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The stylistic peculiarities of scientific terminology usage in the english language

Автор:   •  Декабрь 21, 2022  •  Дипломная работа  •  13,844 Слов (56 Страниц)  •  301 Просмотры

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Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 3

Chapter 1. The peculiarities of terms in scientific and technical literature…5

               1.1. The functional style of scientific and technical literature and its vocabulary……………………………………………………………………… 5

               1.2.  The notion of term and its classification……………………… 22

               1.3. The ways of term formation……………………………………. 34

Chapter 2.  The criteria of terms in scientific and technical texts………….. 42

               2.1. The main term’s selecting criteria in texts…………………….. 42

               2.2. The terms analysis in technical article………………………… 52

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………... 60

List of the used literature ……………..……………………………………… 62


We must always remember that future of our state is strongly connected with well-mannered young generation, their spiritual value when they achieve the full age, their life activity, and that great purpose they will serve.[1]

The present qualification paper is dedicated to research lexical-stylistic particularities of the scientific and technical literature of the English language.

At present I exist many works, denoted to function of terminology in different functional style of the language. However, the intensive development in scientific style became the reason of shaping in its frame of the multiple genres. So we consider that this question requires the further study.

In this connection subject of the qualification paper introduces more actual: scientific style is broadly used nowdays as in modern world, entered in phase of post-industrial society, science develops in a fast speed rated, we can see mutual exchange between scientist of the different countries.

The Object of the qualification paper is the discovery of lexical-stylistic particularities of term in the English scientific texts which are interesting for revealing terms in ones.

The Subject of the qualification paper - stylistic particularities of the scientific terminology in English.

The Purpose of the qualification paper is revealing of lexical-stylistic particularities in the scientifically-technical text within the framework of problems, executed by them as facility to communications in sphere of the science.

The following tasks were set in order to solve this examining problem: 1) to  define the syntaxal and lexical particularities of scientific style on the concrete example; 2) to define acceptability of  expressiveness  and emotions in English scientific speech;

3) to generalise the observations, having selected the syntaxal and lexical particularities and style formation factors of scientific style in English.

We used the following method in present qualification paper. The main sources used in this qualification paper: The work was run under  the semantic analysis of the text.

The theoretical value of this qualification paper is further development of language stylistics in this area.

The practical value of this qualification paper is that this material defined by its possibility of the usage on lecture and seminar on stylistics, lexicography, theories of translation, as well as course paper and qualification paper.

The Purpose and problems of the qualification paper predetermined the following structure of the work: the present work comprises of contents introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the list of the used literature.

In Chapter 1 "The peculiarities of terminology in scientific and technical literature" we identified the notion of term, its main features and classification, the main problems of revealing term in context. We also examined the functional style which is appropriate to scientific-technical literature.

In Chapter 2 "The criteria of terminology on scientific and technical texts" we examined the main criteria of revealing terms in the texts of different functional styles. And on the theoretical basic of the whole qualification paper we analized technical article where we identified terms, their functional and grammatical peculiarities.

In conclusion we gave the main results on the basis of the examined question’s analysis.

All used sources are specified In bibliographigs.

Глава 1 Особенности терминов в научной и технической литературе
1.1 Функциональный стиль научно-технической литературы и его лексика
1.2 К понятию термина и его классификации
1.3 Способы образования терминов

1.1 Функциональный стиль научно-технической литературы и его лексика

Словосочетание «стилистика текста» известно давно, однако его содержание вызывает лишь самые общие, расплывчатые представления. Дело в том, что название науки появилось раньше самой науки, которая только начинает формироваться. Стремительно развивающаяся лингвистика текста показала, что наряду с грамматикой, семантикой текста и другими аспектами и областями его изучения необходима и стилистика текста.


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