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Автор:   •  Сентябрь 18, 2018  •  Реферат  •  845 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  428 Просмотры

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The theme: Ecology The aims: - To find some more information about the ecological problems yourself - To develop oral speech The type of the lesson: сombined The methods: part search method Visual aids: video, electronic textbook, active board. Lesson Procedure: I. Organization of the lesson. Greeting with pupils and guests. Today we will have our lesson in the form of Internet cafes. II. Checking home task. The first stage of the lesson checks homework. Every one of you got homework individually by e-mail. You were given the task to watch the latest news on TV and talk about them in English. In memory of those killed in the air disaster is declared a moment of silence. In memory of the dead in the air crash is declared a moment of silence. III. New lesson. 1. View the video Экологические проблемы Земли. mp4 Why do you think I showed you this video? Yes you are right. The theme of our lesson today is ecology. Environmental issues have always troubled humanity. Today we will Learn about the ecology and environment issues in Kazakhstan. 2. Work with questions -What do you know about the ecology? -What environmental problems in Kazakhstan do you know? -What the world’s environmental problems are known to you? -In your opinion affect whether environmental problems of the weather? And how? 3. Work with electronic textbook. -Pre-reading activities. Look at the text and find unknown words. And using the internet translator translates them into Russian and Kazakh languages. -Revealed- показал -unforeseen effect –непредвиденные последствия -irrigation-орошение -salinization-засоление -waterlogging-заболачивание -drainage-дренаж -excessive-чрезмерный -led- привело -inflicted-нанесенный -vital- жизненный -expenditures-затраты -Reading activities. Listen and read the text. Ecology in Kazakhstan. Man is a part of nature. This is why his attitude to nature underlies his attitude to himself. Looking around you-what do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? If You live in a city, you probably see many people. You hear the noise of traffic, and you smell the pollution from cars and factories. Pollution spoil our environment in many ways. Our experience of using nature revealed many “unforeseen effects”. For example, large scale irrigation schemes in Central Asia, greatly increased cotton output. But these irrigation system led to salinization and waterlogging of old irrigated lands and enormous expenditures on salinity control and drainage. The technologically backward watering methods led to an excessive water intake from the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers. We faced with many ecological catastrophes both at home and abroad. The tragedy of the Aral Sea and Rhine, the problem of Lake Baikal, the Chernobyl accident. No fine could compensate for the damage inflicted on the natural environment. It is vital to preserve the water, the soil and all species of living beings. The main task is to preserve and to continue life on Earth. There is no more time to reflect. It is time to act. - Post-reading activities. a) Task-1 Situation You are in England. Your friend Paul studies for an ecologist. He is writing summary about ecological situation in other countries. Give him as much information as you can. . IV. Consolidation of the lesson. For more information about the ecology let’s work on internet. 1. 1-ecology of Aral Sea. 2. 2-video and comments about ecology. 3. 3-ecology of region. 4. 4-5-Now two students will develop address to humanity on “Protect the Earth”. 5. 6-7-And two other students prepare conclusion lesson. 6. 8-9-Situation. V. Conclusion. Aғылшын тілі пәнінен «Экология» тақырыбында өткен ашық сабақ қорытынсы бойынша Үндеу. Обащение. Address. Құрметті адамзат! Жер-Ана, Табиғат-Ана-біздің ортақ үйиміз. Біз Жер атты жасыл әлемнің тұрғындарымыз. Жер біздің сүйіп қорғауға тиісті асыл мекеніміз. Алайда, Жер Анамызға қазір кауіп төніп тұр. Жануарлар саны азайып, ормандар құрып, өзен мен мұхиттар тартылып жатыр. Бұның барлығына да адамзат баласы себепші болып отыр. Сондықтаң, біз барша адамдарға үндеу айтамыз. Орман ағаштарын кеспеңіздер, айналаны ластамаңыздар, табиғи суды таза ұстайық. Табиғатты аялап, оның жаңарып, таза болуына өз үлесімізді қосайық! Табиғатты сүйіп, оны аялай білейік! Дорогой человек! Мы дети большой и зеленой планеты под названием Земля. Земля-наш общий дом. Дом, в котором мы живем. Дом, который мы должны беречь и любить. Но сегодня Земля находится в опасности. Исчезают животные, гибнут леса, высыхают реки и моря. И в этом виноваты мы, люди. Поэтому мы обращаемся ко всем людям. Не рубите леса! Не засоряйте природу! Не загрязняйте воду! Природа нам этого не простит! Любите ее и лелейте! Берегите природу! Dear human! We are children of a large and green planet called Earth. Earth-our common home. The house in which we live. The house that we should cherish and love. But today, the Earth is in danger. Endangered animals are dying forest, rivers and seas. Therefore, we appeal to all people. Do not cut the forest! Do not abuse the nature! Nature will not forgive us! Love her and cherish! Protect the environment! 11 «Б» сынып оқушылары. Your marks with my comments today, I will send by e- mail for your parents. You have to show your parents mark. Your homework for the next lesson, open the e-mail. Thank you for attention and Preparation to leeson.


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