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Медицинское образование в США

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Тюменский государственный медицинский университет»

Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации

(ФГБОУ ВО Тюменский ГМУ Минздрава России)



На тему: «Медицинское образование в США»


студент 1 курса лечебного факультета

117 группы                                                                                                                  Аитов Рустам Рифатович


Косинцева Тамара Дмитриевна                                                                                                          

Тюмень, 2019


Introduction        3

Main body        4

Structure of medical education in USA        4

College        5

Medical school        6

Residency        8

Fellowship        10

Board certification        11

Conclution        12

References        13


Education is very important for any person. It can be very long and difficult, but it's worth it. The structure of education in other countries may be different, so it would not hurt to know at least superficially how education is organized in another country. We will talk about medical education in the United States. Medical education in the United States is one of the most popular and prestigious areas in international education. Medical professions in the United States are located in the top ranking of the highest paid specialties, but training takes a long time and will require serious pre-training and large investments. Medical education in the United States is of high quality.

The relevance of this work is that education in any country of the world should be interesting to study, medical education in the United States is no exception. I chose this topic because it seemed very interesting to me. I think that not everyone knows the structure of medical education in the United States, so I wanted to understand this issue.

The aims of this work is to analyze the structure of medical education in the United States.

Main body

Structure of medical education in the USA

Medical education in the USA is multistage. Before you go to medical school at the University will need to get a degree Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts. Moreover, only applicants with degrees from American or Canadian universities will be considered. Special emphasis should be placed on obtaining academic credits in organic chemistry, biology and General chemistry.

The process of obtaining a doctor's qualification in the United States is as follows:

1. Bachelor degree in chemistry and biology — 4 years.

2. The preparatory program (pre-med) is an optional step.

3. MCAT exam.

4. Medical school — 4 years (2 years of theoretical training and 2 years of clinical practice). In the last year of study should be selected specific medical specialization. After graduating from medical school graduate receives a degree M.D.

5. Residency — from 3 to 8 years depending on specialization. The shortest programs are in family medicine, and the longest are in neurosurgery. Residency in General surgery will take 5 years.

6. Highly specialized practice (Fellowship) — takes 1-2 years and often includes elements of research. Usually the student has time to practice in parallel with training in residency. It is a prerequisite for a number of medical specialties (cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, oncologists, nephrologists, etc.).

7. Board certification, which includes examinations in the chosen medical specialization.

Some US medical schools:

  • Harvard University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Stanford University
  • University of California
  • Cornell University
  • Georgetown University
  • University of Virginia


In America, there is no more complex, exhausting and long - term path to higher education than the path to becoming a doctor. It is no accident that doctors in America are called eternal students. From the beginning of training to the opportunity to practice on their own usually takes from 11 to 15 years.

In order to start this difficult path, you need to finish high school. The Americans themselves admit that their level of secondary education is not very high. Therefore, students who dream of becoming doctors in the future should be mobilized as much as possible in high school in order to get to colleges with a good reputation and a high level of training.

One of the main conditions for achieving this goal is to pass a written exam called Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT. This exam is a test of mathematical intelligence and knowledge of the English language. Pass this exam must be very good. Otherwise, the chances of entering a prestigious College are significantly reduced.

Recently, in America there has been a tendency to less rigid selection. Some rather prestigious colleges have ceased to require mandatory sat and enroll students on the basis of the assessments contained in the certificate of secondary education. But at this stage, such an order of enrollment in prestigious colleges is rather an exception than a rule.

On average, it takes four years to get an education in College. If desired, this time can be reduced to three years or stretch indefinitely — it all depends on the number of subjects that the student chooses in each semester. Unlike those countries where all students study according to a single curriculum, in America you can choose not only the number of subjects, but also the subjects themselves.


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