Роль иностранных языков в профессиональной деятельности полицейского
Автор: Knight of saturday • Ноябрь 10, 2022 • Реферат • 2,192 Слов (9 Страниц) • 521 Просмотры
Федеральное государственное казенное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский университет Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации»
Кафедра иностранных языков
Английский язык
Роль иностранных языков в профессиональной деятельности полицейского
(The role of foreign languages in the professional activities of a police officer)
курсант ___ учебного взвода
факультета подготовки сотрудников для оперативных подразделений
рядовой полиции:
«_____»______________ 2022 г.
Introduction 3
Use exercises for specific speaking tasks 5
Active work in conversational situations 7
The presence of situational communication 9
learn in a realistic environment 10
Conclusion 12
References 13
The purpose of police training is to prepare and develop students' practical skills and competencies through practical knowledge and methods based on solving specific police tasks. Hope this is resolved properly.
Foreign language courses are of a communicative, practical and technical nature, so that prospective lawyers can acquire not only communication skills in foreign languages, but also specific knowledge in their chosen field of knowledge. To improve your professional skills. Learning a foreign language requires developing a general perspective and cross-cultural skills based on a culture of communication, young thinking, specific terminology, and an international vocabulary.
Learning a foreign language is a great opportunity to develop the general intellectual abilities and skills that police officers need. This is the development of analytical and global skills and the development of logical thinking skills based on mental manipulations such as leadership and leadership. Impression, modeling and forecasting are the skills that determine the creative activity of a specialist.
Foreign language acquisition is an integral part of professional construction for all professional modern professionals who require knowledge of a foreign language to achieve their scientific and educational interests and professional goals. . Improves the creation of personally constructive contacts.
Almost all topics in the course deal with basic conversational situations. Therefore, the emphasis is on teaching listeners to play interactively. The dialogues practiced in the course are presented in the context of situations that students may encounter in their professional activities.
The most important factors for completing a practical foreign language course are:
- application of exercises with specific oral tasks;
- Group work in conversation situations;
- communication status availability;
- Creation of real living conditions.
Now let's take a closer look at each element.
Use exercises for specific speaking tasks
Traditional vocabulary and grammar review exercises should be replaced with exercises that activate students' listening skills.
for example:
• Fill in dialog gaps.
• Replace prepositions and demonstrative pronouns with their antonyms.
• Current conversations and other similar tasks.
Such tasks allow teachers to draw the listener's attention to practical material, quickly work on pronunciation, and read formulas.
As far as grammatical structures are concerned, they are described in terms of linguistic situations and clichés, not in terms of the subject matter itself. Learn
Remember that speaking is an activity, a skill-based activity. If so, we will discuss. Teachers often face the problem of translating learned vocabulary and grammar into language. Don't give conversation homework right after learning a new vocabulary or grammar topic. The required vocabulary and grammar should be automated first. This is facilitated by conditional language systems or pre-speech exercises. In this context, it is important to distinguish between communicative and non-communicative practices. A communication exercise refers to a communication situation. This can be done without a tutorial and is very easy. In this case, the teacher guides the use of specific structures and language patterns and provides stimulating responses.
These exercises are oral in nature and constitute a specific system consisting of the following types of exercises:
1) imitation exercises (meaning - repetition of the form given by the teacher); B. "Use the following patterns, phrases, and phrases to interact."
2) Substitution exercises (replace some lexical units with other units of the same grammatical form). "Writing an autobiography after working as a model"
3) Reinforcement language exercises (the aim is to use already learned vocabulary and grammar combined with learned structures). For example: "Expand dialog lines that contain words in brackets."
4) Conversion practice (substituting a previously learned grammatical form with another learned form). "Replace the underlined words with synonyms for modal particles."
5) reproductive learning (representing a form of transition from language learning to language learning in which students are required to use learned grammatical forms but teachers do not articulate them in response to stimuli), conversation, and Creation of detailed narratives based on them. key chain. Judged.
Only after practicing vocabulary and grammar with audio examples can you move on to listening exercises where you apply the structures you have learned. In this case, sound production (creation) must go through a stage of reproduction (reconstruction). Oral statement presentations are supported by text (reading or listening), graphics, plans, and keywords.