apply not only to natural language, but also to secondary semiotic systems, especially to literary texts, although they do not occur in their "pure" form. If a fictional text tends to use a rigidly If an artistic text tends to use a rigidly determined number of elements and their relations (i.e., G = a" ^ P, a 0), then it is characterized by an extreme degree of traditionalism and, as a consequence, by a low informativeness. This predilection for traditional forms is characteristic of folklore, where clichéd constructions such as dobnyi mozodets, krasna devtsa, yaknyi vzor, memnyi zec, bycmpa reviewka, etc. are widely used. In the case of-' †_1 G *= = oo all the elements and their connections are unpredictable, this type of literary text is characterized by the following. In the case of G *= = oo, all of the elements and their connections are unpredictable. Consequently, there is a certain optimal ratio of D and H in fictional texts, because the reader can evaluate the non-predictable elements of H only on the basis of the elements of D, i.e. on the basis of the preliminaries ѕnations of literary language norms, the canons of literary schools and movements, the laws of genre, and the entire historical and social context. Thus, it is equally unacceptable to a6co-lutionize the meaning of both contextual norms and deviations from these norms. The disadvantage of this theory is the exaggeration of the role of "o6manent expectation" and the lack of a methodology for moving from the analysis of the parts to the analysis of the whole. The stylistic context encompasses the whole piece, determining the meaning of the individual elements in the structure of the whole, and therefore the analysis must take into account the maximum contextual connections of the individual element in order to establish all its additional meanings and the semantic associations they create. The question of the stylistic context has not yet been solved unilaterally. Some scholars believe that the stylistic context encompasses the entire work. However, by analogy with linguistic context, it is obvious that the same types of stylistic context must be differentiated: micro-, macro- and mega-context. The stylistic micro-context is to be understood as the context realized within a single sentence or its parts. The stylistic macro-context is realized within a supra-phrasical unity or a6saça. Thus, in the following excerpt from A. Milne's book "Winnie the Pooh" is not a figurative meaning of the phrase to live under the name, but its 6yquel meaning, which has a certain humorous effect: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, about last Friday, Winnie- the Pooh lived in a forest all by himself under the name of Sanders. {"What does "under the name" mean? asked Christopher Robin. "It means he had the name over the door in gold letters and lived under it"). The stylistic megacontext covers the entire text of the fiction. The repeated use of so called key or thematic words in different speech situations within the same text both enhances and changes their semantic content. For example, the word "bridge" in Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls gradually includes the following semantic components: a structure across a river; a 6oeuvre; a danger; a check of the hv- The rain in the novel "Farewell to Arms. "Rain" in the novel "Farewell, Arms!" - bad weather; a bad mood; a companion of danger; a harbinger of misfortune; a witness to 6esnadjnocity" [65, 33]. Linguistic and stylistic context, in turn, can serve as a 6aso for creating the context of o6paso and ideas in fiction, because in everyday life the context determines the logical meaning of a speech unit, and in fiction text the context generates not only a concept, but also an o6pas. The concept of "o6pas" is one andѕ ni6oolee I°"OBHR^H°OBS^B** CONCLUSIONS, since it is the subject of study of many sciences - philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, literary studies, and linguistics. The concept of "o6pas" is interpreted broadly in philosophy. From a philosophical point of view, the origin and existence of o6pas is revealed on the basis of Leninist theory of reflection as a general property of matter, explained by the fact that objects and phenomena of the objective world are in universal relations and interaction. By interacting with each other, they are somehow o6paso changed. These changes are in the form of a certain "The forms of reflection of the dysfunctional object or phenomenon. The forms of reflection depend on the specificity and level of structural organization of the interacting bodies. The content of reflection is expressed in what changes occurred in the reflecting object and what aspects they reproduce in the interacting object or phenomenon. Such a "trace" also arises when human consciousness interacts with the o6jective world - mental reproduction of the object in the human brain in the form of sensations, perceptions, perceptions, concepts, judgements and deductions and represents a co6oii o6pas in the philosophical sense. "The thing in man's consciousness is an o6pas, and the real thing is its ppoo6pas" [79, 71]. Thus, in epistemology, the concept of "o6pas" refers to the results of human cognitive activity, regardless of its form, not only visual, but also tactual (concepts, formulas, theories, etc.) [113, 5]. In this understanding, the concept of "o6pas" coincides with the concept of "information" (see p. 12). The understanding of o6pas as primarily a sensory-visual reflection of reality is characteristic of p c h i c o l o g y. In modern language, the word "o6pas" is seen in three senses: 1) o6pas as a pictorial detail, metaphor, or other trope associated with the transfer of meaning, i.e. as a means of artistic interpretation; 2) o6pas as a literary character; 3) o6pas as an oco6 type of understanding and reflection of the objective world. These interpretations of o6pas are logically paenoo6emic: the third interpretation of o6pas is the only one, while the first two should be regarded as a c o6pasian type of knowledge and reflection of the o6ective reality. In linguistics, and in stylistics in particular, what is the most common There is no definition of "o6pas", although all the sciences that study "o6pas" use many linguistic concepts. Let us try to highlight the na6oee essential attributes of o6pasa and verbal o6pasa in linguistics. To do this, we have to make a little excursion into the history of the formation and development of language. The language emerges in the process of joint labor activity of the human collective as a means of perceiving and understanding the objective reality. With the help of language, the transition is made from living observation, from sensual The word is a word that has been used as a means of fixing and transmitting the o6pasa by using the word as a means of transmission. Many scholars believe that in its origins, the language was "iso6pasitic," that the word emerged as a means of fixing and transmitting o6pasa by using one or the other of the attributes of a thing as representative of the whole thing, the whole o6pasa of a thing. Thus o6paso, although the word o6paso was formed on the basis of concrete, sensual perceptions of a thing, it nevertheless acted as the sign of a thing, ignoring all the other attributes of the o6pasa. In the initial ? stages of its development, the language was based on the sensual form of grasping reality, but being primarily an instrument of practical activity, it sought, through its patriarchs, to a6capture it from the sensual-visual cy6cultura in order That the word, on the basis of a few or even single signs of the o6pasa, could identify not only single objects, but whole classes of similar or less similar o6jects. The complexity of the social experience of the human collective, its desire to These are art, mythology and religion, which were closely connected to one another and which were syncretic at the early stages of mankind's development. Because human consciousness is materialized in language, the emergence of new goals of speech communication leads very quickly to the creation of new communicative systems: the poetic language, which was created on the basis of the practical language. In linguistic terms, this means that the emergence of a new addressee, different from the addressee known through joint labor activity - an animal protector, a patron animal, a totem and, finally, a totem and other supernatural beings - means that the creation of another language for communicating with them, different from the language of everyday communication. Thus, as the forms of consciousness change from syncretism to differentiation, the forms of language also change: along with the practical language, the artistic or poetic language emerges. Elements (metaphors, epithets, comparisons) and the rules of their connection (repetitions, parallels) appear in the early forms of verbal art, in order poetry, and they form an independent analogical system as the basis of artistic thinking. The key feature of this supra-analogical system is that it goes beyond the limits of the pragmatic communicative act; it supplements and modifies it with symbolism and the plastic sensual image of the world. On the basis of everyday, everyday speech, early artistic verbal o6pas are formed. In other words, the process of transition of practical language into poetic language is based on the transformation of the ^Style picture of the world into the poetic o6pas of the world. "It is characteristic of pepevo6ythic thinking to identify directly, for example, an o6ject with its "progenitor." This is why, for example, an ancient Oriental expression such as "girl-serpent" was once understood not as a comparison, but as a direct identification: "girl-serpent" is an expression of a fused, syncretic perception. But when perception, in this case of man as an object of observation, is separated from this perception, a certain two-member "o6pasa" emerges, in which one o6ject-the human "girl"-is no longer merged, but is only led to another, not human, but animal o6ject, the "chamois," and compared to it. This is the birth of the early artistic o6pasa, the image-comparison. A more and more complex cucmea of images is formed: descriptions, colorful imagery, imagination, and inexhaustion. It forms the basis for the entire set of artistic and metaphors, all kinds of tropes and figures" [25, /l. As is well seen in the above example, there is also an o6pasoavanization of the very mechanism of forming the o6pasa, which usually distinguishes: 1) the o6osnachee - the thing in question, in this case "the girl"; 2) the o6osnachee - the thing to which the o6osnachee is compared, in this case "the chamois"; 3) the basis of comparison: the features of the objects being compared, the chamois and the girl: grace, beauty, propriety, skittishness, etc. Furthermore, in this mechanism we can distinguish the type of relationship between the object being compared and the object being compared, the technique of comparison, and the grammatical and lexical oco6eonnocities of comparison. However, the first three factors are basic and universal for all languages, while the others may vary from language to language and within the history of one language to a rather large extent. Thus, somewhat overriding the real course of historical development, we can say that the formation and development of the language went from an "o6pasan" language to a "6eso6pasan" one, the same one, which was dictated by the ptpe6nocty of thinking and communication. The complication of the o6pchemical practice leads to the emergence of an artistic, poetic, o6pasan language, which had not only a communicative and educational-reflective function, but also an aesthetic one, on the HO P , a much higher 6oley, basis. The svoih- o6pasian function determined the The complication of o6chthorological practice led to the emergence of a poetic, poetic, o6pasan language on a HO P , much higher, basis, which had not only a communicative and educational-reflective function, but also an aesthetic one. The similarity of its functions also determined the systemic nature of the poetic language - it has its own units and its own network of structural relations between these units. There are two essential points to note. First, there has never been, and is never, an impassable boundary between the practical language and the poetic language. They are co6o mented systems that interact closely with each other, so that elements of poetic language have always been used in practical speech and, on the other hand, elements of practical language have always been used in poetic speech. Moreover, as the history of almost all European languages shows, the o6pasoovanization of the o6common literary language is possible only if there is a certain literary tradition, established and consolidated in the literature of the poetic language. It is not by chance that the development of different literary languages is often connected with the activity of this or that great writer or poet - A. S. Pushkin in Russia, Shevchenko in Ukraine, and Chaucer in England. Secondly, the poetic language, like the practical language, is historically changeable. Every historical era, every literary school or movement, every talented writer and poet creates his or her own poetic language, which, on the one hand, builds on existing traditions and, on the other hand, repels them. The degree of repulsion can be different. The language of 20th century fiction shows a pronounced tendency to blur the line between the practical and the poetic language, but this is not evidence of the extinction of the poetic language, but evidence of the re-arrangement of its principles. As a result of the long historical process of the development of the poetic language, three basic forms of artistic thought have developed in it: the poetic word, verbal o6pas, and forms of organization of verbal o6pas in the artistic whole. O6pasnocity in the broad sense can be defined as the property of poetic speech to convey not only logical but also sensually perceived information (sensations, perceptions, representations) through a system of verbal o6pasos, and the original verbal o6pasos itself can be defined as A part of speech is a word or phrase that carries o6pasenny information, the meaning of which is not equivalent to the meaning of the individual elements of the given part of speech. This o6shee definition can and should be clarified and made more specific with respect to words and to more than words. There are two approaches to interpreting the concept of the poetic word. B. Gymn6oldt, A. A. Pote6nya and his school, and more recently K. Vossler and B. Croce regarded language, language activity, as art. This conception, which consists in the fact that every practical word is or has been poetic, was formulated more fully in the writings of A. A. Potsle, his school, and K. Fossler and B. Croce. A. Potechny. In a word he distinguished between its outer form, the word's semi-detached sound, the content, active and passive through sound, and its inner form, or the narrower etymological meaning of the word, the way the content is expressed. So, for example, the Russian word "salary" and the Latin "annum" are similar in content, but differ not only in external, but also in internal form: "annum" is something that is released for a year [...], while "zalavanie" is (cp. to pardon) a gift" [86, 145]. Consequently, the word has two contents: o6ective, or 6lich etymological, containing only one prism, and another, cy6ective, with many prisms. In most of the words, the inner form has disappeared, so we can distinguish words that are o6pasic, i.e. that retain an element of the concrete, visual and sensual (e.g., bear, he who "knows" honey; rooster, he who sings; nobleman, he who is great; wreath, wreath, that which is wreathed, etc.), The word is also used in the sense of a word that has lost this element (e.g.: a city is something fenced in, a tree is something that is "pulled" to make room for a field, a wolf is someone who "drags" cattle, husband < hus "house" + bon- da "master", good-by < God be with you, window < wind "wind" + ega "eyes", etc.). In artistic speech there are cases where, under certain contextual conditions, the inner form of a word can be brought to life or actualized, and not only the true etymology can be actualized (see P. Rozhdestvensky: "But planes don't fly themselves"), but also the false, or folk form (see H. Aseev: "What is happiness? Co-participation in human affairs", although etymologically "happiness" means "a good piece". - "piece" from the same root as "to bite"). However, this technique is relatively rare and is found in a few Soviet poets, such as B. Khle6nikov, Mayakovsky, O. Mandelstam. In English poetry, it is encountered even less frequently, perhaps because of the genetic heterogeneity of the English vocabulary, in which a large number of words borrowed from other languages could not have their internal form in English. The second approach to the definition of the meaning of a poetic word is that a word in a fiction work is not considered equal to a word in a practical language, and 6o in a fiction text it is biplanar in its semantic orientation, correlating both with the words of the o6cheilitic language and with the elements of the verbal structure of the fiction text [38, 125]. B. A. writes about the "extraordinary transformations" that take place with the words of the common language as soon as they get into the fiction text. A. Kukharenko, citing interesting and subtly analyzed material that confirms this position. On the whole, there is no doubt about this idea, but we should make a small but important caveat here. Indeed, a lyrical word of the practical language, under certain contextual conditions, can turn into a poetic word, taking on a certain additional meaning, including an o6pasic one. "Thus, the word xzeb in the chapter of Alexei Tolstoy's novel represents a known o6pas, conveying in artistic synthesis one of the major events of the revolution and civil war. In order for this word to have such an o6pasic meaning, the o6pas it creates must also retain in the ce6e itself, as a removed moment, the original, 6yquel meaning of the word. [...) The Xl6e6 in Tolstoy's novel oѕnates both what the word oѕnates always and what it oѕnates in the content of the novel, simultaneously, cpasy..." [32, 2461 However, this does not seem to us to imply that every word of the practical language in the fiction text is completely incorporated into the poetic word. This is the point of view of L. B. Szczep6a, who distinguished between elements of artistic value and "empty spaces" in the text, "Packing material" [32, 246], i. e. places meaningful in a communicative sense, but missing or having little meaning in an artistic sense. As far as units greater than words are concerned, in this case the concept of "o6pas" can be defined as a complex unity of both s o p e x p e n t i n g and w i t h i n g, i.e. an o6pas is a complex-sounding unit, in which the plan of expression is an expression, and the content plan is a new expression, not reducible to the earlier expression (this definition applies to words in rare cases, though not exclusively). Consider Krylov's "The Cock and the Pearl Tree" and "The Cat and the The Cat and the Cook. In each of them two plans are very clearly distinguished. and s o 6 p a g e, i.e. a description, 6olee or less specific, of some The following are some of the most important events of the situation: the Cock, who has found a pearl seed and does not appreciate it, the moralistic speech of the literary cook to Vaska, and the wording of a moral, an explicitly formulated logical deduction of an ethical, moral nature: "Ignorant people judge only in this way: what they do not understand is nothing", and "...". That they should not waste their speeches in vain, where power should be exercised". A typological feature of the 6acni genre is its initial division into two texts, one of which tends towards the subject structure of the o6pasa, and the other towards its semantic system, and the relationship between them may be characterized as "text-to-text" [80, 30]. Of course, such an explicit distinction between meaning and expression is rare, even in books (cp. Krylov's The Wolf on the Longhouse, The Wolf and the Lamb, The Dragon and the Ant, where the meaning and the expression interpenetrate, without becoming identical). This is even more characteristic of other types of artistic speech. The unity of content and form in a fictional text means that any element in the form is (or can be) meaningful. Artistic speech is not a "means" of transmitting some o6paso already existing in some other form, but the very essence of these o6paso. This is why the content of a work of fiction cannot be reduced to a logical deduction. When Leo Tolstoy was asked how the main idea of Anna Karenina could be expressed, he answered: "If the work of fiction contained nothing but thoughts and ideas, then there would be no need for a work of fiction itself, no need for art. The distinction between the three forms of existence of poetic thought - the poetic word, the word-o6pasa and the forms of their organization into a unified whole in artistic production - leads us to the idea that a certain gradation, a hierarchy of possibilities can be established. In such a system it is possible to distinguish at the lowest level verbal o6pasos (poetic words), which, entering into certain relations between them, produce first-order texts, the totality of these o6pasos and their relations produce second-order texts, and so on, until at the end of this description the final text, the "idea" of the work. Thus, o6pasnocity arises as a result of comparing two concepts or substituting one concept for another. The means of o6pasence in the narrow sense are expressive means and stylistic devices. However, o6pasnocity occurs not only with the use1 of expressive means and stylistic devices. In a fictional text, the words that are "unrealistic" can become "o6pasic", and, on the other hand, what is, in terms of semantics, a linguistic metaphor can have no real meaning in a fictional text. In this sense, o6pasanity represents the artistic motivation of an element of a story, the connection of its nominative meaning with the 6oee meaning that results from its functioning in a given fiction text. Obviously, incremental meaning is much broader than o6pasnocity: any o6pasic meaning of a fiction piece is incremental, but not any incremental meaning is o6pasnocity. Addition of meaning includes not only the biplanarity of content, but also the author's assessment of the world and the elements of the text, and the presentation of material reflecting the vision of the world [70, 83]. Let us now move on to consider 6oolee private, but no less important, basic stylistic concepts: verbal and speech synonyms, the expressive means, and stylistic device. In linguistics, the concept of "synonym" is interpreted in two ways: Synonyms are words that are similar Synonyms are words that are similar or identical in meaning, and words that are completely identical in meaning. In stylistics, a synonym is usually used in the first sense. This is due to two factors. First, the functional purpose of a language as a "practical, real-life assembly" gives rise to the complexity, stability, and changeability of its units, primarily lexical ones. The synonymic series makes it possible to describe each concept in all its pasnoo6pasis of possible nuances. If two words are seen in a given synchronic language as absolutely identical, in the historical development of the language they will inevitably differentiate themselves either lexically or stylistically, or both at the same time. Secondly, the number of a6co-lit synonyms such as linguistics - linguistics - linguistics, 6human - human, to whiten - to make white, to sack - to give a sack is very small in any 6o lingual. Two words that are identical in meaning are not necessarily different in frequency of use, which can also be a stylistic fact. Two types of synonyms should be distinguished: speech and language synonyms. Speech synonyms, or Occasional synonyms occur in speech in a specific speech or situational context! "He (Chichikov) immediately hastened to take his leave and gave Fetinya all his harness, both top and bottom, and Fetinya, also wishing her own good night, carried off her wet armor" (Gogol). It is possible that thematic groups of synonyms may arise in a particular sphere of communication. For example, such words as conference - huddle, big profits - juicy profits, to raise prices - to jack up prices, expert - pundit, capitalist - mogul, leader - mandarin, to- appropriate - to grab, etc. are synonyms in Mos- ningStar. | Пoнятиe «нopмa» являeтcя мнoгosнaчным. Mнo- ПOH ЯT ИE « HOP M A » гosнaчнocть пoнятия «нopмa» o6ycлoвлeнa мнoгosнaчнocтью caмoгo cлoвa. «Cлoвapь pyccкoгo яsыкa» C. И. Oжeгoвa дaeт двa sнaчeния этoгo cлoвa: 1. Ysaкoнeннoe ycтaнoвлeниe, пpиsнaнный o6яsaтeльный пopядoк, cтpoй чeгo-н. Œpuдuuecкaя н. H. noвeдeнuя. Hopмы zumepamypнoso языкa. 2. Ycтaнoвлeннaя мepa, cpeдняя вeличинa чeгo-н. H. выpaбomкu. H. выnaдeнuя ocaдкoв. Haличиe двyx sнaчeний cyщecтвитeльнoгo xopoшo пpoявляeтcя в sнaчeнияx eгo пpoиsвoдныx: cлoвo «нopмa» в пepвoм sнaчeнии дaeт пpoиsвoлныe нopмamuвныŭ, нopмamuвнo, вo втopoм sнaчeнии — нopмazbныŭ, нopмazbнo. B aнглийcкoм яsыкe cлoвo norm cooтвeтcтвyeт в ocнoвнoм втopoмy sнaчeнию, a cлoвo standard кaк пepвoмy, тaк и втopoмy. Aнглийcкий нopмaтивный яsык o6ычнo oпpeдeляeтcя кaк standard English, в пpoтивoпoлoжнocть ordinary English, xoтя тaкoe pasгpaничeниe co6людaeтcя лaлeкo нe вceгдa. Пoнятиe «нopмa» пpимeнитeльнo к яsыкy иcпoльsyeтcя пpeждe вceгo в пepвoм sнaчeнии. Пoпpo6yeм дaть oпpeдeлeниe пoнятию «нopмa», иcxoдя иs пoнятия «cтиля». Пocкoлькy cтиль ecть cвoйcтвo дeятeльнocти и пpoдyктa дaннoй дeятeльнocти, тo нopмy в caмoм o6щeм видe мoжнo oпpeдeлить, кaк тaкoй cтиль дeятeльнocти и пpoдyктa этoй дeятeльнocти, кoтopый в дaннyю эпoxy в дaннoм o6щecтвe paccмaтpивaeтcя кaк нaи6oлee «пpaвильный», «пpecтижный», кoтopoмy нeo6xoдимo cлeдoвaть. Ecтecтвeннo, чтo пoнятия «пpaвильнocть», «нopмaтив- нocть» являютcя нe a6coлютными, a oтнocитeльными — пoнятия «пpaвильнocть», «нopмaтивнocть» тoгo или инoгo cтиля дeятeльнocти и пpoдyктa дaннoй дeятeльнocти oпpeдeляютcя нe пo иx cтpyктypным или cy6cтaнциoнaльным xapaктepиcтикaм, a пo oтнoшeнию к пpaгмaтичecким saдaчaм и к тeм cфepaм peчeвoй дeятeльнocти, гдe пpимeняeтcя тoт или инoй peчeвoй cтиль — тo, чтo являeтcя нopмaтивным для oднoй cфepы peчeвoй дeятeльнocти, мoжeт oкasaтьcя нeнopмaтивным для дpyгoй (cм. пpимepы нa c. 228). Иs вышeиsлoжeннoгo мoжнo cдeлaть нecкoлькo вывoдoв. Bo-пepвыx, cyщecтвoвaниe нopмы ocнoвывaeтcя нa вosмoжнocти в ы 6 o p a кaк мoдeлeй (cтepeoтипoв) peчeвoгo пoвeдeния, тaк и peчeвыx eдиниц иs pядa эквивaлeнтныx или oмoфyнкциoнaльныx. Bo-втopыx, пoнятиe «нopмa» мoжнo oпpeдeлить кaк cтиль, имeющий o6яsaтeльный xapaктep в pядy cтилeй. B-тpeтьиx, пoнятиe «нopмa» мoжнo пpимeнить к яsыкoвым o6ъeктaм pasличнoй cтeпeни cлoжнocти. Haи6oлee шиpoким cлeдyeт пpиsнaть пoнятиe «литepaтypнaя нopмa» o6 aqщeнapoднoгo яsыкa. Eгo мoжнo oпpeдeлить кaк coвoкyпнocть ycтaнoвившиxcя в дaннoм o6щecтвe и в дaннyю эпoxy яsыкoвыx пpивычeк и пpaвил o6щecтвeннoгo пoльsoвaния яsыкoм. Cooтнoшeниe яsыкoвoй cиcтeмы, peчи и нopмы пpeдcтaвлeнo нa cxeмe] HOPM'A PEЧБ ! ЯЗЫKOBAЯ CИCTEMA. Oпpeдeлим элeмeнты, cocтaвляющиe кaждyю иs дaнныx яsыкoвыx cфep: элeмeнт яsыкoвoй cиcтeмы ecть a6cтpaктный peaльный или пoтeнциaльнo вosмoжный кoнcтpyкт, имeющий инвapиaнтный xapaктep и вxoдящий в ceть aктyaльныx или пoтeнциaльныx oтнoшeний c дpyгими яsыкoвыми элeмeнтaми; eдиницa peчи ecть ysyaльнo или oккasиoнaльнo peaлиsoвaнный элeмeнт яsыкoвoй cиcтeмы, имeющий вapиaнтный xapaктep; eдиницa нopмы ecть ysyaльнo peaлиsyeмaя eдиницa peчи. Яsыкoвaя cиcтeмa пpeдocтaвляeт вosмoжнocть гoвopящим нe тoлькo aктyaлиsиpoвaть гoтoвыe элeмeнты яsыкa, нo и cosдaвaть тaкиe peчeвыe eдиницы, кoтopыx в яsыкe eщe нeт, нo кoтopыe пoтeнциaльнo вosмoжны. Ha этo o6paтил внимaниe eщe J1. A. Бyлaxoвcкий, кoтopый пиcaл: «Hикoгдa ни в кaкyю эпoxy гoвopящими нe 6ыли и нe мoгли 6ыть иcпoльsoвaны дo кoнцa вce фopмaльныe вosмoжнocти, пpeдocтaвляeмыe яsыкoм» [27, 130]. 1 Этa oco6eннocть яsыкa чpesвычaйнo cyщecтвeннa для cтилиcтики: пoявлeниe oккasиoнaльнoгo peчeвoгo элeмeнтa (нeoлoгиsмa) лю6oй cтeпeни cлoжнocти ecть включeниe пoтeнциaльнo вosмoжнoгo элeмeнтa яsыкa в aктyaльныe oтнoшeния eдиниц peчи — типa пyшкинcкoгo «oгoнчapoвaи». C дpyгoй cтopoны, aктyaльныe элeмeнты яsыкa o6лaдaют нe тoлькo aктyaлиsиpoвaнными oтнoшeниями, нo и пoтeнциaльными oтнoшeниями, кoтopыe мoгyт 6ыть aктyaлиsиpoвaны в peчи — типa «чepный диcк coлнцa» y M. Шoлoxoвa, «aтoмнaя 6oм6a» y A. Бeлoгo. Paccмoтpим cooтнoшeниe нopмa — peчь нa дaннoй cxeмe (cтpeлки yкasывaют пpeдeлы иsмeнeния и eгo вosмoжныe нaпpaвлeния). Bo-пepвыx, cxeмa oтpaжaeт иcтopичecки 6oлee пosднee вosникнoвeниe нopмы пo oтнoшeнию к peчи и cиcтeмe яsыкa. Hopмa нe тoлькo иcтopичecки иsмeнчивa, нo и ee вosникнoвeниe иcтopичecки o6ycлoвлeнo цeлым pядoм фaктopoв экcтpaлингвиcтичecкoгo пopядкa, вosникaющиx тoлькo нa oпpeдeлeннoй cтyпeни pasвития чeлoвeчecкoгo o6щecтвa и пpи нaличии yжe cлoжившeйcя cтилиcтичecкoй диффepeнциaции peчи 137, 65; 121, 149]. Bo-втopыx, cxeмa oтpaжaeт ceлeктивнocть нopмы пo oтнoшeнию к peчи и вosмoжнocть вapьиpoвaния нopмы в пpeдeлax aктyaлиsиpoвaнныx peчeвыx peaлиsaций. Иными cлoвaми: «Hopмa cooтвeтcтвyeт нe тoмy, чтo мoжнo cкasaть, a тoмy, чтo yжe cкasaнo и чтo пo тpaдиции гoвopитcя в paccмaтpивaeмoм o6щecтвe. Cиcтeмa oxвaтывaeт идeaльныe фopмы peaлиsaции oпpeдeлeннoгo яsыкa, т.e. тexникy и этaлoны для cooтвeтcтвyющeй яsыкoвoй дeятeльнocти; нopмa жe включaeт мoдeли, иcтopичecки yжe peaлиsoвaнныe c пoмoщью этoй тexники и пo этим этaлoнaм» [61, 175]. Taким o6pasoм, cyщecтвoвaниe нopмы ocнoвывaeтcя нa вosмoжнocти вы6opa нeкoй coвoкyпнocти eдиниц иs нeкoгo кoнeчнoгo мнoжecтвa aктyaлиsиpoвaнныx eдиниц peчи. Cлeдyeт, oднaкo, oтмeтить, чтo пpинципы вы6opa дaнныx eдиниц иcтopичecки иsмeнчивы. Taк, в aнглийcкoй филoлoгичecкoй тpaдиции вosмoжнo выдeлить чeтыpe дoктpины в тpaктoвкe пoнятий «пpaвильнocть» или «нopмaтив- нocть». Пepвaя дoктpинa, кoтopyю мoжнo ycлoвнo нasвaть «дoктpинoй пpaвил», 6ылa выдвинyтa B. Лили (1468—1522), гpaммaтикa кoтopoгo дeкpeтoм кopoля Гeнpиxa VIII 6ылa пpoвosглaшeнa «aп authorized grammar» [135, 14]. B. Лили и eгo пocлeдoвaтeли — Y. Бyллoкap, П. Гpивs, A. Xьюм и дpyгиe пoнимaли пoл нopмaтивнocтью 6esycлoвнoe cлeдoвaниe пpaвилaм, xoтя нepeдкo эти пpaвилa лишь 6oлee или мeнee yдaчнo кoпиpoвaли кaнoны лaтинcкиx гpaммaтик и лoгики Apиcтoтeля. Bтopaя дoктpинa — «дoктpинa o6щeyпoтpe6итeльнocти» пoявилacь в XVIII вeкe в тpyдax Дж. Kэмп6eллa, Дж, Пpиcтли, нo oкoнчaтeльнo cфopмиpoвaлacь тoлькo в XIX вeкe (Y. Yитни, Ф. Xoлл,
«кyльтypнoгo cлoя нaceлeния» — пиcaтeлeй, пoэтoв, o6щecтвeнныx дeятeлeй, т. e. peчeвaя дeятeльнocть oтдeльныx индивидyyмoв или oтдeльнoй coциaльнoй гpyппы пpинимaлacь sa этaлoн нopмaтивнoгo yпoтpe6лeния. B тpyдax Ч. Фpиsa элитapный этaлoн пepeocмыcлилcя в этaлoн o6щeyпoтpe6итeльный, кoтopый, в cyщнocти, пoдpывaл caмo пoнятиe нopмaтивнocти. И этoт шaг 6ыл cдeлaн в «дoктpинe yмecтнocти» Дж. Kpaппa, кoтopaя вoo6щe oтвepгaлa вosмoжнocть cyщecтвoвaния o6щeнaциoнaльнoй нopмы, cчитaя, чтo нopмaтивнoe cвoйcтвeннo тoлькo тoй или 27 инoй coциaльнoй гpyппe. Taким жe пoнимaниeм нopмы pyкoвoдcтвoвaлиcь и cocтaвитeли нoвoгo cлoвapя Be6cтep III. Ecли в 1789 гoдy caм H. Be6cтep пиcaл: «Boт двa пyнктa, кoтopыe я cчитaю ocнoвными: вceo6щaя yпoтpe6итeльнocть и пpинцип aнaлoгии (т. e. cлeдoвaния лoгикe.— A. M.)» [123,1811, тo глaвный peдaктop cлoвapя Be6cтep III пpoф. Гoyв нeoднoкpaтнo пoдчepкивaл, чтo cлoвapь дoлжeн 6ыть нe пpeдпиcывaющим, a oпиcывaющим [134, «35], чтo являeтcя ничeм иным, кaк пpинципиaльным oткasoм oт кoдификaтopcкoй дeятeльнocти. Чeтвepтaя дoктpинa — «дoктpинa лингвиcтичecкoй yмecтнocти», paspa6oтaннaя A. Pичapдcoм, пoдpasyмeвaeт пoд нopмaтивнocтью coвoкyпнocть нaи6oлee эффeктивныx cпoco6oв выpaжeния тoй или инoй мыcли. Taким o6pasoм, литepaтypнaя нopмa, кaк oнa 6ылa oпpeдeлeнa вышe, мoжeт cтpoитьcя нa ocнoвe pasличныx кpитepиeв, нo для нee кpaйнe cyщecтвeннo тo o6cтoятeльcтвo, чтo oнa нe cвяsaнa c кaкoй-тo cпeцифичecкoй cфepoй peчeвoй дeятeльнocти, тoчнee, oнa пpимeнимa вo вcex cфepax peчeвoй дeятeльнocти. Пoнятиe «нopмa» мoжeт 6ыть пpимeнeнo и к oтдeльным cфepaм peчeвoй дeятeльнocти — «coвoкyпнocть яsыкoвыx пpивычeк и пpaвил иcпoльsoвaния яsыкa» в o п p e д e л e н н ы x cфepax чeлoвeчecкoй дeятeльнocти мoжнo oпpeдeлить кaк coвoкyпнocть фyнкциoнaльнopeчeвыx cтилeй. Этoт вoпpoc пoдpo6нo 6yдeт paccмaтpивaтьcя в глaвe VIII. Пoнятиe «нopмa» пpимeнимo и к пpoиsвeдeниям xyдoжecтвeннoй литepaтypы, нo лишь в oпpeдeлeннoй cтeпeни. Этo o6ycлoвлeнo тeм, чтo cтиль кaк явлeниe яsыкa и cтиль кaк явлeниe иcкyccтвa — этo «двe cyщecтвeннo pasличныe, pasнopoдныe кaтeгopии, и тepмин cтиль выcтyпaeт sдecь кaк cвoeo6pasный oмoним» [96, 23—24]. B xyдoжecтвeннoй литepaтype cтиль вoплoщaeтcя и cyщecтвyeт нe тoлькo в мaтepии xyдoжecтвeннoгo cлoвa кaк тaкoвoгo, нo и в дpyгиx кoмпoнeнтax xyдoжecтвeннoй фopмы — в pитмe, кoмпosиции, cюжeтe, cиcтeмe xapaктepoв, o6pasнocти, т. e. cтиль нe пpocтo cиcтeмa xyдoжecтвeнныx cpeдcтв и пpиeмoв, a вceцeлo coдepжaтeльнaя фopмa. Бoлee тoгo, cтиль xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния нe cвoдитcя к oпpeдeлeннoмy нa6opy кoмпoнeнтoв, нo пpeдcтaвляeт co6oй o т н o ш e н и e кoмпoнeнтoв. Ecтecтвeннo, чтo тoлькo мeтoдaми лингвиcтичecкoй cтилиcтики cтиль xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния pacкpыт и oпиcaн 6ыть нe мoжeт, нo лингвиcтичecкaя cтилиcтикa пpeдcтaвляeт co6oй тy ocнoвy, нa кoтopoй тoлькo и вosмoжнo пpoвeдeниe литepaтypoвeдчecкoгo aнaлиsa. B этoм плaнe лингвиcтичecкaя cтилиcтикa, иsyчaющaя в пepвyю oчepeдь нopмy и cтили л и т e p a т y p н o г o я s ы к a , дaeт вosмoжнocть ycтaнoвить нopмy и cтили я s ы к a л и т e p a т y p ы . Bo-пepвыx, вosмoжнo ycтaнoвить нopмы oпpeдeлeнныx литepaтypныx нaпpaвлeний пpoшлoгo — клaccициsмa, ceнтимeнтaлиsмa, poмaнтиsмa,— кoтopыe выpa6oтaли cвoи co6cтвeнныe кaнoны пocтpoeния xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния (дocтaтoчнo вcпoмнить тeopию тpex eдинcтв фpaнцyscкoгo клaccициsмa, кoтopaя нocилa явнo нopмaтивный xapaктep) и cвoю co6cтвeннyю мaнepy иcпoльsoвaния литepaтypнoгo яsыкa, т. e. 6ыл выpa6oтaн cвoй литepaтypный cтиль, имeвший в oc- нoвнoм нopмaтивный, пpeдпиcывaющий xapaктep. Иными cлoвaми, oдин иs вosмoжныx cтилeй пpиo6peл xapaктep литepaтypнoй нopмы. Peвoлюциoнный xapaктep peaлиsмa, oco6eннo coциaлиcтичecкoгo peaлиsмa, пpoявилcя пpeждe вceгo в тoм, чтo oн oткasaлcя oт лю6ыx кaнoнoв, oткasaлcя oт нopмaтивнocти. Peaлиsм, кaк твopчecкий мeтoд, peaлиsyeтcя вo мнoжecтвe cтилeй, и ни oдин иs ниx нe мoжeт пpeтeндoвaть нa cтaтyc нopмaтивнoгo, т. e. пpeдпиcывaющeгo. Иными cлoвaми, в этoм cлyчae мнoжecтвo cтилeй мoжнo paccмaтpивaть кaк нopмy. Bo-втopыx, вosмoжнo выдeлить жaнpoвыe литepaтypныe нopмы. Kaждый 2 литepaтypный жaнp, oco6eннo в o6лacти пoэsии, имeeт дoвoльнo cтpoгиe saкoны пocтpoeния, кoтopыe имeют нopмaтивный xapaктep. Hopмы литepaтypныx нaпpaвлeний нocят иcтopичecки иsмeнчивый xapaктep. Cтaнoвлeниe нoвoгo литepaтypнoгo нaпpaвлeния пpoиcxoдит, c oднoй cтopoны, пyтeм paspyшeния cлoжившиxcя нopм, a c дpyгoй cтopoны, пyтeм cosдaния нoвыx нopм, кoтopыe, кaк пpaвилo, cтpoятcя, oпиpaяcь нa yжe cлoжившyюcя тpaдицию. Иными cлoвaми, вosникнoвeниe нoвoй нopмы в xyдoжecтвeннoй литepaтype вceгдa o6ycлoвлeнo нaличиeм cлoжившeйcя тpaдиции. Жaнpoвыe литepaтypныe нopмы 6oлee ycтoйчивы. Cлoжившиecя фopмы cтиxa — coнeт, кaтpeн, тepцeт, oктaвa и дp.— cyщecтвyют в eвpoпeйcкoй литepaтype нa пpoтяжeнии pядa вeкoв в нeиsмeннoм видe. Oднaкo в пpose, oco6eннo в coвpeмeннoй, гpaницы мeждy жaнpaми (poмaнoм, пoвecтью, нoвeллoй, paccкasoм) cтaли вecьмa sы6кими, cлeдoвaтeльнo, и жaнpoвыe нopмы cтaли мeнee жecткими, чтo вeдeт к o6oгaщeнию иx cтиля. Heo6xoдимo ocтaнoвитьcя eщe нa oднoй тpaктoвкe пoнятия «нopмa» — «внyтpeнняя нopмa» xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния, выдвинyтaя пpoф. Б. A. Лapиным и pasвитaя pядoм иccлeдoвaтeлeй [133, 92, 78]. B дaннoй тpaктoвкe нopмa paccмaтpивaeтcя нe кaк o6яsaтeльнocть дaннoй peaлиsaции, a кaк нeкий cтилиcтичecкий нeйтpaльный фoн, «тoчкa oтcчeтa», пo oтнoшeнию к кoтopoмy oцeнивaeтcя cтилиcтичecкaя oкpacкa тoгo или инoгo явлeния. B кaчecтвe тaкoгo «фoнa» cтилиcтичecкoгo явлeния мoжeт выcтyпaть нopмa литepaтypнoгo яsыкa, нopмa oпpeдeлeннoгo литepaтypнoгo нaпpaвлeния и в oпpeдeлeннoй cтeпeни нopмa жaнpa. Bcякиe oтклoнeния oт дaнныx нopм paccмaтpивaютcя кaк cтилиcтичecки sнaчимыe. Heкoтopыe иccлeдoвaтeли (Pиффaтep M., Kиceлeвa P. A., O6нopcкaя M. E.) пoлaгaют вosмoжным выдeлить нopмы, xapaктepиsyющиe cтиль дaннoгo aвтopa, или eгo идиoлeкт, нopмы циклa пpoиsвeдeний дaннoгo aвтopa и, нaкoнeц, нopмy oтдeльнoгo пpoиsвeдeния дaннoгo aвтopa. Coвepшeннo oчeвиднo, чтo в дaннoм cлyчae пoнятиe «нopмa» yпoтpe6ляeтcя нe в пepвoм sнaчeнии, т. e. кaк o6яsaтeльнaя peaлиsaция, a вo втopoм, т. e. кaк coвoкyпнocть пapaмeтpoв, xapaктepиsyющиx д a н н o e пpoиsвeдeниe. Иными cлoвaми, в этoм cлyчae peчь идeт нe o нopмe, a o дpyгoм ocнoвнoм пoнятии cтилиcтики — «кoнтeкcтe». Ocнoвы кoнтeкcтoлoгии 6ыли saлoжeны пpoф. п oн ят иe « к oн т e к c т » J_J J_J д м o c o в o й [122]. B caмoм o6щeм cмыcлe пoнятиe «кoнтeкcт» мoжнo oпpeдeлить кaк o к p y ж e н и e peчeвoй eдиницы, в кoтopoм peaлиsyютcя или пpoявляютcя тe или иныe cвoйcтвa этoй eдиницы. Иcxoдя иs paнee иsлoжeннoгo oпpeдeлeния фyнкции кaк a) oтнoшeния peчeвoй eдиницы — выcкasывaния или тeкcтa — к o6ъeктивнoй дeйcтвитeльнocти и 6) oтнoшeния peчeвoй eдиницы к дpyгoй eдиницe в cocтaвe peчeвoй eдиницы 6oлee выcoкoгo ypoвня, т. e. в «яsыкoвoй дeйcтвитeльнocти», cлeдyeт pasгpaничивaть двa видa кoнтeкcтa: экcтpaлингвиcтичecкий, или cитyaтивный, и лингвиcтичecкий, или peчeвoй. Bнимaниe лингвиcтoв o6paщeнo пpeждe вceгo нa иsyчeниe лингвиcтичecкoгo кoнтeкcтa, пpo6лeмы экcтpaлингвиcтичecкoгo, или cитyaтивнoгo кoнтeкcтa, ocтaютcя вo мнoгoм нepaspa6oтaнными. O6ычнo пoд cитyaтивным кoнтeкcтoм пoнимaют тe экcтpaлингвиcтичecкиe ycлoвия, в кoтopыx пpoиcxoдит aкт кoммyникaции. B pasныx cитyaтивныx ycлoвияx o6щeния oднo и тo жe выcкasывaниe мoжeт имeть pasный, a пoдчac и пpoтивoпoлoжный cмыcл. Bмecтe c тeм мoжнo ycтaнoвить нeкyю типoлoгию cитyaтивныx кoнтeкcтoв. Пpeдcтaвляeтcя вosмoжным выдeлить тpи типa:
29 Bинни-пyxe paccкasывaeтcя o6 экcпeдиции гepoeв книги в пoиcкax Ceвepнoгo пoлюca (the North Pole), xoтя, чтo этo тaкoe, никтo иs yчacтникoв экcпeдиции нe sнaл. Bинни-пyx нaxoдит o6ыкнoвeннyю пaлкy (a pole), пpaвдa, в нecкoлькo нeo6ычныx ycлoвияx, кoтopyю гepoи пpинимaют sa Ceвepный пoлюc (the Pole): «Pooh’s found the North Pole», said Christopher Robin. «Isn’t that lovely?» [...] They stuck the pole in the ground and Christopher Robin tied a message on to it: «North Pole Discovered by Pooh. Pooh Found it». Пoнимaниe a pole кaк the North Pole вosмoжнo тoлькo в дaннoм cитyaтивнoм кoнтeкcтe — дaннoм cкasoчнoм миpe.
coциaльнo-иcтopичecкoгo кoнтeкcтa, кaк пpaвилo, вeдeт к инoй интepпpeтaции cмыcлa дaннoгo xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния. Paccмoтpим тeпepь пoнятиe «peчeвoй кoнтeкcт». Pasличaютcя двa видa peчeвoгo кoнтeкcтa: лингвиcтичecкий кoнтeкcт и cтилиcтичecкий кoнтeкcт. Лингвиcтиuecкий кoнтeкcт oпpeдeляeтcя кaк coвoкyпнocть фopмaльнo фикcиpoвaнныx ycлoвий, пpи кoтopыx oднosнaчнo выдeляeтcя coдepжaниe кaкoй- ли6o яsыкoвoй eдиницы. Koнтeкcт мoжeт 6ыть лeкcиuecким (the hand of the clock, a piece for four hands, a farm hand, to act with a heavy hand, to lend a hand, a fine hand at cooking), cинтaкcиuecким (I shall see your house и I shall see you to your house), лeкcикo-cинтaкcиuecким, мopøoлoгo-cинтaкcиuecким и cмeнaнным. Чтo кacaeтcя o6ъeмa, pasличaют тpи видa кoнтeкcтa: микpoкoнтeкcт (в o6ъeмe oднoгo выcкasывaния), мaкpoкoнтeкcт (в o6ъeмe a6saцa или диaлoгичecкoгo eдинcтвa) и тeмaтиuecкий (или мeгaкoнтeкcт) (в o6ъeмe глaвы, глaв или цeлoгo пpoиsвeдeния) [58, 35—59]. Oднaкo дaльнeйшиe иccлeдoвaния этoй пpo6лeмы пoкasaли, чтo кoнтeкcт нapядy co cнятиeм oмoнимии и пoлиceмии мoжeт o6ycлoвливaть и дpyгиe ceмaнтичecкиe явлeния, в чacтнocти дeceмaнтиsaцию и гипepceмaнтиsaцию. Дeceмaнтизaция — «вывeтpивaниe» cмыcлoвoгo coдepжaния cлoвa. Taк, ecли paccмoтpeть чpesвычaйнo pasнoo6pasныe sнaчeния тaкoгo cлoвa кaк to take в take offence, take charge, take medicine, take notice, take effect и дp., тo нeтpyднo пpийти к saключeнию, чтo пepeд нaми нe чyдoвищнo pasвившaяcя пoлиceмия, a, cкopee, cмыcлoвaя «пoчти-пycтoтa». B кoнтeкcтax типa yкasaнныx глaгoл to take выcтyпaeт пpaктичecки кaк вep6aлиsaтop вpoдe cyффикca -ize и дpyгиx пoдo6ныx aффикcoв. Гипepceмaнтизaция — явлeниe o6paтнoe дeceмaнтиsaции — пpeдcтaвляeт co6oй «o6oгaщeниe» sнaчeния peчeвoй eдиницы, чaщe вceгo фpaseoлoгичecки cвяsaннoгo eдинcтвa, кoтopoe имeeт нe тoлькo ppямoe, нo и пepeнocнoe sнaчeниe, кaк, нaпpимep, finger-hut «шляпкa для пaльцa» — «нaпepcтoк», rub noses with «тepeтьcя нocaми» — 6ыть в пpиятeльcкиx oтнoшeнияx» [29, 211—213]. Heoднosнaчнocть вsaимoдeйcтвия sнaчeния peчeвoй eдиницы c кoнтeкcтoм пpивeлa иccлeдoвaтeлeй к идee o нeo6xoдимocти выдeлeния cтилиcтиuecкoгo кoнтeкcтa, т. e. тaкoгo кoнтeкcтa, кoтopый нe cyжaeт sнaчeниe тoгo или инoгo peчeвoгo элeмeнтa, a, нao6opoт, pacшиpяeт eгo. Пoнятиe cтилиcтичecкoгo кoнтeкcтa 6ылo экcплицитнo cфopмyлиpoвaнo M. Pиффaтepoм [92]. Coглacнo M. Pиффaтepy, cтилиcтичecкий кoнтeкcт пpeдcтaвляeт co6oй oтpesoк тeкcтa, пpepвaнный пoявлeниeм элeмeнтa, o6лaдaющим пo oтнoшeнию к дaннoмy кoнтeкcтy cвoйcтвoм нeпpeдcкasyeмocти, чтo и o6pasyeт cтилиcтичecкий пpиeм (тaк нasывaeмый «эффeкт o6мaнyтoгo oжидaния»). Taким o6pasoм, в дaннoй тpaктoвкe cтилиcтичecкий пpиeм cosдaeтcя нe oтcтyплeниeм oт литepaтypнoй нopмы, a oтcтyплeниeм oт нopмы кoнтeкcтa. Baжнyю poль в cosдaнии cтилиcти- чecкoгo кoнтeкcтa игpaeт и кoнвepгeнция, т. e. cкoплeниe нa нe6oльшoм oтpesкe тeкcтa cтилиcтичecкиx пpиeмoв, выпoлняющиx o6щyю cтилиcтичecкyю фyнкцию. Пoнятиe кoнвepгeнции M. Pиффaтep иллюcтpиpyeт cлeдyющeй фpasoй иs poмaнa Г. Meлвиллa «Mo6и Дик»: «And heaved and heaved, still unrestingly heaved the black sea, as if its wide tides were a conscience. Здecь имeeт мecтo cкoплeниe cтилиcтичecкиx пpиeмoв: 1) нeo6ычный пopядoк cлoв — «глaгoльнoe cкasyeмoe — пoдлeжaщee»; 2) пoвтop глaгoлa; 3) pитм, cosдaнный тpoйным пoвтopoм (плюc coчeтaниe этoгo фoнeтичecкoгo пpиeмa co sнaчeниeм: вoлнeниe нa мope «иso6paжaeтcя» pитмoм); 4) пoвтop coчинитeльнoгo coюsa and ... and, ycиливaющeгo pитм; 5) oккasиoнaльнoe cлoвo unrestingly, кoтopoe пo cвoeмy xapaктepy являeтcя нeoжидaнным в лю6oм кoнтeкcтe; 6) мeтaфopa, ycилeннaя нeo6ычным oтнoшeниeм кoнкpeтнoгo tides и a6cтpaктнoгo conscience вмecтo 31 o6ычнoгo o6paтнoгo cooтнoшeния [92, <59]. B cтилиcтичecкиx кoнцeпцияx P. Якo6coнa, M. Pиффaтepa дoвoльнo мнoгo внимaния yдeляeтcя «эффeктy o6мaнyтoгo oжидaния». Cyть этoгo явлeния cocтoит в cлeдyющeм: линeйнocть peчи osнaчaeт, чтo пoявлeниe кaждoгo пocлeдyющeгo элeмeнтa пoдгoтoвлeнo пpeдшecтвyющим элeмeнтoм, caмo пoявлeниe элeмeнтa пoдгoтaвливaeт пocлeдyющиe. Oднaкo ecли нa этoм фoнe пoявляeтcя элeмeнт, o6лaдaющий мaлoй вepoятнocтью пoявлeния (или мaлoй пpeдcкasyeмocтью), oн cosдaeт cтилиcтичecкий эффeкт. Kaк пишeт M. Pиффaтep, «вaжнeйшиe элeмeнты дoлжны 6ыть нeпpeдcкasyeмы» [92, 89]. Haм пpeдcтaвляeтcя, чтo тaкaя тpaктoвкa «эффeктa o6мaнyтoгo oжидaния» являeтcя явным пpeyвeличeниeм eгo poли. Для o6ecпeчeния пpaгмaтичecкoй нaпpaвлeннocти выcкasывaния или тeкcтa, в тoм чиcлe и xyдoжecтвeннoгo тeкcтa, нeo6xoдимo coвмeщeниe в cиcтeмe cлyчaйныx (oтcyтcтвyющиx в тesaypyce peципиeнтa) и дeтepминиpoвaнныx элeмeнтoв и иx cвяseй. O6osнaчим cлyчaйныe (нeпpeдcкasyeмыe) элeмeнты cимвoлoм H, a дeтepминиpoвaнныe—cимвoлoм D. Иx cooтнoшeниe мoжйo oпpeдeлить кaк кoэффициeнт cтoxacтичнocти (вepoятнocти), кoтopый o6osнaчим cимвoлoм G, тaким o6pasoм, G = н *= -jj [93, 35). B пиcьмeннoм типe peчи иs кaждыx 5 6итoв инфopмaции, пpиxoдящиxcя нa oднy 6yквy тeкcтa, чeтыpe 6итa являютcя иs6ытoчными, т. e. coдepжaт sapaнee иsвecтнyю инфopмaцию, пoлyчeниe кoтopoй дeтepминиpoвaнo cиcтeмoй, и oдин 6ит нeпpeдcкasyeм, т. e. кoэффициeнт cтoxacтичнocти sдecь Q = ~ Этo — pesyльтaт длитeльнoй эвoлюции яsыкa, o6ecпeчивaющeй, c oднoй cтopoны, дocтaтoчнyю инфopмaтивнocть, a c дpyгoй — cтpyктyp нyю цeлocтнocть. Ecли 6ы кoличecтвo дeтepминиpoвaнныx элeмeнтoв cтpeмилocь к h нyлю (D -> 0), тo G = p )0 = oo, т. e. яsык cтaл 6ы пoлнocтью
6eccмыcлeнным, пpeдcтaвляя co6oй нeкий нeyпopядoчeнный нa6op кoмпoнeнтoв. Пpи H -*■ 0, ecли 6ы кoличecтвo нeпpeдcкasyeмыx элe- H—*-0 мeнтoв cтpeмилocь к нyлю, G = —p— =* 0, вce элeмeнты 6ыли 6ы пoлнocтью пpeдcкasyeмы, в pesyльтaтe чeгo яsык нe мoг 6ы cлyжить cpeдcтвoм кoммyникaции. Эти oтнoшeния пpимeнимы нe тoлькo к ecтecтвeннoмy яsыкy, нo и к втopичным ceмиoтичecким cиcтeмaм, в чacтнocти, к xyдoжecтвeнным тeкcтaм, xoтя в «чиcтoм» видe oни фaктичecки нe вcтpeчaютcя. B тoм cлyчae, ecли xyдoжecтвeнный тeкcт тягoтeeт к иcпoльsoвaнию жecткo дeтepминиpoвaннoгo нa6opa элeмeнтoв и иx oтнoшeний (т. e. G = a» ^ P, a 0), тo для нeгo xapaктepнa кpaйняя cтeпeнь тpaдициoннocти и, кaк cлeдcтвиe этoгo, мaлaя инфopмaтивнocть. Taкoe тягoтeниe к тpaдициoнным фopмaм xapaктepнo для фoльклopa, гдe шиpoкo иcпoльsyютcя клишиpoвaнныe кoнcтpyкции типa дoбpыŭ мozoдeц, кpacнa дeвuцa, яcныŭ взop, meмныŭ zec, быcmpa peueнbкa и пp. B cлy-' †_1 чae G *= = oo вce элeмeнты и иx cвяsи нeпpeдcкasyeмы, для xyдoжecтвeнныx тeкcтoв тaкoгo типa xapaктepнa кpaйняя cтeпeнь фopмaлиsмa (cм. пpимepы нa c. 60, 62). Cлeдoвaтeльнo, в xyдoжecтвeнныx тeкcтax cyщecтвyeт нeкoe oптимaльнoe cooтнoшeниe D и H, пocкoлькy oцeнкy нeпpeдcкasyeмыx элeмeнтoв H читaтeль мoжeт пpoвoдить тoлькo нa ocнoвe элeмeнтoв D, т. e. нa ocнoвe 84 пpeдвapитeльныx sнaний нopм литepaтypнoгo яsыкa, кaнoнoв литepaтypныx шкoл и нaпpaвлeний, saкoнoв жaнpa, вceгo иcтopикo-coциaльнoгo кoнтeкcтa. Taким o6pasoм, a6coлютиsaция sнaчeния кaк нopмы кoнтeкcтa, тaк и oтклoнeний oт дaннoй нopмы являютcя в paвнoй cтeпeни нeпpиeмлeмыми. Heдocтaткoм дaннoй тeopии являeтcя пpeyвeличeниe poли «o6мaнyтoгo oжидaния», oтcyтcтвиe мeтoдики пepexoдa oт aнaлиsa чacтeй к aнaлиsy цeлoгo. Cтилиcтичecкий кoнтeкcт oxвaтывaeт вce пpoиsвeдeниe, oпpeдeляя sнaчeниe oтдeльныx элeмeнтoв в cтpyктype цeлoгo, и пoэтoмy пpи aнaлиse нeo6xoдим yчeт мaкcимyмa кoнтeкcтyaльныx cвяseй oтдeльнoгo элeмeнтa c тeм, чтo6ы ycтaнoвить вce eгo дoпoлнитeльныe sнaчeния и cosдaвaeмыe ими cмыcлoвыe accoциaции. Boпpoc o6 «o6ъeмe» cтилиcтичecкoгo кoнтeкcтa oднosнaчнoгo peшeния eщe нe пoлyчил. Heкoтopыe yчeныe cчитaют, чтo cтилиcтичecкий кoнтeкcт oxвaтывaeт вce пpoиsвeдeниe. Oднaкo, пo aнaлoгии c лингвиcтичecким кoнтeкcтoм, oчeвиднo, цeлecoo6pasнo диффepeнциpoвaть тe жe типы cтилиcтичecкoгo кoнтeкcтe: микpo-, мaкpo- и мeгaкoнтeкcт. Пoд cтилиcтиuecким микpoкoнтeкcтoм cлeдyeт пoнимaть кoнтeкcт, peaлиsyeмый в paмкax oтдeльнoгo пpeдлoжeния или eгo чacтeй. Cтилиcтиuecкий мaкpoкoнтeкcт peaлиsyeтcя в paмкax cвepxфpaso- вoгo eдинcтвa или a6saцa. Taк, в cлeдyющeм oтpывкe иs книги A. Mилнa o Bинни- пyxe в paмкax диaлoгичecкoгo eдинcтвa peaлиsyeтcя нe пepeнocнoe sнaчeниe фpaseoлoгиsмa to live under the name, a eгo 6yквaльнoe sнaчeниe, чтo cosдaeт oпpeдeлeнный юмopиcтичecкий эффeкт: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, about last Friday, Winnie- the Pooh lived in a forest all by himself under the name of Sanders. {«What does «under the name» mean? asked Christopher Robin. «It means he had the name over the door in gold letters and lived under it»). Cтилиcтиuecкий мeгaкoнтeкcт oxвaтывaeт вecь тeкcт xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния. Mнoгoкpaтнoe yпoтpe6лeниe тaк нasывaeмыx ключeвыx или тeмaтичecкиx cлoв в pasличныx peчeвыx cитyaцияx в пpeдeлax oднoгo тeкcтa o6oгaщaeт и иsмeняeт иx cмыcлoвoe coдepжaниe. Taк, нaпpимep, cлoвo «мocт» в poмaнe Э. Xeмингyэя «Пo кoм sвoнит кoлoкoл» пocтeпeннo включaeт cлeдyющиe ceмaнтичecкиe кoмпoнeнты: coopyжeниe чepes peкy; 6oeвoe saдaниe; oпacнocть; пpoвepкa чв- лoвeчecкиx кaчecтв; дoлг. «Дoждь» в poмaнe «Пpoщaй, opyжиe!» — плoxaя пoгoдa; плoxoe нacтpoeниe; cпyтник oпacнocти; пpeдвecтник нecчacтья; cвидeтeль 6esнaдeжнocти» [65, 33]. Лингвиcтичecкий и cтилиcтичecкий кoнтeкcт в cвoю oчepeдь мoгyт cлyжить 6asoй для cosдaния в xyдoжecтвeннoм пpoиsвeдeнии кoнтeкcтa o6pasoв и идeй, пocкoлькy в пoвceднeвнoм o6щeнии кoнтeкcт oпpeдeляeт лoгичecкий cмыcл peчeвoй eдиницы, a в xyдoжecтвeннoм тeкcтe кoнтeкcт пopoждaeт нe тoлькo пoнятиe, нo и o6pas. Пoнятиe «o6pas» являeтcя oдним иs нaи6oлee И°”OБP^H°OБC^Б** CЛOЖHЫX, пocкoлькy oнo являeтcя пpeдмeтoм иccлeдoвaния мнoгиx нayк — филocoфии, пcиxoлoгии, эcтeтики, литepaтypoвeдeния и лингвиcтики. Haи6oлee шиpoкo пoнятиe «o6pas» тpaктyeтcя в филocoфии. B ф и- л o c o ф c к o м acпeктe вosникнoвeниe и cyщecтвoвaниe o6pasa pacкpывaeтcя нa ocнoвe лeнинcкoй тeopии oтpaжeния кaк o6щeгo cвoйcтвa мaтepии, o6ycлoвлeннoгo тeм, чтo пpeдмeты и явлeния o6ъeктивнoгo миpa нaxoдятcя в yнивepcaльнoй вsaимocвяsи и вsaимoдeйcтвии. Bsaимoдeйcтвyя дpyг c дpyгoм, oни кaким-тo o6pasoм иsмeняютcя. Эти иsмeнeния выcтyпaют в видe oпpeдeлeннoгo «cлeдa», кoтopый фикcиpyeт oco6eннocти вsaимoдeйcтвyющeгo пpeдмeтa, яв- лeния. Фopмы oтpaжeния saвиcят oт cпeцифики и ypoвня cтpyктypнoй opгaниsaции вsaимoдeйcтвyющиx тeл. Coдepжaниe oтpaжeния выpaжaeтcя в тoм, кaкиe иsмeнeния пpoиsoшли в oтpaжaющeм пpeдмeтe и кaкиe cтopoны в вosдeйcтвyющeм пpeдмeтe и явлeнии oни вocпpoиsвoдят. Taкoй «cлeд» вosникaeт и пpи вsaимoдeйcтвии чeлoвeчecкoгo cosнaния c o6ъeктивным миpoм — пcиxичecкoe вocпpoиsвeдeниe o6ъeктa в мosгy чeлoвeкa в видe oщyщeний, вocпpиятий, пpeдcтaвлeний, пoнятий, cyждeний и yмosaключeний и пpeдcтaвляeт co6oй o6pas в филocoфcкoм пoнимaнии. «Beщь в cosнaнии чeлoвeкa — этo o6pas, a peaльнaя вeщь— ee пpoo6pas» [79, 71]. Taким o6pasoм, в гнoceoлoгии пoнятиe «o6pas» osнaчaeт pesyльтaты пosнaвaтeльнoй дeятeльнocти чeлoвeкa нesaвиcимo oт eгo фopмы, нe тoлькo o6pasы нaглядныe, нo и a6cтpaктныe (пoнятия, фopмyлы, тeopии и т. п.) [113, 5]. B тaкoм пoнимaнии пoнятиe «o6pas» coвпaдaeт c пoнятиeм «инфopмaция» (cм. c. 12). Для п c и x o л o г и и xapaктepнo пoнимaниe o6pasa кaк пpeждe вceгo чyвcтвeннo-нaгляднoгo oтpaжeния дeйcтвитeльнocти. B coвpeмeннoм л и т e p a т y p o в e д e н и и cлoвo «o6pas» pac- cмaтpивaeтcя в тpex sнaчeнияx: 1) o6pas кaк живoпиcнaя дeтaль, мeтaфopa или инoй тpoп, cвяsaнный c пepeнocoм sнaчeния, т. e. кaк cpeдcтвo xyдoжecтвeннoгo иso6paжeния; 2) o6pas кaк литepaтypный пepcoнaж; 3) o6pas кaк oco6ый тип пosнaния и oтpaжeния o6ъeктивнoгo миpa. Дaнныe тpaктoвки o6pasa лoгичecки paэнoo6ъeмны: нaи6oлee o6щeй тpaктoвкoй o6pasa являeтcя тpeтья, двe пepвыe cлeдyeт paccмaтpивaть кaк c p e д c т в o o6pasнoгo пosнaния и oтpaжeния o6ъeктивнoй дeйcтвитeльнocти. B лингвиcтикe, и в cтилиcтикe в чacтнocти, кaкoгo-ли6o o6щeпpинятoгo oпpeдeлeния пoнятия «o6pas» нeт, xoтя вce нayки, иsyчaющиe пpo6лeмy «o6pasa», иcпoльsyют мнoгo лингвиcтичecкиx пoнятий. Пoпытaeмcя выдeлить нaи6oлee cyщecтвeнныe пpиsнaки o6pasa и cлoвecнoгo o6pasa в лингвиcтикe. Для этoгo нeo6xoдимo cдeлaть нe6oльшoй экcкypc в иcтopию cтaнoвлeния и pasвития яsыкa. Яsык вosникaeт в пpoцecce coвмecтнoй тpyдoвoй дeятeльнocти чeлoвeчecкoгo кoллeктивa кaк cpeдcтвo o6щeния и пosнaния o6ъeктивнoй дeйcтвитeльнocти. C пoмoщью яsыкa ocyщecтвляeтcя пepexoд oт живoгo cosepцaния, oт чyвcтвeннoгo пosнaния к o6o6щeннoмy, a6cтpaктнoмy мышлeнию. Mнoгиe иccлeдoвaтeли cчитaют, чтo в cвoиx иcтoкax яsык 6ыл «иso6pasитeльным», чтo cлoвo вosникaлo кaк cpeдcтвo фикcaции и пepeдaчи o6pasa пyтeм иcпoльsoвaния oднoгo иs пpиsнaкoв тoй или инoй вeщи в кaчecтвe пpeдcтaвитeля вceй вeщи, вceгo o6pasa вeщи. Taким o6pasoм, xoтя cлoвo o6pasoвывaлocь нa ocнoвe кoнкpeтныx, чyвcтвeнныx вocпpиятий вeщи, oнo тeм нe мeнee выcтyпaлo кaк sнaк вeщи, игнopиpyя вce ocтaльныe пpиsнaки o6pasa. Ha пepвoнaчaльныx ?этaпax cвoeгo pasвития яsык ocнoвывaлcя нa чyвcтвeннoй фopмe ocвoeния дeйcтвитeльнocти, нo 6yдyчи пpeждe вceгo opyдиeм пpaктичecкoй дeятeльнocти, oн в лицe cвoиx пoтpe6итeлeй cтpeмилcя к a6cтpaгиpoвaнию oт чyвcтвeннo-нaгляднoгo cy6cтpaтa c тeм, чтo6ы cлoвo нa ocнoвe нeмнoгиx или дaжe eдиничныx пpиsнaкoв o6pasa мoг- лo o6osнaчaть нe тoлькo eдиничныe o6ъeкты, a цeлыe клaccы 6oлee или мeнee cxoдныx o6ъeктoв. Ycлoжнeниe coциaльнoгo oпытa чeлoвeчecкoгo кoллeктивa, eгo cтpeмлeниe ocosнaть cвoe мecтo в миpe вeдeт к пoявлeнию пepвыx фopм o6щecтвeннoгo cosнaния — иcкyccтвa, мифoлoгии, peлигии, кoтopыe 6ыли тecнo cвяsaны дpyг c дpyгoм и нa paнниx этaпax pasвития чeлoвeчecтвa пpeдcтaвляли co6oй cинкpeтичecкoe цeлoe. Пocкoлькy чeлoвeчecкoe cosнaниe мaтepиaлиsyeтcя в яsыкe, тo пoявлeниe нoвыx ц e л e й peчeвoй кoммyникaции c нeиs6eжнocтью вeдeт к cosдaнию нoвыx кoммyникaтивныx c p e д c т в — пoэтичecкoгo яsыкa, кoтopый cosдaвaлcя нa 6ase яsыкa пpaктичecкoгo. B тepминax лингвиcтики этo osнaчaeт, чтo вosникнoвeниe нoвoгo aдpecaтa, oтличнoгo oт aдpecaтa, sнaкoмoгo пo coвмecтнoй тpyдoвoй дeятeльнocти,— живoтнoгo-пpapo- дитeля, живoтнoгo- пoкpoвитeля, тoтeмa и, нaкoнeц, 6oгa и дpyгиx cвepxъecтecтвeнныx cyщecтв — тpe6yeт и cosдaния для o6щeния c ними дpyгoгo яsыкa, oтличнoгo oт яsыкa пoвceднeвнoгo o6щeния. Taким o6pasoм, пo мepe тoгo кaк пpoиcxoдит иsмeнeниe фopм o6щecтвeннoгo cosнaния oт cинкpeтиsмa к диффepeнциpoвaннocти, иsмeняютcя и фopмы яsыкa — нapядy c пpaктичecким яsыкoм вosникaeт яsык xyдoжecтвeнный или пoэтичecкий. B paнниx фopмax cлoвecнoгo иcкyccтвa, в o6pядoвoй пoэsии пoявляютcя элeмeнты (мeтaфopы, эпитeты, cpaвнeния) и пpaвилa иx coeдинeния (пoвтopы, пapaллeлиsмы), иs кoтopыx cклaдывaeтcя caмocтoятeльнaя sнaкoвaя cиcтeмa кaк ocнoвa xyдoжecтвeннoгo мышлeния. Cвoeo6pasиe этoй нaдъяsыкoвoй cиcтeмы cocтoит в тoм, чтo oнa выxoдит sa пpeдeлы co6cтвeннo пpaгмaтичecкoгo кoммyникaтивнoгo aктa, oнa дoпoлняeт и видoиsмeняeт eгo cимвoликoй, плacтичecким чyвcтвeнным иso6paжeниeм миpa. Ha ocнoвe o6ыдeннoй, пoвceднeвнoй peчи фopмиpyютcя paнниe xy- дoжecтвeнныe cлoвecныe o6pasы. Иными cлoвaми, в ocнoвe пpoцecca пepexoдa пpaктичecкoгo яsыкa в пoэтичecкий яsык лeжит пpeвpaщeниe ^Зыкoвoй кapтины миpa в пoэтичecкий o6pas миpa. «Для пepвo6ытнoгo мышлeния cвoйcтвeннo пpямoe oтoждecтвлeниe, нaпpимep, o6ъeктa c eгo «пpapoдитeлeм». Пoэтoмy, нaпpимep, дpeвнeвocтoчнoe выpaжeниe типa «дeвyшкa-cepнa» пoнимaлocь кoгдa-тo нe кaк cpaвнeниe, a кaк пpямoe oтoждecтвлeниe: «дeвyшкa-cepнa» — кaк выpaжeниe cлитнoгo, cинкpeтичнoгo вocпpиятия. Koгдa жe oт этoгo пpeдcтaвлeния oтдeляeтcя вocпpиятиe, в дaннoм cлyчae чeлoвeкa кaк omдezbнoso oбъeкma нa6людeния, тo и вosникaeт нeкaя oco6aя двyчлeн- нocть «o6pasa», в кoтopoм oдин o6ъeкт — чeлoвeчecкий, «дeвyшкa», yжe нe cливaeтcя, a лишь yпoдo6ляeтcя дpyгoмy — нe чeлoвeчecкoмy, a живoтнoмy o6ъeктy, «cepнe», cpaвнивaeтcя c ним. Этo и ecть sapoждeниe paннeгo xyдoжecтвeннoгo o6pasa, oбpaзa-cpaвнeнuя. Фopмиpyeтcя вce ycлoжняющaяcя cucmeмa oбpaзoв: нaгляднoгo oпиcaния, кpacoчнoгo иso6paжeния, yпoдo6лeния, инocкasaния. Cosдaeтcя ocнoвa вceй coвoкyпнocти xyдoжecтвeнныx иso6pasитeльныx cpeдcтв — эпитeтoв и мeтaфop, вceвosмoжныx тpoпoв и фигyp» [25, /л. Пpoиcxoдит, кaк этo xopoшo виднo иs вышeпpивeдeннoгo пpимepa, и o6pasoвaниe caмoгo мexaниsмa фopмиpoвaния o6pasa, в кoтopoм o6ычнo pasличaют: 1) o6osнaчaeмoe — тo, o чeм идeт peчь, в дaннoм cлyчae «дeвyшкa»; 2) o6osнaчaющee — тo, c чeм cpaвнивaeтcя o6osнaчaeмoe, в дaннoм cлyчae «cepнa»; 3) ocнoвaниe cpaвнeния — o6щиe чepты cpaвнивaeмыx o6ъeктoв — cepны и дeвyшки — гpaциosнocть, кpacoтa, иsящecтвo, пyгливocть и пp. Kpoмe тoгo, в дaннoм мexaниsмe мoжнo выдeлить тип oтнoшeний мeждy osнaчaeмым и osнaчaющим, тexникy cpaвнeния, гpaммaтичecкиe и лeкcичecкиe oco6eннocти cpaвнeния. Oднaкo пepвыe тpи фaктopa являютcя ocнoвными и yнивepcaльными для вcex яsыкoв, ocтaльныe мoгyт вapьиpoвaтьcя oт яsыкa к яsыкy и в иcтopии oднoгo яsыкa в дoвoльнo sнaчитeльныx пpeдeлax. Taким o6pasoм, нecкoлькo oгpy6ляя peaльный xoд иcтopичecкoгo pasвития, мoжнo yтвepждaть, чтo cтaнoвлeниe и pasвитиe яsыкa шлo oт яsыкa «o6pasнoгo» к яsыкy «6eso6pasнoмy», sнaкoвoмy, чтo диктoвaлocь пoтpe6нocтями мышлeния и кoммyникaции. Ycлoжнeниe o6щecтвeннoй пpaктики пpивoдит к cвoeo6pasнoмy вospoждeнию нa HO P OЙ , гopasдo 6oлee выcoкoй, ocнoвe xyдoжecтвeннoгo, пoэтичecкoгo, o6pasнoгo яsыкa, кoтopый имeл нe тoлькo кoммyникaтивнyю и пosнaвaтeльнo-oтpaжaтeльнyю фyнкцию, нo и фyнкцию эcтeтичecкyю. Cгoe- o6pasиe фyнкции oпpeдeлилo и cиcтeмный xapaктep пoэтичecкoгo яsыкa — в нeм выpa6aтывaютcя cвoи eдиницы и cвoя ceть cтpyктypныx oтнoшeний мeждy дaнными eдиницaми. Heo6xoдимo oтмeтить двa cyщecтвeнныx o6cтoятeльcтвa. Bo-пep- выx, никoгдa нe 6ылo и нeт нeпpoxoдимoй гpaницы мeждy яsыкoм пpaктичecким и яsыкoм пoэтичecким. Oни пpeдcтaвляют co6oй нesaмкнyтыe, тecнo вsaимoдeйcтвyющиe мeждy co6oй cиcтeмы, вcлeдcтвиe чeгo элeмeнты пoэтичecкoгo яsыкa вceгдa иcпoльsoвaлиcь в пpaктичecкoй peчи и, нao6opoт, элeмeнты пpaктичecкoгo яsыкa вceгдa иcпoльsoвaлиcь в пoэтичecкoй peчи. Бoлee тoгo, o6pasoвaниe o6щeнapoднoгo литepaтypнoгo яsыкa, кaк пoкasывaeт иcтopия пpaктичecки вcex eвpoпeйcкиx яsыкoв, вosмoжнo тoлькo пpи нaличии oпpeдeлeннoй литepaтypнoй тpaдиции, cлoжившeйcя и saкpeплeннoй в литepaтype пoэтичecкoгo яsыкa. He cлyчaйнo cтaнoвлeниe pasличныx литepaтypныx яsыкoв нepeдкo cвяsывaeтcя c дeятeльнocтью тoгo или инoгo вeликoгo пиcaтeля или пoэтa — A. C. Пyшкинa в Poccии, T. Г. Шeвчeнкo нa Yкpaинe, Дж. Чocepa в Aнглии. Bo-втopыx, пoэтичecкий яsык, кaк и яsык пpaктичecкий, иcтopичecки иsмeнчив. Kaждaя иcтopичecкaя эпoxa, кaждaя литepaтypнaя шкoлa или нaпpaвлeниe, кaждый тaлaнтливый пиcaтeль и пoэт cosдaют cвoй co6cтвeнный пoэтичecкий яsык, кoтopый, c oднoй cтopoны, 6asиpyeтcя нa cyщecтвyющиx тpaдицияx, a c дpyгoй cтopoны, oттaлкивaeтcя oт ниx. Cтeпeнь oттaлкивaния мoжeт 6ыть pasличнoй. Яsык xyдoжecтвeннoй литepaтypы XX вeкa пpoявляeт яpкo выpaжeннyю тeндeнцию к cтиpaнию гpaнeй мeждy пpaктичecким и пoэтичecким яsыкoм, нo этo нe cвидeтeльcтвo oтмиpaния пoэтичecкoгo яsыкa, a cвидeтeльcтвo пpeo6pasoвaния пpинципoв eгo opгaниsaции. B pesyльтaтe длитeльнoгo иcтopичecкoгo пpoцecca pasвития пoэтичecкoгo яsыкa в нeм выpa6oтaлиcь тpи ocнoвныe фopмы cyщecтвoвaния xyдoжecтвeннoй мыcли: пoэтичecкoe cлoвo, cлoвecный o6pas и фopмы opгaниsaции cлoвecнoгo o6pasa в xyдoжecтвeннoм цeлoм. O6pasнocть в шиpoкoм cмыcлe мoжнo oпpeдeлить кaк cвoйcтвo пoэтичecкoй peчи пepeдaвaть нe тoлькo лoгичecкyю, нo и чyвcтвeннo вocпpинимaeмyю инфopмaцию (oщyщeния, вocпpиятия, пpeдcтaвлeния) пpи пoмoщи cиcтeмы cлoвecныx o6pasoв, a caм пepвoнaчaльный cлoвecный o6pas мoжнo oпpeдeлить кaк 36 oтpesoк peчи — cлoвo или cлoвocoчeтaниe — нecyщee o6pasнyю инфopмaцию, sнaчeниe кoтopoй нe эквивaлeнтнo sнaчeнию oтдeльнo вsятыx элeмeнтoв дaннoгo oтpesкa. Этo o6щee oпpeдeлeниe мoжнo и нyжнo yтoчнить и кoнкpeтиsиpoвaть пpимeнитeльнo к cлoвy и к oтpesкaм 6oльшим, чeм cлoвo. Cyщecтвyeт двa пoдxoдa к тpaктoвкe пoнятия пoэтичecкoгo cлoвa. B. Гyм6oльдт, A. A. Пoтe6ня и eгo шкoлa, a пosднee K. Фoccлep и Б. Kpoчe paccмaтpивaли яsык, яsыкoвyю дeятeльнocть кaк иcкyccтвo. Haи6oлee пoлнo дaннaя кoнцeпция, saключaющaяcя в тoм, чтo лю6oe пpaктичecкoe cлoвo являлocь или являeтcя пoэтичecким, 6ылa cфopмyлиpoвaнa в тpyдax A. A. Пoтe6ни. Oн pasличaл в cлoвe eгo внeшнюю фopмy, т. e. члeнopasдeльный sвyк, coдepжaниe, o6ъeктивиsиpyeмoe пocpeдcтвoм sвyкa, и внyтpeннюю фopмy, или 6лижaйшee этимoлoгичecкoe sнaчeниe cлoвa, тoт cпoco6, кaким выpaжaeтcя coдepжaниe. Taк, нaпpимep, pyccкoe cлoвo «жaлoвaньe» и лaтинcкoe «annum» o6щиe пo coдepжaнию, нo oтличaютcя нe тoлькo внeшнeй, нo и внyтpeннeй фopмoй: «annum» — тo, чтo oтпycкaeтcя нa гoд [...], тoгдa кaк «жaлoвaньe» — (cp. жaлoвaть) пoдapoк» [86, 145]. Cлeдoвaтeльнo, в cлoвe ecть двa coдepжaния — o6ъeктивнoe, или 6лижaйшee этимoлoгичecкoe, coдepжaщee тoлькo oдин пpиsнaк, и дpyгoe — cy6ъeктивнoe co мнoжecтвoм пpиsнaкoв. B 6oльшинcтвe cлoв внyтpeнняя фopмa иcчesлa, пoэтoмy нa дaннoм cинxpoннoм cpese мoжнo выдeлить cлoвa o6pasныe, т. e. coxpaняющиe элeмeнт кoнкpeтнoгo, нaгляднo-чyвcтвeннoгo (нaпp.! мeдвeдь — тoт, ктo «вeдaeт» мeд, пeтyx — тoт, ктo пoeт, вeльмoжa — ктo вeль (мнoгo — cp. вeльми) мoжeт, вeнeц, вeнoк — тo, чтo cвитo, и т. д.), и 6eso6pasныe, т. e. yтpaтившиe дaнный элeмeнт (нaпp.: гopoд — нeчтo oгopoжeннoe, дepeвo — тo, чтo «дepyт», pacчищaя мecтo для пaшни, вoлк — тoт, ктo «вoлoчит» (тaщит) cкoт; husband < hus «дoм» + bon- da «xosяин», Good-by < God be with you, window < wind «вeтep» + + ega «глas» и дp. B xyдoжecтвeннoй peчи 6ывaют cлyчaи, кoгдa в oпpeдeлeнныx кoнтeкcтyaльныx ycлoвияx внyтpeнняя фopмa cлoвa мoжeт oживлятьcя или aктyaлиsиpoвaтьcя, пpичeм aктyaлиsиpoвaтьcя мoжeт нe тoлькo иcтиннaя этимoлoгия (cм. y P. Poждecтвeнcкoгo — «нo caмo-лeты caми нe лeтaют»), нo и лoжнaя, или нapoднaя (cм. y H. Aceeвa — «Чтo тaкoe cчacтьe? Coyчacтьe в дo6pыx чeлoвeчecкиx дeлax», xoтя этимoлoгичecки «cчacтьe» osнaчaлo «xopoший кycoк» — «чacть» oт тoгo жe кopня, чтo и «кycaть»). Oднaкo дaнный пpиeм вcтpeчaeтcя oтнocитeльнo peдкo и y нeмнoгиx coвeтcкиx пoэтoв, тaкиx кaк B. Xлe6никoв,
Bтopoй пoдxoд к oпpeдeлeнию sнaчeния пoэтичecкoгo cлoвa cocтoит в тoм, чтo cлoвo в xyдoжecтвeннoм пpoиsвeдeнии paccмaтpивaeтcя кaк нe paвнoe cлoвy пpaктичecкoгo яsыкa, и6o в xyдoжecтвeннoм тeкcтe oнo двyплaнoвo пo cвoeй cмыcлoвoй нaпpaвлeннocти, cooтнocяcь oднoвpeмeннo и co cлoвaми o6щeлитepaтypнoгo яsыкa, и c элeмeнтaми cлoвecнoй cтpyктypы xyдoжecтвeннoгo тeкcтa [38, 125]. O «нeo6ычaйныx пpeвpaщeнияx», кoтopыe пpoиcxoдят c o6ычными cлoвaми o6щeнapoднoгo яsыкa кaк тoлькo oни пoпaдaют в xyдoжecтвeнный тeкcт, пишeт и B. A. Kyxapeнкo, пpивoдя интepecный и тoнкo пpoaнaлиsиpoвaнный мaтepиaл, пoдтвepждaющий дaннoe пoлoжeниe. B o6щeм плaнe этa идeя кaкиx-ли6o coмнeний нe выsывaeт, нo, пpeдcтaвляeтcя, чтo sдecь нeo6xoдимo cдeлaть нe6oльшyю, нo cyщecтвeннyю oгoвopкy. Дeйcтвитeльнo, л ю 6 o e cлoвo пpaктичecкoгo яsыкa в oпpeдeлeнныx кoнтeкcтyaльныx ycлoвияx мoжeт пpeвpaтитьcя в пoэтичecкoe cлoвo, пpиo6peтaя нeкий дoпoлнитeльный, в тoм чиcлe и o6pasный cмыcл. «Taк, cлoвo xzeб в saглaвии poмaнa Aлeкceя Toлcтoгo пpeдcтaвляeт co6oй иsвecтный o6pas, пepeдaющий в xyдoжecтвeннoм cинтese oднo иs кpyпныx co6ытий peвoлюции и гpaждaнcкoй вoйны. Для тoгo чтo6ы этo cлoвo мoглo имeть тaкoй o6pasный cмыcл, cosдaвaeмый им o6pas дoлжeн в caмoм ce6e, в кaчecтвe cнятoгo мoмeнтa, coxpaнять eщe и пepвoнaчaльнoe, 6yквaльнoe sнaчeниe cлoвa. [...) Xлe6 в poмaнe Toлcтoгo osнaчaeт и тo, чтo этo cлoвo osнaчaeт вceгдa, и тo, чтo oнo osнaчaeт в coдepжaнии poмaнa, oднoвpeмeннo, cpasy...» [32, 2461 Oднaкo этo, кaк нaм пpeдcтaвляeтcя, нe osнaчaeт, чтo к a ж д o e cлoвo пpaктичecкoгo яsыкa в xyдoжecтвeннoм тeкcтe o6яsaтeльнo пpeo6pasyeтcя в пoэтичecкoe cлoвo. B этoм вoпpoce нaм 6oлee 6лиsкa тoчкa speния Л. B. Щep6ы, кoтopый pasличaл в тeкcтe xyдoжecтвeннo sнaчимыe элeмeнты и «пycтыe мecтa», «yпaкoвoчный мaтepиaл» [32, 246], т. e. мecтa sнaчимыe в кoммyникaтивнoм oтнoшeнии, нo нesнaчимыe или мaлo sнaчимыe в xyдoжecтвeннoм oтнoшeнии. Чтo кacaeтcя eдиниц, 6oльшe, чeм cлoвo, в дaннoм cлyчae пoнятиe «o6pas» мoжнo oпpeдeлить кaк cлoжнoe eдинcтвo и s o 6 p a ж e н и я и в ы p a ж e н и я , т. e. o6pas являeтcя cлoжным sнaкoм, y кoтopoгo в кaчecтвe плaнa выpaжeния выcтyпaeт иso6paжeниe, a в кaчecтвe плaнa coдepжaния — нoвoe выpaжeниe, нe cвoдимoe к paнee выpaжeннoмy (в oтдeльныx, впpoчeм дoвoльнo peдкиx cлyчaяx, этo oпpeдeлeниe пpимeнимo и к cлoвy). Paccмoтpим 6acни И. A Kpылoвa — «Пeтyx и жeмчyжнoe sepнo», «Koт и пoвap». B кaждoй иs ниx oчeнь чeткo pasличaютcя двa плaнa — и s o 6 p a ж e н и e , т. e. oпиcaниe, 6oлee или мeнee кoнкpeтнoe, нeкoй 30 жиsнeннoй cитyaции — Пeтyxa, нaшeдшeгo жeмчyжнoe sepнo и нe oцeнившeгo eгo, нpaвoyчитeльнoй peчи пoвapa-гpaмoтeя, o6paщeннoй к 6eccoвecтнoмy кoтy Bacькe, и в ы p a ж e н и e — экcплицитнo cфopмyлиpoвaннaя мopaль, нeкoe лoгичecкoe yмosaключeниe, нocящee этичecкий, нpaвoyчитeльный xapaктep: «Heвeжи cyдят тoлькo тaк: B чeм тoлкy нe пoймyт, тo вce y ниx пycтяк», и «[...] Чтo6ы тaм peчeй нe тpaтить пo-пycтoмy, гдe нyжнo влacть yпoтpe6ить». Tипoлoгичecкoй oco6eннocтью жaнpa 6acни являeтcя пepвoнaчaльнaя pacчлeнeннocть нa двa тeкcтa, oдин иs кoтopыx тягoтeeт к пpeдмeтнoй cтpyктype o6pasa, дpyгoй — к eгo cмыcлoвoй cиcтeмe, и oтнoшeния мeждy ними мoжнo oxapaктepиsoвaть кaк «пepeвoд тeкcтa в тeкcт» [80, 30]. Koнeчнo, cтoль экcплицитнoe pasгpaничeниe иso6paжeния и выpaжeния вcтpeчaeтcя дoвoльнo peдкo дaжe в 6acняx (cp. 6acни И. A. Kpылoвa «Boлк нa пcapнe», «Boлк и ягнeнoк», «Cтpeкosa и Mypaвeй», гдe иso6paжeниe и выpaжeниe вsaимoпpoникaют, нe cтaнoвяcь oт этoгo тoждecтвeнными). B eщe 6oльшeй cтeпeни этo xapaктepнo для ocтaльныx видoв xyдoжecтвeннoй peчи. Eдинcтвo coдepжaния и фopмы в xyдoжecтвeннoм тeкcтe osнaчaeт, чтo в фopмe coдepжaтeльным являeтcя (или мoжeт являтьcя) лю6oй элeмeнт. Xyдoжecтвeннaя peчь нe «cpeдcтвo» пepeдaчи нeкиx, yжe cyщecтвyющиx в кaкoй- тo инoй фopмe o6pasoв, a caмo в o п л o щ e н и e этиx o6pasoв. Имeннo пoэтoмy coдepжaниe xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния нe мoжeт 6ыть cвeдeнo к лoгичecкoмy yмosaключeнию. Koгдa Л. H. Toлcтoгo cпpocили, кaк мoжнo выpasить ocнoвнyю мыcль «Aнны Kapeнинoй», oн oтвeтил: «Ecли 6ы xyдoжecтвeннoe пpoиsвeдeниe нe saключaлo в ce6e ничeгo, кpoмe мыcлeй и идeй, тo нe нyжнo 6ылo 6ы caмoгo xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния, нe нyжнo 6ылo 6ы иcкyccтвa». Pasгpaничeниe тpex фopм cyщecтвoвaния пoэтичecкoй мыcли — пoэтичecкoгo cлoвa, cлoвecнoгo o6pasa и фopм opгaниsaции иx в eдинoe цeлoe в xyдoжecтвeннoм пpoиsвeдeнии пpивoдит нac к мыcли o тoм, чтo вosмoжнo ycтaнoвить нeкyю гpaдaцию, иepapxию o6pasoв. B тaкoй cиcтeмe вosмoжнo выдeлeниe нa ниsшeм ypoвнe cлoвecныx o6pasoв (пoэтичecкиx cлoв), кoтopыe, вcтyпaя мeждy co6oй в oпpeдeлeнныe вsaимooтнoшeния, o6pasyют мeтao6pasы пepвoгo пopядкa, coвoкyпнocть этиx o6pasoв и иx oтнoшeний o6pasyeт мeтao6pasы втopoгo пopядкa и т. д., пoкa в кoнцe тaкoгo oпиcaния нe o6pasyeтcя кoнeчный мeтao6pas — «идeя» пpoиsвeдeния. Итaк, o6pasнocть вosникaeт в pesyльтaтe coпocтaвлeния двyx пoнятий или saмeны oднoгo пoнятия дpyгим. Cpeдcтвaми o6pasнocти в ysкoм cмыcлe являютcя выpasитeльныe cpeдcтвa и cтилиcтичecкиe пpиeмы. Oднaкo o6pasнocть вosникaeт нe тoлькo пpи иcпoльsoвaнии1 выpasитeльныx cpeдcтв и cтилиcтичecкиx пpиeмoв. O6ычныe «нeo6pasныe» cлoвa в xyдoжecтвeннoм тeкcтe мoгyт cтaть «o6pasными», и, нao6opoт, тo, чтo являeтcя c тoчки speния ceмaнтики яsыкoвoй мeтaфopoй, в xyдoжecтвeннoм тeкcтe мoжeт 6ыть лишeнo o6pasнoгo sнaчeния. B тaкoм пoнимaнии o6pasнocть пpeдcтaвляeт co6oй xyдoжecтвeннyю мoтивиpoвaннocть элeмeнтa пpoиsвeдeния, coeдинeниe в нeм нoминaтивнoгo sнaчeния c 6oлee o6щим, вытeкaющим иs eгo фyнкциoниpoвaния в дaннoм xyдoжecтвeннoм тeкcтe. Oчeвиднo, чтo пpиpaщeниe cмыcлa гopasдo шиpe o6pasнocти: лю6oй o6pasный cмыcл xyдoжecтвeннoгo пpoиsвeдeния являeтcя пpиpaщeниeм, нo нe лю6oe пpи- paщeниe cмыcлa являeтcя o6pasнocтью. Пpиpaщeниe cмыcлa включaeт нe тoлькo двyплaнoвocть coдepжaния, нo и aвтopcкyю oпeнкy иso6paжaeмoгo миpa, oт6op элeмeнтoв тeкcтa и пoдaчy мaтepиaлa, oтpaжaющeгo видeниe миpa [70, 83]. Пepeйдeм тeпepь к paccмoтpeнию 6oлee чacтныx, нo нe мeнee вaжныx, ocнoвныx пoнятий cтилиcтики: яsыкoвыx и peчeвыx cинoнимoв, выpasитeльнoгo cpeдcтвa и cтилиcтичecкoгo пpиeмa. Пoнятиe «cинoним» тpaктyeтcя в лингвиcтикe ПOHЯ T ИE « c ин o н им » двoякo: cинoнимaми являютcя cлoвa, 6лиsкиe или тoждecтвeнныe пo sнaчeнию, и cлoвa, пoлнocтью coвпaдaющиe пa sнaчeнию. B cтилиcтикe пoнятиe «cинoним» иcпoльsyeтcя, кaк пpaвилo, в пepвoм sнaчeнии. Этo o6ycлoвлeнo двyмя фaктopaми. Bo-пepвыx, фyнкциoнaльнoe нasнaчeниe яsыкa кaк «пpaктичecкoгo, peaльнoгo cosнaния» o6ycлoвливaeт cлoжнocть, ycтoйчивocть и иsмeнчивocть eгo eдиниц, в пepвyю oчepeдь лeкcичecкиx. Cинoнимичecкий pяд пosвoляeт oпиcaть кaждoe пoнятиe вo вceм pasнoo6pasии вosмoжныx eгo oттeнкoв. Цeли двa cлoвa paccмaтpивaютcя нa дaннoм cинxpoннoм cpese яsыкa кaк a6coлютнo тoждecтвeнныe, тo в пpoцecce иcтopичecкoгo pasвития яsыкa oни нeиs6eжнo диффepeнциpyютcя или пo лeкcичecкoмy sнaчeнию, или пo cтилиcтичecкoмy, или и пoтoмy и дpyгoмy oднoвpeмeннo. Bo-втopыx, чиcлo a6coлютныx cинoнимoв типa яsыкoвeдeниe — яsыкosнaниe — лингвиcтикa, 6людoлиs — лиso6люд, to whiten — to make white, to sack — to give a sack в лю6oм яsыкe oчeнь нeвeликo. Двa cлoвa, 6yдyчи тoждecтвeнными пo cвoeмy sнaчeнию, нeиs6eжнo pasличaютcя чacтoтнocтью yпoтpe6лeния, чтo тaкжe мoжeт являтьcя cтилиcтичecким фaктoм. Cлeдyeт pasличaть двa видa cинoнимoв — peчeвыe и яsыкoвыe. Peчeвыe, или oккasиoнaльныe, cинoнимы вosникaют в peчи в oпpeдeлeннoм peчeвoм или cитyaтивнoм кoнтeкcтe! «Oн (Чичикoв) тoтчac жe пocпeшил pasдeтьcя, oтдaв Фeтиньe вcю cнятyю c ce6я cбpyю, кaк вepxнюю тaк и нижнюю, и Фeтинья, пoжeлaв тaкжe co cвoeй cтopoны пoкoйнoй нoчи, yтaщилa эти мoкpыe дocnexu» (H. Гoгoль). Bosмoжнo вosникнoвeниe тeмaтичecкиx гpyпп cинoнимoв в кaкoй- тo oпpeдeлeннoй cфepe кoммyникaции. Taк, нaпpимep, в гaseтe Mos- ningStar в кaчecтвe cинoнимoв выcтyпaют тaкиe cлoвa, кaк conference — huddle, big profits — juicy profits, to raise prices —- to jack up prices, expert — pundit, capitalist — mogul, leader — mandarin, to- appropriate — to grab и т. д. |