История развития теплоэнергетики связана и с эволюцией развития
Автор: Георгий Кенчадзе • Ноябрь 22, 2020 • Лекция • 427 Слов (2 Страниц) • 345 Просмотры
The history of the development of heat power industry and is related to the evolution of development
Modern heat power engineering is based on the results of practical experience and scientific and technical search of many generations of talented inventors, designers, testers and scientists.
The development of the doctrine of heat began with practical thermometry.
The first thermometer was demonstrated by Galileo In 1597
Fahrenheit produced a mercury thermometer with a zero mark at the temperature of a mixture of ice, water, and ammonia; later, he introduced the boiling point of water, denoting it 212°
When conducting research, Lomonosov often used his own scale, in which 0° corresponded to freezing, and 150° — to boiling water.
The theoretical base of heat power engineering began to develop and form an independent field of scientific knowledge (thermodynamics) in the XIX century.
The discovery of the law of conservation and transformation of energy accelerated the formation of thermodynamic scientific positions, since the first law of thermodynamics, which establishes the equivalence of heat and mechanical work, is one of its manifestations in the transition of energy from one type to another.
Modern heat engineering is based on fundamental ideas about the limitations of real human knowledge (Goethe) and the inexhaustibility of matter, energy, motion, life and information on the scale of the infinite universe (the Universe) (Vernadsky).
Nowadays heat and power engineering is a promising direction.
knowledge of science allows you to find new types of energy production
Our University has a Department of heat and power systems
It is led By Professor, doctor of technical Sciences Levtsev
История развития теплоэнергетики связана и с эволюцией развития
Современная теплоэнергетика базируется на результатах практического опыта и научно-технического поиска многих поколений талантливых изобретателей, конструкторов, испытателей и ученых.
Развитие учения о теплоте началось с практической термометрии.
Первый термометр был продемонстрирован Галилеем в 1597 году
Фаренгейт создал ртутный термометр с нулевой отметкой при температуре смеси льда, воды и аммиака; позже он ввел температуру кипения воды, обозначив ее 212°
При проведении исследований Ломоносов часто пользовался собственной шкалой, в которой 0° соответствовало замерзанию, а 150° — кипению воды.