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The Biden Administration Is Ending The Use Of The Term “Illegal Alien” In Many Government Communications

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 12, 2021  •  Контрольная работа  •  1,092 Слов (5 Страниц)  •  390 Просмотры

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The Biden Administration Is Ending The Use Of The Term “Illegal Alien” In Many Government Communications

Department of Homeland Security officials have been directed to stop using words such as “alien” and “illegal alien” from communications with the public or within the agency when referring to people who aren’t US citizens in an effort by the Biden administration to recast immigration terminology.

The planned wording change, recounted in a memo obtained by BuzzFeed News, is the latest flashpoint in a yearslong debate over the way immigrants are described in federal laws and by the agencies that oversee immigration. Axios earlier Tuesday reported on an email to staff about the memo.

To immigrants and their advocates, it represents a shift away from a word that has been described as “dehumanizing” for those hoping to make the US their new home, while others believe it’s an unnecessary move that undercuts federal law.

The term "alien" is found within US Code and is regularly referenced in the immigration system and in court rulings to describe everyone who is not a US citizen. In recent years, however, the word has been wiped from the California Labor Code and the Library of Congress after advocacy efforts.

To that end, Tracy Renaud, the acting leader of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, has issued a memo that instructs the agency’s leadership to make the following changes: no longer referring to people as “illegal alien,” “alien,” or “undocumented alien” in internal and external communications, but to instead use the terms “noncitizen,” “undocumented noncitizen,” or “undocumented individual.” In addition, USCIS is seeking to no longer use “assimilation,” but instead to use “integration,” as well as to refer to those who apply for benefits like green cards as “customers.”

The wording changes do not impact forms or operational documents where using the previous terminology is most appropriate, but the new terminology will be seen throughout communications the agency has internally and with the public. Renaud, a career agency official, wrote that she leaves it up to those within the agency in determining “how best to implement” the wording change guidance.

A USCIS spokesperson said the move came after guidance from the Biden administration on how the federal government should use language on the topic of immigration.

"This change is designed to encourage more inclusive language in the agency’s outreach efforts, internal documents and in overall communication with stakeholders, partners, and the general public," Joe Sowers, USCIS spokesperson, said in a statement.


The title of this article already speaks volumes about how the government has completely changed the vector of its rule. With the recent U.S. presidential election, where the Democrats won the election, we see how Joe Biden's administration is changing concepts about immigrants and illegal aliens. The policy views are the complete opposite of the policies that the Republicans have had for four years. The U.S. will now completely avoid such concepts as alien, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings, and to support the current trend of tolerance towards all segments of society. We can also conclude from this news that the Biden Administration's views on immigrants are very clear and open. The Biden Administration is in favor of attracting new people to the Country. Reading various articles about the political situation in the States, one can understand how the State Administration can change completely with a change in the President and his Administration.


Должностным лицам Министерства национальной безопасности было дано указание прекратить использование таких слов, как "иностранец" и "нелегальный иностранец" при общении с общественностью или в рамках агентства, когда речь идет о людях, не являющихся гражданами США, в попытке администрации Байдена переделать терминологию иммиграции.

Планируемое изменение формулировки, о котором говорится в служебной записке, полученной BuzzFeed News, является последним флеш-поинтом в продолжающихся целый год дебатах о том, как иммигранты описываются в федеральных законах и агентствах, которые контролируют иммиграцию. Ранее во вторник компания Axios сообщила по электронной почте сотрудникам об этой памятке.


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