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Автор:   •  Март 2, 2024  •  Доклад  •  273 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  18 Просмотры

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There is bigger possibility to have a lot of opportunities for the people of our time. I personally believe that technological development gives people chances to implement too many unaffordable works of past time.  

As technology have magnificently developed, people have become capable of doing lots of things that chances to the realization of them were not possible before. In our modern world multi-storey buildings are the most significant part of a magical city view since advancement of technology in building construction make it potentially affordable for builders. Moreover, the decorations of these constructions have also gained diversity which were practically impossible in previous. The appereances of organizations and offices can increase imployers’ mood and can give them motivation. Priorities of modern technologies can additionally improve labour conditions as they provide better security measures to prevent from the reluctant conditions. Besides it, the outgrowth of nanotechnology is saving millions’ life from the diseases which were previously incurable. With the help of new opportunities of medicine many patients with cancer are recovering from desease.

However, technological growth are also leading towards ecological catastrophe that can not be avoided though how much people try or towards the reduction of renewable resources which are critically important not only for humankind but also for earth itself. Despite the fact that negative sides of the advancement in all spheres can not outweigh the positiveness of this factors.

To conclude, although there are some negative consequences of development, emergence of new opportunities and new advances have only created chances to realize the impossible benifited large number of  people in terms of many fields such as building construction and medicine.            


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