Электронная таможня
Автор: darja95 • Апрель 16, 2019 • Реферат • 544 Слов (3 Страниц) • 541 Просмотры
"Electronic customs" - the main mechanism of customs security of the state
The strategy of development of society in the world clearly confirms that victories are achieved by those structures that accumulate information and skillfully manage it. The collection and processing of large amounts of information is currently possible only with the use of information technologies, which are implemented through the creation of complex systems.
Leading customs services of the world (Germany, France, Russia, Japan, China, USA, Canada and many other countries) are also actively introducing modern information technologies. Trends in world development set new challenges to simplify customs procedures and logistics procedures for the import and export of goods from the territory of the country, reducing the risk of violations of the safety of residents.
It is necessary to create electronic information systems that will be functionally compatible with similar systems of different countries, accessible, manageable, secure, integrated and controlled. The mechanism of implementation of this task is called "Electronic customs".
"Electronic customs" is a multifunctional complex system that exists in the customs authorities of the country and combines information and communication technologies, a set of mechanisms for their application and makes it possible to improve the quality of customs regulation, as well as to improve customs administration in order to ensure the customs security of the state. Its constituent elements are such subsystems as: electronic Declaration; electronic document management; risk analysis and management; transit control.
It is also important for the implementation of the requirements of international quality standards, which are the standard for the creation and evaluation of quality systems, including the quality of customs functions directly related to the customs security of the state.
"E-customs" in such circumstances becomes a mechanism for the implementation of customs and quality assessment of its implementation, i.e. the main mechanism for ensuring the customs security of the state.
«Электронная таможня» - главный механизм обеспечения таможенной безопасности государства
«Электронная таможня» - главный механизм обеспечения таможенной безопасности государства
Стратегия развития общества в мире однозначно подтверждает, что победы достигают те структуры, которые накапливают информацию и умело распоряжаются ею. Сбор и обработка больших объемов информации в настоящее время возможны только с применением информационных технологий, которые реализуются путем создания комплексных систем.
Ведущие таможенные службы мира (Германии, Франции, России, Японии, Китая, США, Канады и многих других государств) также активно внедряют современные информационные технологии. Тенденции мирового развития устанавливают новые задачи по упрощению таможенных процедур и процедур логистики при ввозе и вывозе товаров с территории страны, уменьшению рисков нарушения безопасности жителей.