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Англицизмы в экономическом языке

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Абдулхакова Римма Ильфатовна


Научный руководитель: Гатауллина Роза Виллюровна - доцент к.ф.н.


ФГБОУ ВО «Казанский государственный аграрный университет»

Аннотация. Статья посвящена исследованию англицизмов в бизнес среде.  В статье рассмотрены основные причины появления англицизмов в бизнес среде и группы англицизмов по тематикам. Англицизмы широко используются в бизнес среде в виду необходимости присвоения названий новым экономическим терминам, создания более актуальных и звучных названий.

Ключевые слова: англицизмы в бизнес среде, заимствования в экономическом дискурсе, экономический дискурс.


Abdulhakova Rimma Ilfatovna


Scientific supervisor: Gataullina rose Vilanova - associate Professor


Kazan state agrarian University

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of English borrowings in the business environment. The article discusses the main reasons for the appearance of English borrowings in the business environment and groups of English borrowings by subject. English borrowings are widely used in the business environment due to the need to assign names to new economic terms, to create more relevant and sonorous names.

Keywords: English borrowings in the business environment, borrowings in economic discourse, economic discourse.

The widespread globalization in the economic sphere leads to the constant updating of the Russian language through the introduction of borrowings. In addition, due to the large number of borrowings in modern Russian and the frequent complexity of their interpretation, the debate about the expediency of using English borrowings in speech and the media has become relevant among the population. Some English borrowings are so ingrained in the Russian language that there is practically no substitute for borrowings.

Borrowing is the process of borrowing a foreign word and its subsequent penetration into the Russian language through transliteration. There are many borrowings from different languages, such as French, German, Italian, but today more and more English words are appearing as mostly English-speaking countries are leading in many areas, such as:

- computer technology: file, monitor, byte, processor and many others.

- finance and economics: broker, dealer, budget, balance sheet, banknote and others.

English borrowings in financial and economic life: marketing - market research and active impact on consumer demand; dumping — sale of goods at lower prices in order to eliminate competitors; retailer — a company that organizes the retail sale of goods and services.

New political and economic paradigms required new concepts and new words to denote these concepts. E. V. Rosen argues that there are two trends associated with the borrowing of new lexical terms in this semantic class: 1) the desire to express concepts, facts and ideas as accurately as possible and as fully as possible; and 2) the transition from strict terminology to artistic, creative, expressive denominations.

Many words in this category are narrow terms; they are used only by professionals in a specific field: [anderajt] ('underwriting'), [outsourcing] ("outsourcing"),, [franchising] ("franchising"), etc. A small group of words in this semantic category is fully assimilated by the Russian language. We can draw a conclusion because now there are words derived from borrowed terms: [dump] ("dumping") –[dump'ingavyj]; [kansalt] ('consulting') – [kansalt'ingavyj]. [6]

The 2017 words bitcoin (digital money) and cryptocurrency (digital or virtual currency, one unit is coin - coin) reflect new concepts in the monetary sphere of the modern world, and the use of English words in this case is absolutely appropriate. Here are examples of the use of these anglicisms in local (Rostov region) media: 1) "About what a cryptocurrency and a farm are, as well as how you can make money on them I asked a Rostav resident who started mining before it became mainstream" [4]; 2) "Bitcoin mining is quite a good business" [7].

English borrowings in business do not disappear, but are firmly embedded in the professional business environment. Let's highlight the main reasons for the appearance of English borrowings in the field of business and economic discourse:

– the emergence of new economic terms (outsourcing, default, recession, networking, franchising, etc.);

– the emergence of areas of knowledge that need a name (marketing, management, leasing, credit, etc.);

– for a more sonorous and capacious sound of some concepts (showroom - exhibition hall for displaying samples of goods, second-hand – used clothing, etc.);

– the need to create a more relevant and status concept (office (office), HR manager (HR specialist), etc.).

Economics, as a science, received its initial development in England, USA, therefore English borrowings form large thematic groups, among which the following can be distinguished [3]:

1. Terms denoting the names of professions, specialists: dealer, manager, office manager, top manager, merchandiser, broker, trader, etc.;

2. Various terms of exchange and banking business: clearing, business, charter, trust, quotation, monitoring, investment, barter, dollar, check, etc.;

3. The name of private and state structures forming different types of associations: consulting, holding, etc.;

4. The name of types of commercial activities and various economic programs: outright, outtrade, outplacement, outsourcing, etc.;

5. The names of securities and currencies: bond, option, derivative, Eurobond, futures, warrant, etc. others .

6. The label included in the name: B2B (Business for Business), B2C (Business for Consumer).

In the business sphere, the concepts of Incoterms have been approved, designed to describe the terms of delivery and the moment when responsibility for the goods passes to the buyer. Commonly recognized abbreviations are often not translated, for example, denoting financial ratios: ESOP = employee stock ownership plan; LIFO = last entry, first exit; Production JIT = just-in-time production; PPP = purchasing power parity; OTE = planned profit). As we mentioned earlier, CV resume is well known to working people and/or students, but most often people do not know its equivalent phrase or etymology. Similarly, EU, VAT, SWOT and CEO are deciphered by intermediate and advanced level students, and in most cases they instantly voice the equivalent phrase. We will offer examples of generally approved abbreviations that can be translated using transcription or not translated at all: SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions), JIT (Just in time), PR: Public Relations, B2B; Business to Business B2C: Business to Consumer.


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