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Изучение специальности химика

Автор:   •  Июнь 6, 2020  •  Статья  •  1,982 Слов (8 Страниц)  •  248 Просмотры

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Изучение специальности химика.

Хутова Амина Мурадиновна

Астраханский государственный университет.

В данной статье исследуется специальности химик. Особое внимание уделяется многочисленным сферам применения знаний химии, риски в профессиональной деятельности. Так же направления и особенности в профессии химика. Результатом данного исследования является вывод о том, что благодаря  деятельности химиков, человечество не  только базируется на знаниях, которые были получены ранее, но и получает новые.

Ключевые слова: химия (химик), профессиональная деятельность, химическое образование, лаборатория, исследование, материально-техническая база.

Studying the specialty of a chemist.

Khutovo Amina Muradinova

Astrakhan state University.

 This article examines the specialty of chemist. Special attention is paid to numerous areas of application of knowledge of chemistry, risks in professional activities. The same direction and features in the profession of a chemist. The result of this research is the conclusion that thanks to the activities of chemists, humanity is not only based on the knowledge that was obtained earlier, but also receives new ones.

Keywords: chemistry (chemist), professional activity, chemical education, laboratory, research, material and technical base.

Chemistry is the most important and oldest branch of science and natural science. The specialty of a chemist is very important for the world, because it is present in almost all human life. We don't know how we use chemistry knowledge in our daily lives. Examples of applying chemistry knowledge on a small scale are: using powder when washing, washing in the morning, brewing tea with lemon (acid-base interaction), cooking food. We carry out real, and sometimes quite complex chemical reactions: firing bricks, kneading sand and cement with water, lighting a match. In everyday life, there are many chemical phenomena such as: the formation of plaque on metals (oxidation), the quenching of lime with water or vinegar, the formation of scale in the kettle. Chemical processes occur in every living organism: the processes of assimilation of food, respiration of animals and humans, the growth of a small blade of grass and a powerful tree, rotting, burning, the formation of ozone, and so on. It is not necessary to mention томthat all the objects and materials surrounding us are created in factories and plants that also use the knowledge of chemistry.

There is also a larger application of chemist's ability. For example, the chemical industry is one of the most important branches of the world economy, it is based on the processing of raw materials by chemical methods. The basic materials used in this industry are oil and various mineral raw materials. Thanks to oil, people have the opportunity to use plastic and plastic products in their everyday life, fertilizers for agriculture, medicines, household chemicals and cosmetics, and much more. The chemical industry has many branches. [1]

  • Mining and chemical industry
  • Extraction and processing of raw materials
  • Table salt and potash
  • Phosphorites and apatites
  •  Sulfur and other
  • Basic chemistry
  • Acids
  • Alkalis
  • Mineral fertilizer
  • Organic synthesis chemistry
  • Synthetic resin
  •  Plastics
  •  Chemical fiber
  •  Synthetic rubber
  •  Varnishes, paints
  •  Household chemicals
  •  Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Thanks to such combinations, industrial complexes arise that contribute to the progressive chemization of the national economic complex.

The chemist constantly deals with toxic, caustic, flammable substances, regardless of the chosen specialty of activity. For the reason you should not ignore the contra-indications for the choice of this work. Contraindications include the following items: imperfect sense organs (tactile sensitivity, vision, smell), disorders of the nervous system (dizziness, trembling of the hands), diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, distraction, unstable attention, a high tendency to allergic reactions. All this can make the work in the specialty unbearable. At the same time, it is not necessary to think that the modern chemist is doomed to feel ill. Compliance with safety regulations, the use of modern protective equipment allows you to eliminate harm to health or reduce it to a minimum.

The chemist must be careful, organized, collected, and patient. He should be able to control himself, show perseverance, perseverance and curiosity. Also, the profession of a chemist requires a high level of stability and concentration of attention, since for a long time you have to engage in one type of activity and keep your attention on a certain subject for a long time. The necessary skills for a chemist are systematization and analysis of various types of information in a larger volume.  The ability to engage in painstaking work for a long time, a good sense of smell, fine manual motor skills and high noise resistance are important qualities of a chemist. People of this specialty should have a good memory for signs and symbols, they should accurately distinguish and perceive a wide range of colors and shades.

In turn the chemist's profession is divided into many specializations:

  • Basic applied chemistry will give you knowledge in the field of chemical processes of nature. You will learn how to analyze them, create and implement the latest profitable materials and technologies, and solve applied problems in the field of chemistry and their technologies.
  • Medical chemistry, the subject of which is the discovery of biologically active substances, an explanation of the mechanism of their action at the molecular level, and based on this – the creation of new drugs.
  • Inorganic chemistry covers the field of research of chemical bonds and structure of inorganic compounds, their ability in different aggregate States and conditions.
  • Organic chemistry refers to the study of the subject of organic chemistry, types of reagents, reactions, hydrocarbons, optical isomerism of organic compounds, and halogen-producing hydrocarbons.
  • Analytical chemistry usually develops several main areas of scientific work: the first is the development of new and improving existing physical and chemical methods of analysis, the second is the modeling of physical and chemical processes at the interface of media, conducting Analytics, chemical research, and the production of new materials.
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry studies medicinal products, as well as the basis of its methodology is a complex of physico-chemical, biochemical, biopharmaceutical methods.
  • Physical chemistry gives you a field of study in the experimental determination and calculation of the parameters of molecules of substances, chemical thermodynamics and kinetics.
  • If you want to get a specialty of chemistry teacher, then you will have to get knowledge only on a full-time basis. After completing your training, you become a chemistry and biology teacher.

All this diversity of specialties was due to the discoveries that are still taking place today. In my opinion, the greatest discovery in the field of natural Sciences (including chemistry) is the periodic table. But this discovery was due to early findings by other scientists, such as:Johann Debereiner,  Alexander Emile Chancourtois, John Alexander Newlands, Julius Lothar Meyer. After Mendeleev's work, scientists did not stop there, they replenished and improved it more and more. [2]


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