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Роль Английского в экономических науках

Автор:   •  Январь 7, 2019  •  Статья  •  1,373 Слов (6 Страниц)  •  699 Просмотры

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Aleksentceva V.A, Skrypnik T.I. (language supervisor)

V.N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv

Aleksentceva V.A, Skrypnik T.I. The role of English language in economics. In this article is disclosed topic of importance of the English language in economic as a science, economic aspects of the life of society and countries. It describes the uniqueness of a variety of economic terms that cannot be translated from English as well as knowledge of the English language, affects the welfare indicators of the economies of countries.  Having a situation at the micro level when knowledge of the English language allows individuals to find a good job and improve their standard of living.

Keywords: aspects, countries, economic, importance, language, science.

Алексенцева В.А., Скрипник Т.И. Роль английского языка в экономике.В статье раскрываеться тема значимости английского языка в экономике как науке , экономических аспектах жизни общества  и стран. Описываеться уникальность разнообразных непереводимых с английского языка  экономических терминов  а так же как владение английским языком влияет на показатели благосостояния экономик стран. Наличие ситуации на микроуровне когда знание английского языка позволяет отдельным гражданам найти хорошую работу и повысить свой уровень жизни.

Ключевые слова: английский, благосостояние, общество, термины, экономика.

Алексенцева В.О., Скрипник Т.І.Роль ангійської мови в економіці. У статті розкриваеться тема значущості англійської мови в економіці як науці, економічних аспектах життя суспільства і країн. Описуеться унікальність різноманітних неперекладних з англійської мови економічних термінів а також як володіння англійською мовою впливає на показники добробуту економік країн. Наявність ситуації на мікрорівні коли знання англійської мови дозволяє окремим громадянам знайти хорошу роботу і підвищити свій рівень життя.

Ключові слова: англійська, добробут, економіка, суспільство, терміни.

Without minimal knowledge of the English language, economic sciences would not be fully disclosed and filled with meaning.  The rapid growth of the economy in English-speaking countries led to the fact that all the latest inventions in this field were spread throughout the world from Europe and America.  This would serve to spread English words on economic topics in other languages.  Almost all the financial terminology that came to us from English-speaking countries does not change.  Take for example the field of finance.  Here every second term is in English.

The economics textbooks of the most of the first editions were published in English.  The most famous economists are the British and Americans.  For example, Henry Carter Adams, who made a significant contribution to the development of state regulation of the economy, Stephen Covey - management specialist, life management, teacher and consultant on organizational management, Samuelsson Paul Anthony engaged in economic analysis and made a huge contribution to this area,  Fisher Philip - one of the outstanding investors.  It is not surprising that English is perceived and used as the main language in this field.

English dominates in the world, as in bank, and financial spheres. Despite that what representatives of the country do business correspondence or negotiations, it is accepted to do it only in English, then it is precisely possible to be sure that all correctly will understand everything. English plays an important role in safety of commercial transactions that, in turn, contributes to the development of bank and financial English.

If we take the sphere of investment, then even the first stock exchange appeared in an English-speaking country - London, Great Britain, 1773.  The dictionary of stock words, which is used by investors and speculators around the world especially English.  Even in Ukraine, it does not change with stockbrokers, such English words as “profit”, “loss”, “equity”, “balance”, “margin call” are pronounced without translation and are used in everyday life in the primary form.  In many cases, this type of words simply does not have analogues in other languages.


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