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Контрольная работа по "Публічна комунікація. Професіональна іноземна мова"

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Магістратура державного управління


з дисципліни: «Публічна комунікація. Професіональна іноземна мова»






1. Соотнесите каждое определение, данное на английском языке с его русским переводом. Отметьте галочкой то определение службы (service), которое кажется вам наиболее подходящим

Service is…… an act or job done for someone

1) the state of being a servant                   d) положение служащего

2) one's position of being a servant     с) положение, должность служащего

3) a work or duty done for someone     a) работа или обязанность выполненная для  кого-либo

4) an act or job done for someone        b) действие или работа, выполненные для кого-либо

2. Соотнесите английские слова и выражения с их русскими эквивалентами

1) administrative service                    f) служба в административном учреждении

2) appointive service                            i) служба по назначению

3) career service                             a) профессиональная служба

4) civil service                                          h) государственная гражданская служба

5) diplomatic service                            c) дипломатическая служба

6) honorary service                            d) почетная (неоплачиваемая) служба

7) life service                                    j) пожизненная служба

8) national service                          b) государственная служба

9) part-time service                         e) внештатная служба, служба по совместительству

10) public service                         g) общественная служба

11) royal service                           k) королевская служба

3. Прочитайте и запомните слова и фразы из текста The History of Civil Service. Постройте предложения с данной  лексикой


1.I can’t approve the judgement of my superior. 2. He was charged with the accusation of undue influence. 3.I think selection of civil officials on the basis of merit examinations would be a better variant. 4. The decline of financial stability may cause serious problems. 5. The civil reforms touched upon the departments which dealt with execution of service and implementation of law. 6. In spite of all my perks I didn’t manage to make ends meet. 7. The interview preceded my employment. 7. A lot of principalities in the Kiev Rus weakened the state. 8. The recruitment practice of this agency is rather effective. 9. Our staff consists of highly-qualified workers. 10. He decided to move to London, so he applied for a transfer to it. 11. Corruption erodes any valuable reform. 12. It’s a bad practice to promote an official largely on the basis of custom.

4. ПрочитайтеипереведитетекстThe History of Civil Service. Выберите правильный ответ на вопросы данные после текста (из a, b, c)


The use of competitive examinations to select civil officials was begun in China during the Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD). In the West, however, selection of civil administrators and staff on the basis of merit examinations is a later development. The Roman Empire, for example, seems to have recruited and promoted officials largely on the basis of custom and the judgment of superiors.

The establishment of the modern civil service is closely associated with the decline of feudalism and the growth of nation states that were centrally governed. In Prussia, as early as the mid-17th Century, Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, created an efficient civil administration staffed by civil servants chosen on a competitive basis. In France similar reforms preceded the Revolution and were the basis for the Napoleonic reforms that transformed the royal service into the civil service. Development of a professional civil service came several decades later in Great Britain and the United States, who both separately established the notion of a politically independent civil service in the mid to late 19th Century.

In the 1990s, many civil service departments became agencies, e.g., Information Technology Services Agency (ITSA) and Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). It was a Conservative idea whereby the old departments, which were all controlled centrally, were allowed to do their own thing. This meant that different agencies could have different pay scales and recruitment practices. It also meant that they could start doing work with/for the private sector as well as government departments. In the old department-based service, if you wanted to change jobs you could apply for a transfer to anywhere in the civil service. So one week you could be getting abuse from a benefit claimant in Sheffield and the next you could be counting sheep in Cornwall. Now, because the agencies are all independent, you can only apply for a job in the same agency.


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