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Идиомы в английской, русской и казахской речи

Автор:   •  Март 13, 2019  •  Статья  •  1,242 Слов (5 Страниц)  •  997 Просмотры

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Aiza: Good morning dear participants and jury of the scientific conference! We are the students of pedagogical college named after B.Akhmetov. We study at the 3rd course in FL faculty.

We prepared for telling you about interesting and cognitive theme – Phraseologisms. We have studied a lot of idioms, compared them in 3 languages, found definitions and the same translating. Let’s start!  

At the first, the aim of our work is to establish the similarity of verbal-conceptual apparatus and phraseologisms’ differences in English, Kazakh and Russian languages. Our mission is to characterize the features of the concept of "the phraseological unit", to identify and describe the main morphological models of construction of phraseology in Russian, Kazakh and English, to find the most expressive images, their origin and the comparison. So the object of research work which we chose is the phraseological expressions of these three languages. The main subject of study is their similarities and differences.

One day I called her and asked “Amina, where are you going?”, Amina said: “I'm going to see a man about a horse”. I couldn’t even imagine this surprising answer! It turned out that it is a stable expression, which means the way to inform about your absence, without specifying a reason.

In order not to blush in front of the interlocutor, giving ignorance or incorrectly interpreting his words, get an idea of the meaning of idioms in the English language.

Amina: Idioms give brightness features of the national character and the unique flavor that distinguishes one language from another. They enrich the speech not by only quantity, and also by the quality  to its ability to accurately and vividly express the essence of a fairly complex phenomena.

Speech is the main way of people interacting. To send a sense of conversation themes, moods, attitudes to the different circumstances we usually use citations, relevant to a particular situation, proverbs and idioms. Using of figurative expressions allocates widely-minded person who thinks outside the box and has a specific knowledge base.

During comparing the phraseological units in English, Kazakh and Russian, we discovered similar structure of idioms. In the analysis it was found in similarities, the structure, imagery and stylistic coloring:

Играть с огнем – to play with fire – отпен ойнау

сжигать мосты – to burn bridges – көпірді құлату

нет дыма без огня – there is no smoke without fire – жел соқпаса, шөптің басы қимылдамайды

трудолюбивый, как пчела – busy as a bee – құмырсқадай еңбекқор

жить как кошка с собакой – a cat and dog life – ит пен мысықтай, дәм тұзы жараспады

дело чести – affair of honour – міндет борышы

рыцарь без страха и упрека – knight without fear and without reproach - Жүрегінің түгі бар

сливки общества – the cream of society – ақ сүйектер

игра стоит свеч – the game is worth the candle

оборотная сторона медали — the reverse side of the coin.

Aiza: It is worth noting that many Russian and English expressions go back to a single original source - the Bible. The Bible is a rich source of phraseological units. This is the greatest work has enriched both Russian and English similar units. Here are some of them:

The beam in one’s eye – бревно в собственном глазу – өзінің көзіндегі бөренені көрмей, біреудің көзіндегі қылшықты байқайды

Daily bread – хлеб насущный – қара нан

Poverty is no sin – бедность не порок – кедейлік кімге жаққан

Throw nature out of the door, it will come back again – Гони природу в дверь, она войдет в окно – болам деген іс болады

Look not a gift horse in the mouth – Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят – сыйға тартқан жылқының тісін түгендеме

A storm in a tea-cup – Буря в стакане воды – түймені түйедей қылу

In the English language, and later in the Russian entered the unit, endowed with extraordinary brilliance. This is due to their prevalence in both languages, and the similarity of images.

We all know the greatest Shakespeare and a fairy teller C.Andersen. They made their idioms and they have now become widespread:

W.Shakespeare: To be or not to be – быть или не быть.

English writer W.Thackeray was founder of these idioms:

Vanity Fair – Ярмарка тщеславия

A skeleton in the closet – скелет в шкафу

Danish writer H.C.Andersen joined his expressions:

The emperor has no clothes – А король-то голый.

An ugly duckling – гадкий утенок

Amina: However, during translating from one language to another there is a change of imagery. This is an interesting phenomenon in the English and Russian languages. Thus the observed differences of these phraseological units:


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