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Продукты функционального назначения в питании населения (Functional products of population feeding)

Автор:   •  Октябрь 9, 2018  •  Реферат  •  4,592 Слов (19 Страниц)  •  525 Просмотры

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Functional products of population feeding

The main idea of ​​the text: Development of environmentally friendly, safe and cost-effective technologies that allow to create products of a new generation that contain a sufficient number of necessary useful components for the proper functioning of the organism.

Key words: functional ingredients, functional food products, dietary fiber, vitamins, dairy products, dietary supplements.

5 problem questions considered in the text:

1. The problem of the modern world

2. The importance of functional foods in human nutrition

3. Groups of functional products

4. Classification of functional ingredients

5. Application of functional ingredients in food technology

In the modern world, due to the frequent stress and malnutrition, many people face various diseases. Disbalance in nutrition is exacerbated by a poor environmental situation. Nutrition for the majority of the adult population does not meet the principles of healthy eating because of the consumption of food, the amount of fruits and vegetables, fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood. This leads to an increase in overweight and obesity, the prevalence of which over the past 8-9 years has increased from 19 to 23%, the increased risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases.

Therefore, at present, the problem of improving the culture of nutrition is urgent, so that the diets correspond to the energy expenditure and physiological needs of the organism.

Modern nutritional science recognizes a full-fledged food that provides six functions: energy - support at the expense of carbohydrates, fats and to a lesser extent - proteins; Plastic - ensures the construction and renewal of cells and tissues.

Functional food product (FPP) is a special food product intended for the systematic use in the composition of food rations of all age-related objects of a healthy population. Such products that can be used in their composition, physiologically functional ingredients, and also prevent or supplement the deficiency of nutrients in the body.

A physiologically functional food ingredient is a substance or a complex of substances of animal, vegetable, microbiological, mineral origin or identical natural, as well as living microorganisms that are part of the functional food product in an amount of 10% to 15% of the daily physiological requirement per batch product. They have the ability to provide a scientifically substantiated and confirmed beneficial effect on one or more physiological functions, metabolic processes in the human body with the systematic use of the functional food that contains them.

Physiologically functional food ingredients include dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics.

Functional products: cereal breakfasts, bakery, pasta and confectionery products, seafood, soft drinks based on fruit juices, extracts and decoctions of cultural and wild raw materials, fruit and berry and vegetable products, products based on processing of meat and poultry offal, apiproducts using products of beekeeping.

In recent years, functional products have become widely known. The first projects on the creation of functional products were started in Japan in 1984, by 1987, they had already produced about 100 titles. At present, in the total volume of food products, functional products account for about 5%. Experts believe that they will replace traditional medicines of preventive medicine by 40-50%.

The composition of products for functional purposes can include the following ingredients: vitamins B, C, D and E; natural carotenoids (carotenes and xanthophylls), among which an important role is played by β-carotene; mineral substances (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iodine, iron, selenium, silicon); ballast substances; food fibers of wheat, apples and oranges, cellulose content, hemicellulose, lignin and pectin, as well as inulin polyfructosan, contained in chicory, Jerusalem artichoke; protein hydrolysates of vegetable (wheat, soy, rice) and animal origin; unsaturated fatty acids, to them it is necessary to carry on-linasaturated omega-3 fatty acids (dokozanheksaevaya and eikozapentavaya); catechins, anthocyanins; bifidobacteria (preparations bifidobakterin, lactobacterin, kolibak-terin, bifikol).

Vitamins, as functional ingredients, play an important role in human nutrition. They participate in the metabolism, are part of the enzymes, strengthen the body's immune system and, as a result, help prevent severe diseases associated with avitaminosis (scurvy, beriberi, etc.).

Products based on cereals contain soluble and insoluble dietary fiber dietary fibers have specific physiological properties. They stimulate the work of the intestines; adsorb toxins; intensify lipid metabolism; prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the blood; normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora. Fiber actively affects the secretory activity of digestion and enhances the peristalsis of the small and large intestine. Excessive consumption of fiber can lead to incomplete digestion of food and impaired absorption of micronutrients and vitamins into the bloodstream.


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