Аббревиатуры английского и русского языков в рамках интернет-общения.
Автор: Minae • Октябрь 24, 2021 • Аттестационная работа • 3,450 Слов (14 Страниц) • 510 Просмотры
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
муниципального образования город Краснодар
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 20
на тему: аббревиатуры английского и русского языков в рамках интернет-общения.
учащийся 9 «А»
М. Е. А.
Научный руководитель:
учитель английского языка
Ц. Е. Г.
Chapter 1. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CONCEPTS "ABBREVIATION" AND "ACRONYM"................................................................…..........................5
1.1 The concept of reduction in modern lexicology..................................................5
1.2 The concept of "Abbreviation" and its types......................................................6
Chapter 2. STRUCTURE, ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ON THE MATERIAL OF CORRESPONDENCE ON THE INTERNET AND BLOGS................................................................…..................8
2.1Classification of modes of communication……………………………………...8
2.2 Structural characteristics of English chat abbreviations....................................8
Chapter 3. PRACTICAL PART……………………………………………………..11
The Internet today is a whole world through which you can exchange information with all the inhabitants of our planet. There are many ways to receive and exchange information.
Nowadays, in the age of intensive development of society, its spheres and components of the language does not stand still, adapting to modernity. Modern linguistic studies show rapid and profound changes in oral and written speech. It is well known that young people simplify their hobbies while adjusting the language to suit themselves, to their pace of life, introduce more and more new words. These kind neologisms quickly take root in oral speech. The exchange with electronic messages involves short, chopped phrases, laconisms, the replacement of Russian words with shorter English, the use of abbreviations and emotionally-coloured icons, the so-called "emoticons" (from the English. "to smile" - smile).
There is another kind of "misunderstanding". It consists of strange words like lol, rtfm etc. It is a well-established reduction in formulaic English phrases. After all, the Internet began in America, and for a long time English had remained the predominant language of the Network. Therefore, all network jargon has American-English roots.
In fact, it is very easy to understand where these reductions came from. The main reason for their appearance is the specifics of communication on the Internet and the necessity to save their time and someone else's. Time spent online was once quite expensive pleasure. Consequently, brevity was necessary from an economic point of view.
Every year there are more and more new compound words, abbreviations and other types of abbreviations in writing, so there is a growing need for their proper understanding and use. This determines the choice and relevance of the presented topic.(1)
The purpose of the study is to analyze abbreviations in English used in informal communication on the Internet, in order to create a dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations and their further use in informal communication by teenagers in Internet communication with foreign pals. A number of research tasks will help to achieve this goal:
1. To consider the differences between the concepts of "reduction" and " abbreviation»;
2. To make a quantitative analysis, to develop the main methods of translation of English abbreviations into Russian, to consider their use in the communication process.
3. To create a dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms used in informal communication on the Internet.
The relevance of the work is expressed in the fact that the collected practical material can be used in informal communication on the Internet, and can also be used to compile glossaries, writing further scientific articles.
- The Concept of reduction in modern lexicology
The abbreviation is a morphological word formation, in which some part of the sound composition of the original word is omitted. Despite the fact that this method exists in the English language relatively not long ago(about the second half of the 18th century), nowadays it plays the same leading role as the composition or word production.
In the American-English scientific, technical, economic literature can meetsnot only a large number of different kinds of reductions, and reduced such as individual words and phrases.
In recent years, the tendency to form new words by reducing existing words or phrases has increased significantly. The increase in the number of abbreviations can be explained by the fact that complex words and phrases are usually cumbersome and inconvenient, and, of course, we want to convey them briefly.
This method of compressive transmission of the meaning of lexical units, which are terms and carry a certain meaning, is undoubtedly very convenient and can claim universality in the language of scientific literature and other special sublanguages. Taking into account all the "usefulness" of lexical units of this type, there are many difficulties associated primarily with their translation from English into Russian or the interpretation of the meaning of a special term.