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Аccelerators of charged particles. Types principles of work

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Topic: accelerators of charged particles. Types principles of work.


Charged particle accelerators

An installation in which, with the help of electric and magnetic fields, directed bundles of electrons, protons, ions and other charged particles with energy that significantly exceed thermal energy are obtained. In the process of acceleration, the speed of particles increases, and often to values close to the speed of light. Currently, many small accelerators are used in medicine (radiation therapy), as well as in industry (for example, for ion implantation in semiconductors). Large accelerators are used mainly for scientific purposes – to study sub-nuclear processes and the properties of elementary particles.

According to quantum mechanics, a particle cluster, such as a beam of Light, is characterized by a certain wave length. The higher the particle energy, the smaller this wavelength. And the smaller the wavelength, the fewer objects that can be studied, but the larger the size of the accelerators and the more difficult they are. The development of micromyr research required a lot of energy from the probing bundle. The first sources of high-energy radiation were natural radioactive substances. But they gave the researchers only a limited set of particles, intensities and energies. In the 1930s, scientists began to work on the creation of units that could give different packages. Currently, there are accelerators that allow you to receive any type of high-energy radiation. If, for example, X-ray or gamma radiation is required, then the electrons are accelerated and then emit photons in the processes of braking or Synchrotron Radiation. Neutrons are concentrated in the bombardment of a suitable target with an intense beam of protons or deuterons.

The energy of nuclear particles is measured in electronvolts (EV). Electrovolt is the energy that charged particles possess, a single elemental charge (electron charge), in the electric field between two points with a variety of potentials of 1 v. when moving.  (1 EV 1,60219 10-19 J.) Accelerators allow energy in the range from one thousand to several trillion (1012) in the world's largest accelerator.

In order to find rare processes in the experiment, it is necessary to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. To do this, you need sources of the most intense radiation. The leading edge of the modern technique of accelerators is determined by two main parameters – the energy and intensity of the particle cluster.

In modern accelerators, many and different types of techniques are used: high-frequency generators, fast-acting electronics and automatic regulation systems, complex diagnostic and control instruments, ultra-high vacuum equipment, powerful precision magnets ("simple", as well as cryogenic) and complex correction and fixation systems.


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