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My lucky charm

Автор:   •  Май 28, 2019  •  Эссе  •  280 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  1,703 Просмотры

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Эссе на тему: My lucky charm.

When I was a little girl I had very good imagination. I could play on my own whole day long, I believed that my toys are alive and I could persuade myself that any little stick or stone which I found outside can be my lucky charm. Unfortunately my mother didn’t think that a little stick from the street can give me a superpower to be the most fortunate girl in the world. So every week she threw out my lucky charm and I had to look for another one.

When I was 8 or 9 years old my father presented me my first jewelry - a little silver ring. I was totally in love with it and decided that if I will wear it all the time, I will be the best pupil in my class and everything will happen as I wish. Interesting that it was working and ever when I forgot my ring after bathing, I noticed that something went wrong.

Some years later I understood that no ring can bring me luck. I still wear it because I have habit to this. But today I am sure that my lucky charm is my smile and my character. I try to be opened and true to other people and they behave nice to me. I try to work hard and be optimistic and my plans come true as they were intended. Ever when I believe in myself all happens in the best way. When I smile to the world, world smiles back to me and my wishes come true. And I am sure that this rule is true for every person in the world!


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