History of volunteering in the world
Автор: daniluk • Май 27, 2022 • Реферат • 5,513 Слов (23 Страниц) • 354 Просмотры
Кафедра «Зарубежная филология, лингвистика и преподавание иностранных языков»
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
Выполнил: Захлебин Данила Алексеевич
Студент группы: ГИВ-3930120
Проверил: Юркевич Лариса Николаевна
Курган 2022[pic 1]
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………… 3
Chapter 1 The origin of the volunteer movement……………………………………..…3
1.1 The volunteer movement: the essence, the main characteristic features……………………………..……………..……………..……………..………… 3
1.2 The history of the emergence and formation of volunteerism……………………………………………………………………………….7
Chapter 2 Volunteering at the international level ………………………………………9
2.1 Volunteering as a multinational phenomenon………………………………………9
2.2 International volunteer associations…………………………………………………11
CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………………………………………..12
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………… 14
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Volunteering as a voluntary movement originated in the first centuries of Christianity and has reached our times, gaining increasing public recognition in many countries of the world, where the principles of humanism, social responsibility, mutual assistance, etc. are revered. This topic is relevant today, because a huge number of people need some kind of help and support that volunteers can provide them, who are ready to share their time, vital energy, skills, knowledge and other values in order to help other people or the environment without material gain for themselves. Volunteer activity is of a civic nature, has a charitable orientation, performs the function of moral education and promotes the revival of fundamental values such as compassion and mercy, justice and humanity, responsiveness and other general civic qualities among young people.
Steve Jobs said: To do volunteer work, you need a loving, patient and steadfast heart. If you don't like volunteering, there's no way you can influence it. Not only volunteer work, but any work that you do but don't like will disappoint you. If you want to do a great job and put a smile on people's faces, you have to love what you do.
Chapter 1 The origin of the volunteer movement
1.1 The volunteer movement: the essence, the main characteristic features
Measures of social support for the population could never be a purely state task. If a society becomes a subject of social assistance, the security of each of its members increases significantly. The history of the pre-professional development of social work contains customs and traditions of voluntary mutual assistance peculiar to the mentality. These traditions today form the basis for the development of the volunteer movement among young people. Volunteering is a prosocial activity by its nature in its targeted, procedural, substantive, technological components. By engaging in volunteer activities, a person seeks to influence the transformation of modern society for free, to make it better. Young people are traditionally the most socially active demographic group, which can become (and in some cases still is) the basis of a large-scale volunteer movement.
The question of the potential of using youth volunteering can be considered in at least two aspects: the impact of youth volunteering on the concrete historical situation in society; the impact of volunteering on the very personality of a young person involved in this activity. According to P. Jordan, volunteering aims to achieve several results. On the one hand, it helps to create a stable and cohesive society, and on the other hand, it complements the services provided by the state (and business – when these services are unprofitable, but necessary to society). In the dictionary of Ozhegov S. I., volunteering is interpreted as voluntary fulfillment of obligations to provide gratuitous social assistance, services, voluntary patronage over the disabled, sick and elderly, as well as individuals and social groups of the population who find themselves in difficult life situations. According to E. I. Single, volunteers are people who do something informally, working for free in both public and private organizations in the medical, educational or social security spheres, or are members of volunteer organizations. Despite the richness of the content of volunteer activity and the diversity of its target orientation, we can talk about the existence of common characteristics of this phenomenon. First of all, a volunteer should not engage in volunteer activities for the purpose of obtaining financial profit, and any financial compensation should be less than the cost of the work performed. Volunteer activity should be carried out voluntarily, without coercion from the outside. Volunteering can be organized and unorganized, carried out in a group and individually, in public and private organizations. Unorganized volunteering is spontaneous and episodic help to friends or neighbors: for example, caring for a child, helping with repairs or construction, performing small tasks or responding to a natural or human–created disaster. This is the predominant form of volunteering in many cultures.
Organized volunteering is usually carried out in the non-profit, public and private sectors and is more systematic and regular. Volunteering can be carried out with varying degrees of participation – from full involvement to occasional participation in volunteer activities (S. V. Tetersky, 2001). According to the target orientation, volunteering is aimed at mutual assistance, when people carry out volunteer activities to help other members of their own social group or society; for charity, when the object of assistance is a member of a group that does not include the volunteer himself; for participation in local self-government, when a member of a community voluntarily participates in its management activities (for example, in the activities of territorial self-government bodies). Volunteering dates back to the beginning of the XX century. Then, after the end of the First World War, people appeared in Europe who were ready to help the victims of the war, and the first volunteer organizations were created.