Что такое бизнес? (What is business?)
Автор: Elena.1234 • Май 11, 2022 • Сочинение • 583 Слов (3 Страниц) • 280 Просмотры
Business is a difficult kind of human activity. It has many important elements such as money, taxes, Customers, transport, banks and others. There are two general types of business: small business and big business.
People do business for a profit. People do business by producing goods or providing services is very profitable. Communications are a good business, for example, telephone, telegraph and mail services. Banking and insurance work very well too.
Doing business has become very popular everywhere. There are three main types of business:
A sole trade.
-You do not need to disclose the details of your financial affairs except to the tax authorities.
-You have the final say in any decisions that affect the company.
-You also take all profits after paying income tax on them.
-One person has a responsibility for the business.
-You alone are personally responsible for any business debts.
-If necessary, your personal possessions could be taken to pay them.
-A group of between two and twenty people trading as one firm.
-Partners share a responsibility for debts, decision making and the profits.
-All partners are personally liable for any business debts.
A limited company.
A company formed by two or more shareholders who put money into the business in return for a share of the profits. They appoint directors who control the company. A limited company must be registered.
- The financial liability of the shareholders is limited.
-The personal belongings of the shareholders cannot be taken to pay the debts.
-If the business goes bust then you each lose only the value of the shares you own.
-You may find it difficult to get a credit from suppliers or loans from banks.
-You should give personal guarantees that you will pay your debts to banks.
-You must send a copy of your annual accounts to the Registrar of Companies and send details of your financial affairs to the taxman.
-Your accounts must be checked by an outside accountant for a true picture of the company’s finances.
Бизнес - это сложный вид человеческой деятельности. В нем есть много важных элементов, таких как деньги, налоги, клиенты, транспорт, банки и другие. Существует два основных вида бизнеса: малый бизнес и крупный бизнес.
Люди занимаются бизнесом ради прибыли. Люди занимаются бизнесом, производя товары или оказывая услуги, это очень выгодно. Коммуникации - это хороший бизнес, например, телефонные, телеграфные и почтовые услуги. Банковское дело и страхование тоже работают очень хорошо.
Ведение бизнеса стало очень популярным во всем мире. Существует три основных вида бизнеса: