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The life expectancy increase

Автор:   •  Июнь 11, 2023  •  Эссе  •  358 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  168 Просмотры

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It has been stated that there is a global tendency of average life duration growth. Apparently, it can extend the precious time spent with relatives, but as well makes the government spend more time and money on helping the older ones. As for me, I believe that this trend has more drawbacks than benefits.

There are certain advantages of the life expectancy increase: contribution to turning the younger generation into the wiser and more intelligent one and the boost of happiness levels due to the chance to spend more time with nearest and dearest. To begin with, the experience that older people share with the younger ones can definitely make the latter cleverer and preserve the generation's connection. As a result, the number of mistakes might be reduced, when the adults prevent the teenagers from creating problems. Furthermore, it cannot but be admitted that a lot of people suffer from trying to cope with the deaths of their relatives and friends. A life expectancy growth is to solve mental problems, increasing the levels of happiness and satisfaction.

However, there also exist several disadvantages to be taken into account when talking about this tendency: decrease of career opportunities for teenagers or those who do not have enough experience and allocation more resources to maintain conditions for the comfortable life of elderly people. Firstly, the retirement age will increase as a result of this tendency. Consequently, it would be hard for young specialists to find job places. Secondly, the authorities would have to spend more money on helping the older people to get education and support their life conditions.

To conclude, it is relevant to admit that there are both advantages and disadvantages of the life expectancy increase in various parts of the world. On the one hand, it has a positive impact on cultural development and creates a connection between the representatives of different generations. On the other hand, life duration growth leads to the shortage of resources and reduction in the number of young working specialists. Nevertheless, I am strongly convinced that life duration increase has a strong negative effect on many spheres, such as economy, ecology and society.


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