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Продвижение управленческой политики как элемент комплекса Коммерческих организаций

Автор:   •  Январь 29, 2019  •  Реферат  •  4,005 Слов (17 Страниц)  •  368 Просмотры

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Группа ВЭФОР-1

Сапарова Валерия Сергеевна

Тема: «Продвижение управленческой политики как элемент комплекса Коммерческих организаций»

Тема «Management Policy Promotion as Element of Complex of Commercial Organizations Marketing»

Policy promotion aimed at planning and building relationships with all stakeholders marketing activities in the enterprise through the application of all elements of the marketing mix and communication tools that will form a stable preference and demand for the product and services of the enterprise from the consumer.

To identify weaknesses of enterprise activity, to direct the policy of marketing into something productive will help theory 4P:

1P – Product. Every company seeks to balance its product portfolio. Poses a question whether or not the product consumers need, whether the whole meets the needs. Functionality, design, brand, reliability, metrics are the items that you want to analyze. Each company divides the products into types: - generate income now; - generated revenues in the past; - generate revenue tomorrow; - require improvement; - in development; - loss - making products; - the critical facts.

 2P – Price. The price of the product consists of three elements: production costs, the amount of planned profit, the factors of psychology. It is necessary to analyze company pricing policy or the pricing strategy. (1) the company takes the average market price, (2) selects the premium segment, (3) puts the price lower than the competition, or sets the lowest price of the product. The company can change the price, but based on the elasticity of demand. In the case where price fluctuations do not lead to major changes, the demand is called inelastic. To perform this index will help following: you must conduct research among customers to determine what quantity of services or goods they are willing to buy in different price ranges .

3P – Place. Planned policies of marketing of products or services is the key to successful promotion of goods or services to consumers. They should have the opportunity of obtaining product company in a convenient place, at the right time. The company must worry about the provision of other data, aftersales (warranty) service. Minimize the cost of organizing sales helps in determining the optimal promotion channels.

4P – Promotion. To inform, promote sales, demonstrate a product or service to potential customers will help the item promotion. Applying different methods of communicating information, the company will decide an important issue – the emergence of the consumer desire to buy products. Elements of promotion many: special offers, tastings, promotions, sales, gifts, bonuses, and others. The main goal is achieved: the consumer is happy with the choice; the company receives profit. Effective use of technology 4P is able to establish a balance of product range, promotion, sales, promote the establishment of optimal prices. Making a product or service is acceptable to consumers, the company will receive the maximum profit, recognition, benefits. Ways of promotion, who will do it, will reach to anyone information about the product or service, and what period of time it will take is the main question of the policy of promotion as one of the key marketing elements of the enterprise. Promotion – is a set of measures aimed at improving the sales system of the company through the communication process, impact on employees, partners and consumers. The promotion has two main goals. First: promoting and sustaining consumer demand for a product or service of the company. Second: maintain a positive company image in the market.

Modern marketers in their scientific publications the term promotion policy for the preferred definition of communication policy. And this comment is fair, since the whole process of marketing activities is a communication between the enterprise and the consumer, with the aim of achieving the main goal. The relevance of the research topic due to the fact that all businesses are looking for versatile and efficient method of moving goods to market. In particular, this process due to the rigid level of competition and a glut of commodities and not the demand for domestically produced goods. Marketing management is the analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring of promotional events, which are aimed at establishing and maintaining exchanges of information with the consumer to achieve certain corporate objectives such as obtaining, profit, increase sales, increasing the share of the target market. Marketing communications consists of the following main means of influence on the consumer: advertising, sales promotion, PR, and direct marketing. At the same time the concept of communication has deeper content of these tools and techniques. Clearance, price, shape and package color, behavior and clothing seller – all this carries information to the buyer about the product. To achieve the maximum communication effect, the company must carefully coordinate the marketing mix as a whole, and not just a set of incentives. Advertising – information posted in any way, in any format and using any means and methods, directed to an indefinite circle of persons (potential customers) and aimed at attracting attention to object of advertising, formation and maintenance of interest in him, and his promotion in potential markets. The object of advertising is the product, logos of the company and (or) product, the manufacturer or seller of the product, the results of human intellectual activity or event (such as a sporting event, concerts, competitions, festivals), attracting the attention of the consumer to which it refers is. The main idea of advertising is selling as much as possible the amount of goods or services. Advertising, in its broad sense, is a form of promotion of goods and services to increase sales and expand market share. Advertising is some non-personal messages, with application of methods of advertising (advertising in the media, transport, magazines, brochures, etc.). Secondary objectives of advertising are:

- increase demand for product (service);

- explicit designation of the position on the market for consumers;

- promotion of consumer properties of the product (services);

- promotion of brands;

- increase presence in the target market;

- creation of sales channels of the products (services);

 - improving the image of business;

- increase in volume of sold products (services).

Advertising is the main means such as: corporate advertising, prestige advertising for the expansion of distribution channels. On the basis of funds, formed the function of advertising, which is to provide information about a product or service to the consumer through media advertising. Advertising product or service has a persuasive or informational implication, directed to the attention of the consumer or a wide range of the public. It is worth noting that advertising can encompass a single element or a complex of marketing. The analysis involves a number of elements: the study of motives of consumers, analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, analysis of advertising, analysis of advertising and marketing communications. Sales promotion is an element of the marketing mix. It is the use of a set of elements that are designed to increase consumers’ reaction to various events within the marketing and communication strategy of a commercial enterprise. Sales promotion is a short-term nature of marketing activity. It may not guarantee a stable demand for the goods (services) and attract new buyers for establishing long-term. But the effect of measures to stimulate sales is achieved much faster than by using other means of communication. Sales promotion is used in cases when: there are a large number of competing goods, to display a new type of product or new market to sustain the product when leaving it on the stage of maturity, to increase consumer awareness about the product, for the resumption of demand. The main objective of sales promotion is derived from the global marketing goals. Tasks can be transformed based on the requirements of the market. One method of stimulation is to encourage the active use of the goods, quantity, the motivation to buy of the consumer. There are also means of stimulating sales. This takes into account the type of market, specific tasks in the field of sales promotion, profitability of funds. Among the most common are: distribution of samples – offer samples for free or on trial. This is the most effective way, but expensive way to promote. The award, one of the ways to stimulate, this product at a low price, or free bonus for your purchase. PR – marketing tool that allows you to establish close communication with the public, sustained effort aimed at creating and sustaining mutual understanding between the enterprise and the public. This is the art of how to file information with the profitable side. PR goal – maintain a positive company image. The main task is to maintain contact with the target audience, the media, magazines etc. PR also has the basic methods: - informing the target audience through the media; - distribution of printed information (leaflets, magazines, brochures, etc.); - movie-tools and photo-tools (shows the logo of the enterprise or product); - speaking (presentation by staff at conferences, exhibitions); - sponsorship. Personal selling – the presentation of consumer properties of goods (services) in the course of the conversation with the consumer or group of consumers. Personal selling is considered in two directions: on the one hand, this method of establishing the planned relationship with the consumer; on the other is a direct implementation of marketing functions. Figure 3: The main phases of the activities of Public Relations Personal selling has the following functions:


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