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Індивідуальна робота з науково-технічного перекладу

Автор:   •  Май 20, 2018  •  Реферат  •  5,268 Слов (22 Страниц)  •  918 Просмотры

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Індивідуальна робота з науково-технічного перекладу

Київ – 2018


  1. Оригинальний текст .................................................................................... 3
  2. Переклад ....................................................................................................... 8
  3. Терміни ....................................................................................................... 14
  4. Анотація тексту ......................................................................................... 18
  5. Питання до тексту ..................................................................................... 19
  6. Стаття по спеціальності №1 ..................................................................... 20
  7. Анотація до статті по спеціальності №1 ................................................. 21
  8. Стаття по спеціальності №2 ..................................................................... 22
  9. Анотація до статті по спеціальності №2 ................................................. 23
  10.  Письмова презентація наукової роботи  ................................................ 24
  11.  Питання тероетичного курсу ................................................................... 25
  12.  Додатки ...................................................................................................... 26


Gideon S.Golany

Ethics & Urban Design (culture, form, and environment)

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 2003, ст. 19-28


        Environmental concern is an ancient subject. We have a reasons to believe that it's early rise was associated with the rise of the early human settlements in the form of the village in Mesopotamia around the eighth millennium B.C when humanity had the technology to shape the environment. Almost every ancient civilization and adopted some natural environmental norms throughout its agricultural practice and constrained humanity's conduct toward a consumption of the surrounding resources.Such conduct was introduced as religious norms, philosophy, and ethics in Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, as well as Shintoism

        More than any other ancient peoples, the Chinese, followed by the Japanese, have developed strong and distinct environmental ethics of human behavioral conduct constituted in norms and rules toward natural as well as human made environments. These ethics were expressed in their landscape architecture (gardens), urban design, and architecture; However, it is necessary to comprehend the Sino-Japanese view of the environment versus that of Western practice.

        Both the ancient Chinese and the Japanese view of the environment is distinctive and unique to their historical cultures. For the sake of discussion, it can be stated that this was often expressed through four major categories: unity of nature, humankind, and heaven; humankind and nature; humankind and heaven; and aesthetics and beautification.

Unity of Nature, Humankind, and Heaven

        Ancient Chinese philosophers viewed the world as centered around three unified elements: nature, humankind, and heaven. Accordingly, there is a clear and confined pattern of relations between these three elements, which provides equilibrium and harmony. Humankind is expected to retain the purity of nature for ultimate survival, and should not influence and change the course of nature. On the other hand, the earth with its resources and cycles affects our well-being. Heaven is the provider of the life cycle, and it is the place the worshipper are. Yet, heaven affects the earth as well as our life in a one-way relationship Thus, nature, humankind, and heaven have a relationship that necessitates unity and therefore provides harmony. Accordingly, this pattern should not be disturbed.

        Throughout Chinese history, more than in other times and places, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design have been the art of harmoniously integrating human-made he forms with the natural environment. In the past, this was achieved through the historical evolutionary course of cultural symbolism, an attachment to and respect for the natural environment, a philosophy of the ideal behavior of the individual and society, and the elegant use of natural resources for construction.

        The sense of nature was also widely expressed throughout Chinese history of urban design. For example, various human-made city objects, such as gates, streets, neighborhoods and buildings, were identified with names relating to the natural environment and phenomena of the cosmos or the season.(This is much less the case in Western society). The Chinese were educated to see themselves as existing in relation to, and not separate from, the earth beneath their feet and the heaven above them.

Humankind and Nature

        The Chinese view of the environment unique and has a lengthy history. For the Chinese, the term environment is associated with the natural environment, morality and ethics, human behavior, and aesthetics. All of these elements are deeply rooted in the ancient Chinese philosophies of Daoism and Confucianism. The historical Chinese case points out that a society that is attached by proximity to the local natural resources required for its survival is subsequently sensitive to the well-being of its natural environment. Consequently, architecture and village and urban design became indigenous and therefore an integral part of the natural environment, evolving with it but not against it.


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