Деловая молодежь России, молодежное движение в РФ
Автор: Татьяна Комиссарова • Февраль 28, 2019 • Эссе • 496 Слов (2 Страниц) • 711 Просмотры
ЭССЕ на тему: «Деловая молодежь России, молодежное движение в РФ»
По дисциплине: «Иностранный язык»
Very often you can hear elderly people complaining about business "modern youth". "Here in our times it was not so - they say, shaking his head dissatisfied-the youth was not so spoiled, more educated, etc".
I think they say that because their youth is behind them, in their memories. At all times, people have different fun, have different habits, different attitude to life, different conditions form their worldview. Each generation has the best representatives and not so much. Today's youth is no exception. We had the opportunity to live in the information age, when computer technology is developing at an incredible pace and win an honorable place in the life of every person. Of course, previously, people were not able to access the Internet from anywhere in the world, to communicate with foreigners, to look at the world, to have access to so much information! And this can not be considered a drawback, because openness to the world-is the possibility of development.
It all depends on each person. Some representatives of today's youth fixate on these mobile phones and computers, develop dependence on social networks, while others try to develop themselves with their help, to get an education, because so many opportunities are opened by the Internet! Even education can already be obtained without leaving home.
Today's young people have many opportunities. All roads, all universities, all countries are open to them. We can be creative, we can be scientific. Life for modern youth is open. In addition, the modern generation, unlike the past, has an open life and has its own opinion and rights. Social networks can be viewed from two sides: people, as if they have become open to each other, now you do not need to call friends to find out how they are doing, you can just see their latest photos and statuses on social networks.
But it also distances people from each other, so we can say that today's young people in a sense alone. Everyone flaunts only the most beautiful moments of life, no one will put a photo where he feels bad. Therefore, looking at photos in social networks, you may get the impression that everyone is happy, and life is beautiful. But people gradually forget about the real live communication.
Many things that happened 100 years ago seem strange to us. However, life is constantly changing, and today these changes occur so quickly that we do not always have time for them.
The business of "modern" youth is also a difficult task. These are people born in an independent country, they oppose the old system and have a difficult mission: to build a new country, to set an example for the next