The structure and usage of complex sentences in the novel “Breathing Lessons” by Anne Tyler
Автор: Марічка Бучинська • Март 20, 2019 • Курсовая работа • 7,001 Слов (29 Страниц) • 860 Просмотры
Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет
імені Володимира Гнатюка
Кафедра англійської філології
Курсова робота
з практичної граматики
на тему: The structure and usage of complex sentence in the novel “Breathing Lessons” by Anne Tyler
Студентки 3 курсу, групи ФА-33
Напряму підготовки 6.020303
Філологія. Мова і література
Бучинської Марії
кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської філології
Ярема Оксана Богданівна
Національна шкала _________________
Кількість балів:_____Оцінка: ECTS______
Тернопіль – 2017
1.1. Types of sentences.........................................................................................................5
1.2. Clauses in a complex sentence: independent and subordinate clauses........................6
1.3. Types of subordinate clauses........................................................................................8
1.4. Subordinating conjunctions..........................................................................................10
1.5. Relative pronouns.........................................................................................................11
1.6. Punctuation in complex sentence..................................................................................13
CHAPTER 2. THE FUNCTIONS OF A COMPLEX SENTENCE..................................................................................................................16-28
2.1. Expressing unreality in a complex sentence...............................................................16
2.1.1. A subordinate clause of condition.......................................................................10
2.1.2. A subordinate clause of purpose..........................................................................20
2.1.3. A subordinate clause of comparison....................................................................21
2.1.4. An object clause...................................................................................................23
2.2 Effective using of a complex sentence.........................................................................25
English language is one of the most popular languages all over the world. Moreover, it is the official language of business, science, medicine, economics etc. At the same time, open borders and business relationships between countries all over the world rise the importance of learning English language. In this way, while studying English, we should pay attention not only to the main vocabulary and grammar features but also to the syntax of English sentence, because it also has particular varieties.
The actuality of the paper is based on the importance of study the English language from different points of view. In this way a lot is said about the grammar (articles, adjectives, tenses etc) and vocabulary, but less is said about the syntax. That is why it is important to pay attention to the structure and usage of complex sentence in the English language and study its functions too.
The subject of the investigation - the syntax peculiarities of the English complex sentence.
The object of the investigation - book by Anne Tyler "Breathing lessons".
The aim of the investigation - to study and analyze the peculiar features, structure and usage of complex sentence in English language.
To reach the aim of the investigation we have to do the following tasks:
- to study the types of sentences;
- to analyze the clauses in a complex sentence: independent and subordinate clauses.;
- to investigate types of subordinate clauses;
- to study the peculiar features of subordinating conjunctions;
- to study the usage of relative pronouns;
- to distinguish the usage of commas in complex sentence;
- to investigate the expressing unreality in a complex sentence;
- to study the peculiar features of the subordinate clause of condition;
- to investigate the usage of a subordinate clause of purpose;
- to distinguish the peculiarities of a subordinate clause of comparison;
- to analyze the structure of an object clause;
- to distinguish and analyze the effective using of a complex sentence.
Methods of the investigation: deduction, analysis, scientific search, comparison.
The theoretical value of the investigation is based on the study of peculiar features of English complex sentence. The data of the research can be used as a theoretical material for preparation to the seminars of English grammar or as the theoretical background for further researches.
The practical value of the investigation is based on the study of the usage of complex sentences and their role and features in the novel "Breathing lessons" written by Anne Tyler. The data of the research can be used and the background for the further researches or as a practical material for seminars of English Grammar.
Our research work has the following structure.
Introduction grounds the actuality of the problem, the objective and tasks of the investigation, discovers its object and subject, the methods used to achieve the objective, its theoretical and practical value and explains the structure of the research work.