Автор: Владимир Бабинец • Февраль 16, 2024 • Реферат • 735 Слов (3 Страниц) • 116 Просмотры
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Quantitative methods for assessing business reputation are more rational than qualitative ones. These include
- excess profit method;
- methods for recording the results of specific transactions.
In accordance with the excess profit method, business reputation is assessed in terms of additional income, the economic effect that is achieved through the ownership of a certain business reputation.
This method typically associates goodwill with a brand, allowing the company to generate more profit and achieve greater economic impact than if the goodwill or brand were absent.
In the process of assessing reputational capital using the excess profit method, there are 2 stages.
At the first stage, those additional income that arose in connection with the specific business reputation of the company are determined.
At the second stage, the result obtained is multiplied by a special coefficient, which, in turn, is calculated by experts according to criteria such as stability, leadership, and internationality.
Since the type of method described above has certain disadvantages associated with the reliability of a special coefficient calculated by experts, another type of excess profits is also distinguished.
Methodology for recording the results of specific operations. Diversity consists of 3 stages.
At the first stage, based on the real consumer behavior of 17 consumers, additional income created by the company through the ownership of business reputation is determined.
At the second stage, the part of these incomes that arises as a result of the internal commitment of customers to a given brand is separated out, and not those incomes the receipt of which is stimulated by advertising and various types of promotions.
Third stage- final calculation of the value of business reputation.
The methods of recording the results of specific transactions, in turn, distinguish between the international accounting method and the official method.
The methodology for developing a system for monitoring the reputational risks of companies in the context of information confrontation should be based on a modular principle, which allows us to formalize and algorithmize the main procedures for synthesizing a system for monitoring the reputational risks of companies, and has proven itself quite well in practice.
In this article, the scenario approach is used to develop models of a system for monitoring reputational risks of companies in the context of information confrontation, which is based on a set of procedures for the sequential transformation of matrix and graphical models of information confrontation scenarios, taking into account multi-level forms of information warfare.
A scenario is a tool for formal analysis of alternative scenarios for the development of a situation (changes in the state of the information sphere affecting the company’s reputation) with given goals and criteria under conditions of uncertainty.