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The busiest day of my life

Автор:   •  Май 5, 2022  •  Эссе  •  493 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  362 Просмотры

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования




по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Тема: The busiest day of my life.


        _____________      _________________         

                                                        оценка                     подпись, дата             инициалы, фамилия

Обучающийся гр      _______________      

           номер группы, зачетной книжки                 подпись, дата              инициалы, фамилия

Город, дата

I start my day either early in the morning or closer to lunch. It depends on what time I start school or how much homework I have left for the morning. I think my busiest day is when I study from lunch until late afternoon. When it's dark in the winter and you feel like you're coming home late at night.

Usually on a day like this, I wake up at 10 a.m. and do the usual things: wash my face and go make myself breakfast. When I start breakfast, I turn on the TV show or the men's/women's program on my phone. Then, I wash the dishes, clean the house, and finish my homework from the evening, if I have any. Then I get dressed, leave the house, and go to the bus stop. I don't have a car or a license yet, so I take the bus every day.

It takes me about 30 minutes to get to the university. My friends are already waiting for me there, since they come early, and I am often late. From then on, the day at the desks lasts either very slowly or passes unnoticed. Sometimes I go to the nearest store to get something to eat and take a little walk. At about 8 p.m. I leave the university and go to the bus stop. Usually on the bus I listen to music or read the news. When I get home, I make dinner, then I eat and do my homework if I have to. Before going to bed, if I have time, I watch my favorite TV series or read a book on psychology.


  1. Nukić, A. How does my usual “work from home” day look like? – Текст: электронный // Walter Code, 10.04.2020. URL: 


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