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"Railway Track Testing" research laboratory

Автор:   •  Март 23, 2019  •  Творческая работа  •  633 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  1,253 Просмотры

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Слайд 1

Can I have your attention ,please?

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

I’m a first year student of TTCM faculty, Siberian STU , Darya Lavrentyeva.

The presentation is devoted to "Railway Track Testing" research laboratory

Слайд 2

My aim today is to give a brief description of the laboratory under study.

Слайд 3

I’ve  divided my presentation into three parts.

So, I’ll start off by giving you an overview of historical background and current situation __(истрия, развития, штаты)      

And the I’ll go on to highlighting directions  of activity.

Finally, I’ll discuss in more depth/ researches and developments of the laboratory and say some words about it’s perspectives .

The report will take about 5 minutes.

I’ll try to answer all of your questions at the presentation.

Слайд 4

 So, let start.

Firstly, some words here historical background, research laboratory "Railway Track Testing" was established in 1959, doctor of technical sciences, professor V.G Albrecht. In subsequent years, the lab         research manager were Professor N.P Kondakov and Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR M.S Bochenkov.

Слайд 5

The aim of the laboratory is "Railway Track Testing"  Increasing railway safety and improvement of railway facilities operation in severe climate.

Слайд 6

At present, research activities carried out under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor,Н.И. Карпущенко . Currently, in the lab work:

2 engineer of the first category Труханов Павел ,Быстров Антон  ;

Senior Research Fellow, Candidate Technical Sciences  Величко Дмитрий ;

Lead Engineer  Щёков Александр ;

technician Сальникова Лариса.

Слайд 7

Now let's move on to parts of my presentations.

It sounds as directions of activity. Main research areas of six:

  • Improving the reliability of the railway track.
  • Improvement of the management system of track facilities in harsh climatic conditions.
  • Improving the design of jointless track on reinforced concrete rail base.
  • Improving the design of the intermediate rail fasteners.
  • Investigation of the interaction track and rolling stock in a "wheel-rail" system.
  • Development of the optimal parameters of the track in the areas of movement of heavy trains.

Слайд 8

So, far we have looked at activity, now I'd like to say some words about developments.

The main developments of the laboratory are:

- Intermediate rail fastening with elastic terminals КН-65, КН-65 ШД, КНУ-65, КНУ-65 ШД, ГС-65, bucks.

- The construction of continuous welded rail with a length of haul.

I'll tell you in detail about blee rail fastening KNU-65 and bucks.


The lining unseparable screwed a little served connection of the increased reliability for difficult service conditions.

Developers: Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. NI Karpuschenko, tehnnicheskih candidates of sciences, associate professors NI Antonov, DV Velichko.


Maple elastic fastening it is intended for the subway, tram and railway tracks.

Developers: Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. NI Karpuschenko, candidates of technical science, docents NI Antonov, DV Velichko.

Слайд 9

Over the last 5 years (2009-20014 years.) The laboratory staff had received 5 applications and received three patents for inventions and utility models published 3 scientific monographs. and about 50 scientific articles, 12 monographs, 18 collections of scientific works, 6 textbooks to train universities.

Слайд 10

As for perspective development of the laboratories and can see.

The scientific school has good prospects for development . Doctor of technical Sciences working on research and designing of Railways.

improved equipment for static and dynamic testing of structural elements of railway track in the laboratory and operating (field) conditions.

A group of professors decide the question on optimization of track gauge.

besides fixing device of the rail

Слайд 11

So, as you understand this is what I wanted to say about  "Railway Track Testing" research laboratory in brief.

Thank you for your attention.

Слайд 12

Now I’m ready to answer your questions.

You’re welcome.

Слайд 13

If you want to get extra information on the topic mentioned have a look at this slide.  

Here you can see the resources I can recommend.

Слайд 14

Thank, you for you attention.


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