Тест по "Английскому языку"
Автор: amantaeva-amina • Февраль 10, 2021 • Тест • 6,452 Слов (26 Страниц) • 1,246 Просмотры
Название дисциплины – Философия
Специальность – Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка
Отделение – английское
ФИО ответственного преподавателя за тест – Джекебаева Макпал Абиловна
Количество вопросов – 300
1.Who used the term “Philosophy” firstly?
2.What does it mean the term “Philosophy”?
{~Love of thinking
=Love of wisdom
~Love of human
~Love of the world
~Love of science}
3. What is the meaning of the concept of Cosmos?
4. Figure out the main peculiarities of Philosophy:
{~Creativity, imagination
= Rationality, generalization, critical thinking
~Scientific thinking, detailing
~Specification. Description
~Formulation, conceptualization}
5. The main definition of philosophy is:
{~ a systematic and comprehensive study of man and life
=a systematic and comprehensive study of truth about life, about the universe, and everything ~including events, relationships, and experience
~a systematic and comprehensive study of the universe
~a systematic and comprehensive study of society
~a systematic and comprehensive study of nature and physical world}
6. Three main areas, which are focused by Philosophy:
{~ Nature, Universe, the World
= Nature, Social life. Human
~ Society, Religion, Culture
~ Culture, Art, Freedom
~ Consciousness, Mind, Rationality}
7 What is Ontology?
{~Study of knowledge
=Study of being
~Study of thinking
~Study of beauty
~Study of values}
8. What is Epistemology?
{~ Study of values
=Study of knowledge
~Study of being
~Study of thinking
~Study of beauty}
9. What is Axiology?
{~Study of knowledge
=Study of values
~Study of being
~Study of thinking
~Study of beauty}
10. What is Logic?
{~Study of knowledge
=Study of thinking
~Study of beauty
~Study of values
~Study of being}
11. What is Aesthetics?
{~Study of knowledge
=Study of beauty
~Study of values
~Study of being
~Study of thinking}
12 How does Plato regard a thing and an idea?
{~An idea is a reflection of a thing
=The world of things is only a shadow of the world of ideas
~An idea and a thing are equal
~An idea is the image of the world
~Things are temporary, ideas are eternal}
13 The main philosophical worldview in Medieval Europe:
14 By what principles is «a noble man» of Confucius guided?
{~The principle of «others owe to me»
~Do not harm anything living}
~One must work his way in life}
~To achieve his goals by deception}
15. In Chinese philosophy “the person possesses initially evil nature” is the main postulates of
~School of Yin and Yang
~School of names}
16 Choose paradoxes of Zeno:
{~Achilles and the lion
=Achilles and the tortoise
~A flying butterfly
~A flying bird
~The ocean and lake}
17 What was the mainstream ideology in Ancient China?
~Tao Te Ching
~ Buddhism
18 According to the Buddhist philosophy the highest grace is
19 What does Renaissance mean?
{~Strong philosophy
=Rebirth or recovery
~Dark ages
~Light age
20. Which branch of Philosophy studies a society and social relations?
=Social philosophy
~Philosophical Anthropology
21. Which branch of Philosophy studies a morality and moral norms?
~Philosophical Anthropology
~Social philosophy}
22. Which branch of Philosophy makes the philosophical and social forecasts?
~Philosophical Anthropology
~Social philosophy}
23. Which branch of Philosophy studies the problems of human evolution?
=Philosophical Anthropology