The stylistic role of a simple sentence in the work by Kazuo Ishiguro “Clara and the Sun”
Автор: yassaina.KIM • Июнь 14, 2023 • Дипломная работа • 17,961 Слов (72 Страниц) • 262 Просмотры
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University
«Approved for defence»
By the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages
___ ____________2022
On the topic: «The stylistic role of a simple sentence in the work by Kazuo Ishiguro “Clara and the Sun”»
In specialty 5В011900–Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages
Completed by: | Aitmukhanova Y.A., 4th year full-time student |
Scientific supervisor: | Bezhina V.V., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)., Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages |
Kostanay, 2022
Content 2
Introduction 3
1 Theoretical issues on the stylistic role of the simple sentence 5
1.1 The definition of the simple sentence, its features 5
1.2 Classification of Stylistic devices in the English language 12
1.3 Stylistic function of a simple sentence in English language 22
Highlights of Chapter I 33
2 The analysis of the stylistic role of a simple sentence in the work by Kadzuo Ishiguro «Clara and Sun» 35
2.1 The aim, objectives and the algorithm of the analysis of the stylistic role of a simple sentence of «Clara and the Sun» 35
2.2 The procedure of analysis of «Clara and the Sun» 36
2.3 The results of the analysis of «Clara and the Sun» 45
Highlights of Chapter II 46
Conclusion 48
Reference 49
Syntax is the main beginning of a speech work, but the value of syntax for any type of utterance is difficult to overestimate.
The most important syntactic unit is considered to be a sentence. It is in it-its structure, length, completeness-that we see the main difference between oral and written speech.
A simple sentence is the most basic sentence that we have in English. It has just one independent clause, which means only one subject and one predicate. A simple sentence is also the shortest possible sentence; it can have as little as two words.
The main function of the vast majority of stylistic devices is to put a specific unit of utterance in the foreground due to its specific location in the utterance.
We encounter stylistic devices not only in oral speech, but also in writing. The great importance of stylistic devices lies in its use in artistic works. There is no author who would not use stylistic devices to embellish his work, namely, to describe various phenomena, actions and, of course, heroes in bright colors. A striking example of stylistic devices is Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel «Clara and the Sun», the author of this novel used a lot of syntactic, lexical and phonetic stylistic devices in his novel. Basically, scientists began to study stylistic devices at an early stage of the development of writing. Kudrin made a huge contribution to the development of stylistic means and is considered the ancestor of stylistics. Another figure that should be noted is Galperin, who continued Kudrin's work.