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Sanitary Standards in the work of a hairdresser

Автор:   •  Май 22, 2020  •  Эссе  •  303 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  568 Просмотры

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Sanitary Standards in the work of a hairdresser.

Why compliance with sanitary standards is of great importance in the work of a hairdresser is the question of this essay, further we will see several factors related to both the work of the hairdresser and the Standards. So why is it important, for instance because the law obliges this, since that fact is quite obvious we will talk about some other reasons, in which the hairdresser himself is directly interested.

Primarily for sanitary standards is to make the working process comfortable and convenient for both the hairdresser and the customer. As the work in poor terms entails, as a rule, a poor result and, consequently, a terrible impression of visiting the salon for the client, the company wants to exclude such outcome. Therefore we obliged to respect and follow the standards. In addition to what is already mentioned, Sanitary standards help companies to attract and retain their customers. Firstly, complying with the standards is intended to protect the health thus take care of manpower and the customers. In clean salon with hygienic hairdresser and sterile tools the client has no need to worry about something and for the client is to enjoy the service.The comfort created with standards makes customers feel more comfortable hence more favorable to the salon. Moreover compliance with the standards prevents from the problems with the sanitary control, in other words, allows avoiding undue handship and concentrating on the quality of the product or service.

To sum up all these factors, we have made sure that compliance with the sanitary standards is related to the resources of the salon, to the quality of the products and services and to the goodwill of the customers.

Thus we have shown the great importance of the Sanitary standards.


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