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test рефераты и научные статьи

Последнее обновление: Январь 11, 2018
  • "Railway Track Testing" research laboratory

    "Railway Track Testing" research laboratory

    Слайд 1 Can I have your attention ,please? Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I’m a first year student of TTCM faculty, Siberian STU , Darya Lavrentyeva. The presentation is devoted to "Railway Track Testing" research laboratory Слайд 2 My aim today is to give a brief description of the laboratory under study. Слайд 3 I’ve divided my presentation into three parts. So, I’ll start off by giving you an overview of historical background and current

    Размер документа: 633 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Март 23, 2019 Автор: Даша Лаврентьева
  • Effects of the Semipalatinsk Test Site in an Independent Kazakhstan

    Effects of the Semipalatinsk Test Site in an Independent Kazakhstan

    Effects of the Semipalatinsk Test Site in an Independent Kazakhstan Nuclear weapons testing has been put into practice by the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea. Although these countries all have different intentions in why they are testing these nuclear weapons, such testing has had grave affects to the region and the people that inhabit it. For example, the envi ronment is destroyed and made uninhabitable. Radiation that

    Размер документа: 2,038 Слов / 9 Страниц
    Отправлено: Октябрь 24, 2019 Автор: ssunnshine_99
  • History test

    History test

    1. Ежелгі қосөзенде «әлемнің төрт құбыласының билеушісі» деп аталған патша. А) Шульги б) Саргон В) Нарамсин Г) Хаммурапи. 2. Төмендегі карталардың қайсысы Қосөзен бойын көрсетеді. А) А Б) Б В) В А Б В 3.Қытай жеріндегі екі үлкен өзен: А) Ефрат пен Тигр Б) Үнді мен Ганг В) Хуанхе мен Янцзы. 4. Мына жауаптардың қайсысы дұрыс емес? А) б.з.б 1792-10 жылдар арасында патшалық құрған Хаммурапи Қосөзенді Вавилон қоластына біріктірді. Б) Елде бірыңғай тәртіп пен басқару

    Размер документа: 635 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 1, 2022 Автор: Zhanel........
  • English test

    English test

    English test Grade 2 1 variant 1. What’s the weather like? A) It’s sunny B) It’s snowing C) It’s windy D) It’s hot E) It’s raining 2. I’m wearing a ______________. A) coat B) boots C) dress D) shirt E) jeans 3. She is ____________. A) sad B) happy C) thirsty D) hungry E) brave 4. He ______ going to the zoo. A) am B) is C) are D) can E) has

    Размер документа: 634 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Апрель 30, 2023 Автор: ainurbadyrova
  • Test English Language

    Test English Language

    1 Choose the suitable verb: But at this time my boss. ... Is not do not are not does not am not 2)Choose te suitable pronoun He always corrects ... mustakes She His We He They 3)Choose say suitable verb: somebody … me, when I go hom Follows Be Follows Follow in follow Is follow 5. choose the suitable prepositions: we spin a lot… time in the library Of In From On Out 6. choose

    Размер документа: 1,041 Слов / 5 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 14, 2023 Автор: sabey005
  • Test zu den Themen "Reise, Hotel, Jugendherberge, Camping"

    Test zu den Themen "Reise, Hotel, Jugendherberge, Camping"

    Test zu den Themen „Reise, Hotel, Jugendherberge, Camping“ Selbständige Arbeit 1. Finden Sie Synonympaare. 1. der Schnellzug 2. der Reisegefährte 3. das Geld umtauschen 4. luftkrank sein 5. j-n betreuen 6. halten für (Akk.) 7. die Rechnung fertig stellen 8. reservieren 9. voll besetzt sein 10. Nachweis erbringen 11. j-m abhanden kommen 12. den Stress abschütteln 13. die Reise verlegen 1. verschieben 2. nachweisen 3. j-n behandeln 4. an Luftkrankheit leiden 5. voll ausgebucht sein

    Размер документа: 1,530 Слов / 7 Страниц
    Отправлено: Июнь 7, 2023 Автор: ElenaHruschtsch
  • Developpement et test d'une pile a combustible microbienne

    Developpement et test d'une pile a combustible microbienne

    М.Д.Халидова Россия, Москва, Российский государственный аграрный университет – МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева Научный руководитель – О. В. Таканова DÉVELOPPEMENT ET TEST D'UNE PILE À COMBUSTIBLE MICROBIENNE Le sujet de mon article est «Développement et test d'une à compustible microbienne». Tout le monde sait que la recherche de sources d'énergie alternatives est l'une des principales tâches de la dernière décennie. Dans mon article , je vais vous parler de la source d'énergie dans laquelle l'électricité est

    Размер документа: 1,478 Слов / 6 Страниц
    Отправлено: Сентябрь 9, 2023 Автор: marta2409
  • Pedagogy test for bachelor

    Pedagogy test for bachelor

    1. What sciences are “Education” being studied alongside at the present time? A) Philosophy, sociology, economics B) Philosophy, psychology, geography C) Sociology, geography, economic D) Economics, philosophy, math E) Math, astronomy, sociology 2. What aspects of interpretation does modern pedagogical theory consider for the content of education? A) value, system, process, results B) value, system, result, amount C) system, process, amount, size D) process, result, value, volume E) value, process, results, size 3. What is

    Размер документа: 2,785 Слов / 12 Страниц
    Отправлено: Октябрь 6, 2023 Автор: Dosbol Tonbolat
  • The analysis PISA test results in Kazakhstan

    The analysis PISA test results in Kazakhstan

    The analysis PISA test results in Kazakhstan Our Group: Tazabekova Nurgul Daurenbek Mereke Aitbolat Yenglikgul Abstract: The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an internationally recognized benchmark for evaluating the quality of education systems around the world. This research paper examines the performance of Kazakhstan on the PISA test, with a focus on identifying key trends and implications for educational policy. The paper analyzes the PISA test results for Kazakhstan in the areas of

    Размер документа: 2,346 Слов / 10 Страниц
    Отправлено: Октябрь 25, 2023 Автор: flowwwray
  • Biologiya fanidan namunaviy test topshiriqlari

    Biologiya fanidan namunaviy test topshiriqlari

    Biologiya fanidan namunaviy test topshiriqlari Biologiya 1. Fanga “aorta” tushunchasini kiritgan olimni aniqlang. A) Leonardo da Vinchi B) Galen C) Gippokrat D) Aristotel 2. Nuqtalar o‘rniga mos keluvchi javobni aniqlang. Ribosoma ... . A)ATF sintezlaydi B)bir membranali organoid C)hujayra turgorligini ta’minlaydi D)hayotning barcha hujayraviy shakllarida uchraydi 3. Quyidagi organizmlarga xos tuzilmalar to‘g‘ri ko‘rsatilgan javobni aniqlang. a) achitqi zamburug‘i; b) ossillatoriya. 1) plastida; 2) mitselliy; 3) plazmatik membrana; 4) halqasimon DNK; 5) ribosoma; 6) mitoxondriya A)

    Размер документа: 906 Слов / 4 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 12, 2023 Автор: Mahfuza01
  • Packet Tracer - Case Study - Prototype & Test the Solution

    Packet Tracer - Case Study - Prototype & Test the Solution

    Лабораторная работа №6 Packet Tracer - Case Study - Prototype & Test the Solution Откроем программу «6.3 - Case Study - Prototype - Test the Solution», которая изображена на рисунке 6.1. Рисунок 6.1– Case Study - Prototype - Test the Solution Щелкнем 2 раза по устройству SBC. Щелкнем вкладку «Programming». В открывшейся левой панели отображается имя файла, в данном случае «». Это программа, которая будет работать в SBC от имени Garage Door, изображено на рисунке

    Размер документа: 305 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Февраль 26, 2024 Автор: RENSentinel
  • Рецензия к статье "Three drugs tests in a year ‘is normal’, says Salwa Eid Naser"

    Рецензия к статье "Three drugs tests in a year ‘is normal’, says Salwa Eid Naser"

    The headline of the article is Missing three drugs tests in a year ‘is normal’, says Salwa Eid Naser. The author of the article is Sean Ingle is the Guardian's chief sports reporter. It is written on Sat 6 Jun 2020 in The Guardian. The article under discussion is devoted to the problem drug tests. At the beginning of the story the author mentions Salwa Eid Naser, who impressively ran the third fastest 400-meter race

    Размер документа: 710 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Апрель 18, 2024 Автор: veronika61