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There is no place like home

Автор:   •  Ноябрь 11, 2018  •  Контрольная работа  •  266 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  672 Просмотры

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования


Сибирский государственный университет физической культуры и спорта


Кафедра «Связи с общественностью и иностранные языки»




“There is no place like home” 


Выполнил (а): студент(ка)

Шкерина Елизавета Руслановна

Проверил: кандидат филологических наук,

доцент кафедры

«Связи с общественностью и иностранные языки

Даниленко О.В.



I personally think that home is a small world where one lives according to his/her own rules. It's a place where you feel comfort, warmth and reliability. And I believe that it's not the size of the place where you live that matters, but the way you feel about it. And if your house is not just a building for you but a place that you can call home, it means that you want to stay there as long as possible and it's a place where you always want to return to.

There is no place like home. This impression is always meant a lot to me. My home is the best place in the world. I always will prefer my home to any beautiful place. I think that even far away from the home. I will never be able to forget the place where I was brought up. No matter haw far and how long, but I'm always looking forward to seeing a familiar atmosphere of my home, surrounding by my family and friends. The only one place that will be always closely associated with my childhood is my home. many would agree with me. Home is irreplaceable. Many songs are about love to your home. Because words alone are not enough to Express their feelings


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